Towards toxic and narcotic medication detection with rotated object detectors
Medicinal toxic drugs and narcotic drugs especially, as well as psychotropic substances and radioactive pharmaceuticals, are special medications that require strict management in hospitals. If these medications inflow into the market illegally, the harm is unimaginable and includes the circulation of the crystal methamphetamine (1,2). In China, these four kinds of special medications are managed strictly by a special person, special counter, special account books, special prescription, and special book registration (3,4). As a daily task, these medications need to be double-checked under the supervision of two staff members every day. In parallel, the empty ampoules of these medications must be sent back to the central pharmacy after use to ensure that the quantity of prescribed drugs is consistent with that indicated by the empty ampoules. In the mode of traditional medicine cabinet management, many problems would arise. For instance, modification of anesthetic prescriptions is very common in clinics, which often leads to records that are inconsistent with the actual presence of medications in the counter because of the delay in the drug information update. Moreover, it is difficult to trace incidents such as false claims made by internal personnel, illegal prescriptions, and improper management of residual liquids (5,6). These problems bring great risks to the management of special medication, and there is an urgent need to implement informatization management of special medication with an intelligent medicine cabinet to reduce errors and avoid labor and time costs (7).
As a cornerstone project in computer vision with deep learning, object detection has long been attractive to researchers. The exploration and exploitation of these research achievements have stimulated the ongoing emergence of advanced products in the industry.
Ever since AlexNet won the ImageNet 2012 competition, deep learning has returned as a leading actor in the academic and industrial world (8). Spontaneously, researchers have proposed numerous algorithms to take advantage of deep learning in solving the object detection problem, which is a combination of classification and localization tasks. Ross Girshick designed a diagram leveraging features of the region-based convolutional neural network (R-CNN) (9). Endeavors of such a strategy include two stages. One is the extraction of deep features from input images, and the other is the determination of the region of interest (ROI) in which the extracted features contribute the most to the final prediction process. One intrinsic drawback of the R-CNN series is its relatively high latency, despite advancements in its siblings, such as fast-RCNNs (10) and faster-RCNNs (11). In 2015, Joseph Redmon invented the you only look once (YOLO) (12) style network, in which an input image is cut into different scaled grids, each containing multiple anchors in charge of the bounding box regression. In this way, the feature embedding and re-localization on ROIs could occur in one single round, which eliminates the need for the ROI searching process and tremendously decreases its time consumption. During the past few years, the YOLO series has continually evolved as a state-of-the-art object detector that not only wins titles in academic contests but also receives renown in the industrial field (13-16).
Most existing annotated data sets used for object detection projects provide bounding boxes as rectangles parallel to the x- and y-axes. However, in the real world, there are specific scenarios in which objects are usually densely arranged in arbitrary orientations. Under such circumstances arose special requirements, especially from the aerospace industry, in which aerial view photos are commonly used. Compared with the prediction of horizontal bounding boxes, rotated object detection has an extra variable-rotation angle θ to consider. Yang et al. provided solutions in which θ is encapsulated by specifically designed skew-intersection-over-union loss functions (17-20). The difference in the bounding box rotated angle created using this process contributes to the update of network parameters during the backpropagation procedure. Ming et al. made an effort to invent more efficient rotated anchor learning procedures and refined feature extractors that addressed the inconsistency between classification and bounding box regression and produce models that are more suitable for the arbitrarily oriented object detection task (21-23). Similar work related to aerial images was undertaken by Han et al., who proposed the oriented detection module and feature alignment module (24,25).
Despite being a special case of rotated object detection, toxic and narcotic medication identification problems require thorough exploration. On the one hand, popular data sets used to train horizontal and rotated object detectors include some samples with the same distribution as the toxic and narcotic drugs of our interest. On the other hand, the existing rotated bounding box annotating method fails to provide the flexibility we hope to achieve. Moreover, the current non-maximum suppression (NMS) for rotated object detection is notorious for being a time-consuming post processor.
In this paper, we present an arbitrarily oriented object detector aimed at instantly and precisely identifying the specifications of toxic and narcotic medications. In this context, specification means a different medication or dose. The main contributions of this work boil down to three folds:
- YOLO-based backbone and head network have been revised and tuned to accomplish the toxic and narcotic medication detection target.
- A more flexible rotated bounding box annotation method is devised that shrinks the rotated angle into 0 to 90 degrees and forecasts the angle value employing a classification procedure.
- Last but not least, to make the proposed rotated toxic and narcotic medication detector feasible in real application scenarios the rotated intersection over union (IOU) is calculated with help of a 0-1 mask for each found object.
This paper is organized as follows. A brief introduction of this work and the related articles are exhibited in Section 1. Section 2 explains the details of the proposed network. Extensive experiments and comparison results analysis go into Section 3. Finally, in section 4 we conclude this work.
Rotated bounding box
In previous rotated object detection researches in aerial imaging processing field, a bounding box with arbitrary rotated angle is defined based on the common scenes that the long edge lies along the x-axis and the rotated angle ranges from −90° to 90° (26,27). However, a rotation could have been described with degrees from 0° to 89°. Instead of following the traditional long-short edge prerequisite which would impose more memory consumption, in this work, we define the rotated bounding box more flexibly. In specific, the horizontal bounding box changes along when rotated angle is greater than 90°. As shown in Figure 1, the up-left corner is the zero point, (xt, yt, wt, ht, θ) designate a rotated bounding box on the image. xt, yt are coordinates of the box center point. wt, ht are width, and height on x- and y-axis respectively. (xt, yt, wt, ht