Improving the registration stability of cone-beam computed tomography with the Sphere-Mask Optical Positioning System: a feasibility study
The purpose of most image-guided positioning methods is to register the computed tomography (CT) image to calculate the tumor center position of a patient in the on-site coordinate system and move that information to the machine treatment isocenter. The accuracy of the registration determines the accuracy of the positioning.
Over the past decades, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become the standard for positioning in conventional fractionated and hypofractionated radiotherapy due to its outstanding advantages, including stereo imaging, sufficient contrast, and a low radiation dose (1,2). The registration methods used in CBCT-based positioning can mainly be divided into grayscale-based automatic registration methods (3-5), bony-based automatic registration methods (3,6-8), and manual registration methods (3,9). The accuracy of registration has been improved by the proposal of new registration algorithms. For example, XVI (Elekta Synergy, Stockholm, Sweden) uses a dual-image registration method that combines the grayscale and bony marker methods (10). Deng et al. (11) applied a combination of stationary wavelet transform and mutual information to compensate for the lack of spatial information in grayscale-based registration. In addition, there are many other registration methods, such as gradient-based methods (12,13) and deep learning–based registration methods (14-16). For example, Fu et al. (17) proposed a deformable registration method using biomechanically constrained deep learning networks. However, considering the limitations of the technology (14,18) and the imaging problems (e.g., scattering, artifacts) of CBCT (19-21), it is difficult to achieve high accuracy and stability for CBCT registration. Therefore, Al-Saleh et al. (22), in their review analyzing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-CT/CBCT registration, suggested using third-party tools independent of CBCT to measure registration accuracy. However, thus far, few tools can be used to supervise the registration accuracy of CBCT besides surface-guided radiation therapy (SGRT) techniques represented by Catalyst and Sentinel systems (23-26). However, these SGRT technologies cannot effectively supervise CBCT registration due to their poor accuracy (25). Therefore, radiation therapists usually use other techniques to aid CBCT registration clinically. For example, using gold fiducial markers improves the positioning accuracy for prostate cancer (27-29), and surgical clips help to localize the excision cavity for breast cancer (30-32). These auxiliary technologies are also affected by the imaging quality of CBCT. However, a recent study showed that Sphere-Mask Optical Positioning System (S-M_OPS) was not affected by imaging quality and provided comparable localization accuracy to CBCT. Hence, it could supervise CBCT-guided registration accuracy (33).
The purpose of this study was to use S-M_OPS as an independent third-party tool to supervise the process of CBCT registration, improve the accuracy and stability of CBCT registration, and verify the feasibility of the method through clinical trials.
S-M_OPS, developed by Nanjing University and the Nanjing Zhiyun Medical Device Research Institute, is a stereo infrared optical tracking system that can perform noninvasive, submillimeter-level localization and real-time tracking during positioning and treatment (34,35). The registration time required for S-M_OPS is 0.1 s (10 fps), which is much lower than that required by commonly used registration algorithms (65 s) and manual registration (82 s) (10). It is especially suitable for countries with a low amount of radiotherapy equipment per million population, such as low- and middle-income countries (36,37), due to its short registration time. S-M_OPS adopts point registration, which is a type of rigid registration (22). After 7 years of clinical trials [2016–2022], S-M_OPS has been demonstrated to be accurate and reliable (33).
S-M_OPS is composed of a binocular infrared camera, infrared positioning spheres, a thermoplastic mask, and the S-M_OPS treatment planning system. The positioning accuracy of the binocular infrared camera is 0.25 mm in three-dimensional (3D) space, and the diameter of the positioning sphere is 11 mm (Figure 1). During patient positioning, the positioning spheres are permanently fixed on the thermoplastic mask, which keeps the spheres and the thermoplastic mask from slipping during all fractions. When positioning and radiotherapy are conducted, S-M_OPS monitors the patient’s position, posture, and breathing by tracking the positioning spheres on the thermoplastic mask during fractions in real time. S-M_OPS is compatible with most of the existing radiotherapy plans (especially the fractionated treatment with the thermoplastic mask), as it can apply the combination of positioning spheres and the thermoplastic mask to the whole body (including the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis). By using the more sensitive thermoplastic mask and normalizing the position of the positioning spheres (as shown in Figure 1), it is possible to capture patient activity with more sensitivity.

Patient selection and fixtures
A total of 28 patients who received intensity-modulate radiotherapy (IMRT) and site verification by CBCT were selected for this study. The distribution of sites examined was as follows: 1 case in the head and neck, 14 cases in the esophagus, 6 cases in the thorax, 2 cases in the abdomen, 3 cases in the pelvis, and 2 cases in other parts. The mean age of the patients was 68.4 years old, and the median age was 70 years (range, 52–85 years). The patient whose head and neck were scanned was immobilized with the thermoplastic mask. Patients whose thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and other parts were scanned were immobilized with the thermoplastic film and a vacuum.
After the patient was immobilized, the radiotherapists fixed the positioning spheres at the bony markers on the thermoplastic mask (as shown in Figure 1). The positions of the positioning spheres needed to reflect the body surface characteristics of the region of interest.
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013) and was approved by the Nantong Cancer Hospital, Medical Department, Medical Technology Access Management Committee. Informed consent was obtained from all the patients.
Image-guided protocol and trial procedure
The principle of positioning is moving the tumor center to the machine treatment isocenter within the tolerance of the error. Before the trial, radiotherapists fixed the positioning spheres on the linear accelerator and the couch. By rotating the accelerator and moving the couch, S-M_OPS could acquire the machine treatment isocenter of the linear accelerator by tracking the positioning spheres. In order to reduce the uncertainty generated by mechanical error, we carried out these steps before every fraction to obtain the correct machine treatment isocenter.
The detailed trial procedures are shown in Figure 2 and described below.

The planning phase
Each patient was placed in the supine position and underwent CT scanning for planning. For the head and neck, the patient was scanned with a 3-mm slice thickness with a Brilliance Big Bore CT Scanner (Philips, Amsterdam, Netherlands). For the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, the slice thickness was 5 mm. The CT data were then transmitted to the Pinnacle treatment planning system (Philips), and the S-M_OPS treatment planning system. All patients’ therapy plans were generated by the Philips Pinnacle system. We obtained the position of the real tumor center (denoted as the real tumor center T0, as shown in Figure 3) from the therapy plan. S-M_OPS delineated the positions of the spheres and calculated the associated parameters, which was the relative 3D spatial relationship between spheres and the tumor, denoted as the sphere-tumor relative relationship.

The registration phase
All patients underwent CBCT image acquisition with the XVI system (Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden). The XVI system is a CBCT unit integrated into the Synergy linear accelerator (Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden). The system consists of a kilovoltage-class X-ray source (producing 70- to 150-kVp diagnostic quality X-rays) and a flat panel detector (amorphous silicon/cesium iodide) mounted on 2 telescopic arms. In this clinical study, the field of view was set to the medium field of view, the collimator/filter was set to M20/F1, and the X-ray tube voltage was set to 120 kVp.
The XVI system automatically registered the collected CBCT data and obtained the location of the tumor center (denoted as CBCT tumor center T1, as shown in Figure 3) (10). According to 3 components of T1, radiotherapists determined the positioning errors in the latitudinal (LAT; left/right), vertical (VRT; superior/inferior), and longitudinal (LNG) directions and moved the couch. Meanwhile, S-M_OPS was used for independent third-party supervision. By tracking the position of the positioning spheres in real time and using the sphere–tumor relative relationship obtained in the previous phase, the S-M_OPS could calculate the position of the tumor center (denoted as S-M_OPS tumor center T2, as shown in Figure 3) and the supervision result (the 3D vector from T1 to T2, the 3 components of which represented the registration errors in the LAT, LNG, and VRT directions).
The re-registration phase
The clinically accepted registration error cannot exceed ±3.0 mm for the head and neck in any direction and cannot exceed ±5.0 mm for the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and other parts (38-40). Therefore, for the head and neck, we selected a patient whose registration error was ≥3 or ≤–3 mm in 1 direction in the supervision result. For the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and other parts, we selected patients whose registration error was ≥5 or ≤–5 mm in 1 direction in the supervision result. Then, for the patients selected, we re-registered rigorously and obtained the re-registration result (denoted as re-registration tumor center T3, as shown in Figure 3).
We viewed the position of the re-registration tumor center, T3, as the position of the real tumor center, T0, in the CBCT image and used the re-registration tumor center, T3, as the standard to evaluate the accuracy of CBCT registration and S-M_OPS registration. Therefore, the registration error was equal to the deviation from the tumor center (T1 or T2) to the re-registration tumor center, T3. We denoted the CBCT registration error as (the 3D vector from T1 to T3, of which the 3 components represented the registration errors in the LAT, LNG, and VRT directions, as shown in Figure 3). In addition, we denoted the S-M_OPS registration error as (), the 3D vector from T2 to T3, of which the 3 components represented the registration errors in the LAT, LNG, and VRT directions, as shown in Figure 3).
Finally, based on the re-registration result, the radiotherapists moved the couch and used the Synergy linear accelerator to treat the patient.
Additional measures were taken to reduce some uncertainties. For example, we supervised the machine treatment isocenter to reduce the influence of mechanical error. However, other uncertainties could influence the registration accuracy during the conventional fraction, including imaging quality, human factors, and intrafraction motion. We included these uncertainties because these factors were unavoidable for CBCT registration.
Statistical analysis
For CBCT registration errors and S-M_OPS registration errors, the Mann-Whitney test was adopted to test for the equality of means, and the F test was applied to test for the equality of variances. Statistical significance was defined as P<0.05.
The distribution of CBCT registration errors supervised by S-M_OPS in the LAT, LNG, and VRT directions (the 3 components of ) is shown in Figure 4. For all data, the mean errors in LAT, VRT, and LNG directions were 0.64, –1.37, and 2.04 mm, respectively. Among these data, we found that 5 groups of data did not meet the registration requirement clinically, including patient 3 (10.5 mm in the LNG direction), patient 4 (6.8 mm in the LNG direction), patient 5 (5.8 mm in the LNG direction), patient 6 (–5.1 mm in the VRT direction, 8.0 mm in the LNG direction), and patient 24 (5.0 mm in the LAT direction).

Patient 3’s treatment position was in the lungs. We obtained the location of the real tumor center T0 from the CT images for the radiation therapy plan and the location of the CBCT tumor center T1 from the CBCT images after registration. Figure 5A shows the CT image and CBCT images on the sagittal plane. We noticed that, with the vertebra as the reference, T0 was located on the top of the reference vertebral body in the LNG direction in the CT image. However, the CBCT registration result showed that the CBCT tumor center T1was located at the bottom of the reference vertebral body, which meant there was a large deviation from the real tumor center, T0, in the LNG direction. Taking the vertebral body and associated soft tissues as the reference marks, we re-registered and obtained the re-registration tumor center, T3.

Patient 4’s treatment position was also in the lungs. Figure 5B shows the CT image and CBCT images on the sagittal plane. Taking the rib as the reference, the real tumor center, T0, was located above the reference rib in the LNG direction in the CT image. However, the CBCT registration result showed that the CBCT tumor center, T1, passed through the middle of the rib, which meant there was an obvious deviation from the real tumor center, T0, in the LNG direction. Taking the rib and associated soft tissues as the reference marks, we re-registered and obtained the re-registration tumor center, T3.
Patient 5’s treatment position was in the esophagus. Figure 6A shows the CT image and CBCT image on the sagittal plane. With the spine as the reference, the real tumor center, T0, passed through the inferior plane of the reference spinous process in the LNG direction in the CT image. However, the CBCT registration result showed that the CBCT tumor center, T1, passed through the top of the next spinous process, which meant there was a certain deviation from the real tumor center, T0, in the LNG direction. Taking the spinous process and associated soft tissues as the reference marks, we re-registered and obtained the re-registration tumor center, T3.

Patient 6’s treatment position was in the bronchi and lungs. Figure 6B shows the CT image and CBCT images on the sagittal plane. Taking the vertebra as the reference, the real tumor center, T0, passed through the middle of the vertebral body in the LNG direction in the CT image. However, the CBCT registration result showed that the CBCT tumor center, T1, was located at the bottom of the vertebral body, which meant there was an obvious deviation from the real tumor center, T0, in the LNG direction. Taking the vertebral body and associated soft tissues as the reference marks, we re-registered and obtained the re-registration tumor center, T3.
Patient 24’s treatment position was in the esophagus. Figure 7 shows the CT image and CBCT images on the transverse plane. In the CT image, with the spinous process as the reference, the real tumor center, T0, lay to its left and intersected it. However, according to the CBCT registration results, the CBCT tumor center, T1, was located on the left side of the vertebral body but did not intersect, which meant there was an obvious deviation from the real tumor center, T0, in the LAT direction. Due to the nonnegligible deviation in the LNG direction (LNG =4.2 mm), there might have been an error in the selection of the optimal layer of CBCT for registration (the slice thickness of CBCT was 5 mm). Taking the spinous process and associated soft tissues as the reference marks, we adjusted the layer of CBCT data, re-registered it, and obtained the re-registration tumor center, T3.

For each of the above 5 patients, we projected all points (including the CBCT tumor center, T1, S-M_OPS tumor center, T2, and re-registration tumor center, T3) to the same CBCT image and calculated all errors (including CBCT registration error and S-M_OPS registration error ) based on these points. All the above results are shown in Table 1. When we compared the CBCT registration error (the 3 components of ) and the S-M_OPS registration error (the 3 components of ), as shown in Figure 8, we found that the absolute values of the 3 components of were all less than those of . CBCT registration errors (mean ± standard deviation, denoted as mean ± SD) in the LAT, VRT, and LNG directions were 0.90±3.20, –1.70±0.98, and 7.30±2.14 mm, while S-M_OPS registration errors were 0.40±0.14, 0.32±0.66, and 0.24±1.12 mm, respectively.
Table 1
Patient ID | CBCT registration result T1 (mm) | S-M_OPS registration result T2 (mm) | Re-registration result T3 (mm) | CBCT registration error (mm) | S-M_OPS registration error (mm) |
Patient 3 | 0, 0, 0 | 0.1, –0.5, 10.5 | 0.5, –0.5, 10.5 | 0.5, –0.5, 10.5 | 0.4, 0, 0 |
Patient 4 | 0, 0, 0 | –3.1, –1.3, 6.8 | –2.5, –1.5, 8.5 | –2.5, –1.5, 8.5 | 0.6, –0.2, 1.7 |
Patient 5 | 0, 0, 0 | –2.8, –1.8, 5.8 | –2.5, –1.5, 4.5 | –2.5, –1.5, 4.5 | 0.3, 0.3, –1.3 |
Patient 6 | 0, 0, 0 | 3.3, –5.1, 8 | 3.5, –3.5, 7.5 | 3.5, –3.5, 7.5 | 0.2, 1.6, –0.5 |
Patient 24 | 0, 0, 0 | 5, –1.4, 4.2 | 5.5, –1.5, 5.5 | 5.5, –1.5, 5.5 | 0.5, –0.1, 1.3 |
Values are shown in 3-dimensional coordinates or 3-dimensional vectors, with 3 components representing the registration results or registration errors in the LAT, LNG, and VRT directions, respectively. CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; S-M_OPS, Sphere-Mask Optical Positioning System; LAT, latitudinal; VRT, vertical; LNG, longitudinal.

In addition, for the remaining 23 patients, we also re-registered them. In all 28 patients (5 selected patients and the remaining 23 patients), CBCT registration errors (mean ± SD) in the LAT, VRT, and LNG directions are shown in Table 2. The results of the t-test and F test and their associated P values are shown in Table 2). Significant differences favoring S-M_OPS registration in all directions were observed (P<0.01 in the t-test or F test). As mentioned in section “Image-guided protocol and trial procedure”, the generally accepted clinical registration error should be no more than ±3.0 mm in 1 direction for the head and neck, and no more than ±5.0 mm in 1 direction for the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis (38-40). Therefore, for the CBCT registration, 82.14% of patients (23/28) met the clinical requirements of registration. For S-M_OPS registration, 100% of the patients (28/28) met the clinical requirements of registration.
Table 2
Direction | CBCT registration error (mm) | S-M_OPS registration error (mm) | Difference | |
Mann-Whitney test | F test | |||
LAT | 0.39±2.69 | –0.25±1.33 | 0.22 | <10–3 |
VRT | –0.82±1.47 | 0.55±1.27 | <10–3 | 0.23 |
LNG | 2.39±2.93 | 0.36±1.34 | <10–2 | <10–4 |
Values are shown in mean ± SD or P value (Mann-Whitney test and F test). CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; S-M_OPS, Sphere-Mask Optical Positioning System; LAT, latitudinal; VRT, vertical; LNG, longitudinal; SD, standard deviation.
In terms of accuracy, we found that in all patients, the absolute value of the means of S-M_OPS registration errors (–0.25, 0.55, and 0.36 mm) were all smaller than those of CBCT registration errors (0.39, –0.82, and 2.39 mm). In terms of stability, all (28/28) S-M_OPS registration results met the clinical registration requirement, while 85.71% (24/28) CBCT registrations met the clinical requirements. The SDs of the S-M_OPS registration errors (1.33, 1.27, and 1.34 mm) were smaller than those of the CBCT registration errors (2.69, 1.47, and 2.93 mm), which indicated that S-M_OPS could improve the feasibility of CBCT registration stability (P<10–3 in the LAT direction; P=0.23 in the VRT direction; P<10–4 in the LNG direction).
The causes of CBCT registration errors were complex. First, for all of the patients, the CBCT registration error in the LNG direction was the greatest. This was attributed to the existence of thickness (typically 3 or 5 mm) between layers of data acquired by planning CT (usually helical CT). Therefore, compared with those of the horizontal data, the reconstruction results of the LNG data were poor, which would affect the accuracy of CBCT registration (41,42). In addition, during manual verification, it was difficult for the radiation therapists to select the data with large errors in the LNG direction from the sagittal plane image or coronal plane image with poor reconstruction results. Second, the imaging quality of the CBCT (such as scattering and artifacts) was also a factor that affected the registration results (19,20). For example, in the results of patient 4 (Figure 5B), it could be seen that the CBCT reconstructed image had low soft-tissue contrast, relatively large noise, and inconspicuous bony markers, which meant the CBCT imaging quality could not be improved by changing the window width and window level. Therefore, the result of grayscale-based registration or bony marker-based registration was poor, and the result of manual verification was also affected. Currently, the pursuits of a low acquisition time and low additional radiation (43-45) make it difficult to improve the quality of CBCT imaging. However, S-M_OPS adopts point registration, and the result is only related to the sphere–tumor relative relationship, which reduces the dependence on CT/CBCT imaging quality.
In addition to the above reasons related to CT/CBCT imaging, other uncertainties affected CBCT registration, which are discussed below.
The position of the real tumor center T0
When designing the radiotherapy plan according to the intersection of the laser line projections on the thermoplastic mask, radiotherapists fix the lead marks on the thermoplastic mask. According to the lead markers imaged on the CT images, dosimetrists determine the real tumor center, T0 (the intersection of lead markers on CT images). However, due to the existence of CT thickness, the lead markers fixed on the thermoplastic mask will appear on multiple consecutive slices, and the center of the lead mark is visually determined by the dosimetrists, which might result in the wrong tumor center, T0’, in the LNG direction in CT images. This phenomenon occurred in all 5 of the selected patients. Especially for patient 3 (Figure 5A), we found that the lead marker was displayed as a cylinder instead of the original spherical shape, which would affect the design of the radiotherapy plan or subsequent registration. To solve this problem, S-M_OPS is associated with the tumor center through the use of 6 positioning spheres attached to the thermoplastic mask. The diameters of the positioning spheres are 11.0 mm, which can also be imaged by the CT and appear in at least 2 slices. The S-M_OPS treatment planning system can detect the outline of the sphere in each slice automatically and calculate the sphere center based on the detected outlines. In other words, unlike the lead markers used in the traditional method, the S-M_OPS sphere center must not be determined on a specific CT slice.
Human factors
Uncertainties caused by human factors are unavoidable. Due to different experiences, different radiation therapists produce different registration results, including different manual registration results and different manual verification results after automatic registration. In addition, there are many other manual factors. For example, when designing the radiotherapy plan mentioned above, radiotherapists need to fix the lead marks on the thermoplastic mask. However, there might be deviations when fixing lead marks due to human subjectivity. For example, in patient 24 (Figure 7), we found that the left lead marker and the right lead mark were not on the same horizontal line (the LAT direction), which could lead to the error in determining the real tumor center, T0. However, immobilizing positioning spheres does not require high precision because the S-M_OPS treatment planning system can recognize the positions of positioning spheres automatically, which reduces the impact of human factors on registration accuracy.
Intrafraction motion
Intrafraction motion, which is caused by the respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, cardiac system, and gastrointestinal system, has been an increasingly important issue in the era of image-guided radiotherapy (46). For example, considering the XVI system performed a 360° rotation in 2 min (660 projections) or a 200° rotation in 4 min (1,320 projections) in this study, the intrafraction motion was unavoidable, and intrafraction motion would lead to uncertainty in the CBCT registration. However, S-M_OPS registration did not require the time to conduct the imaging. Instead, it needed only about 0.1 s to register. As a result, S-M_OPS could reduce the uncertainty caused by intrafraction motion.
Other factors
In addition, mechanical errors and the specificity of different CBCT automatic registration algorithms are also uncertainties that affect the accuracy of CBCT registration.
Finally, we compared different techniques’ registration accuracy (24,26,47,48), as shown in Table 3. In general, the registration accuracy and stability of S-M_OPS were much better than those of the Sentinel system, Catalyst system, and surgical clips, and S-M_OPS could provide comparable positioning accuracy to a gold fiducial. However, the gold fiducial needs to be implanted into the tumor to assist in positioning. Doing so requires multiple scans and requires calibration prior to each scan, which involves additional radiation and additional time. For the surgical clip, its registration accuracy depends on the surgeon’s surgical technique and the number of clips inserted (30). The Sentinel and Catalyst systems use structured light to capture the 3D surface of the patient and register the acquired surface to the previously recorded one for positioning error detection. However, surface-based registration has several drawbacks. First, the thorax and pelvic surfaces present symmetric shapes along the VRT direction, adversely affecting the positioning accuracy in the LNG and VRT direction (49). Second, the surface is prone to deformation due to the level of organ filling or loss of weight, and the surfaces of overweight patients are hard to reproduce. In light of these factors, surface-based registration accuracy is limited.
Table 3
Technologies | LAT (mm) | VRT (mm) | LNG (mm) |
S-M_OPS (cancer in the head and neck, thorax, and pelvis) | –0.25±1.33 | 0.55±1.27 | 0.36±1.34 |
Surgical clips (breast cancer, cup A–B, supine cohort) | 2.6±3.3 | 2.3±3.2 | 1.8±3.2 |
Gold fiducial (prostate cancer) | 0.54±2.20 | 0.70±2.20 | 0.90±2.30 |
Sentinel (cancer in the head and neck, thorax, and pelvis) | –1.0±3.7 | 1.1±6.4 | –1.8±6.0 |
Catalyst (cancer in the head and neck, thorax, and pelvis) | 0.7±2.8 | –1.3±4.0 | 1.5±3.6 |
Values are shown in mean ± SD. S-M_OPS, Sphere-Mask Optical Positioning System; LAT, latitudinal; VRT, vertical; LNG, longitudinal; SD, standard deviation.
This study verified the feasibility of S-M_OPS to improve the registration stability of CBCT and proposed a new solution to improving registration accuracy and stability. The solution was to use S-M_OPS as an independent third-party system together with other registration methods. This method was not only suitable for CBCT but also for multimodal image acquisition methods, including MRI and ultrasound imaging.
Funding: This work was supported by the Jiangsu Provincial Social Development Key R&D Program (grant No. BE2020685).
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study was approved by the Nantong Cancer Hospital, Medical Department, Medical Technology Access Management Committee, and informed consent was obtained from all the patients.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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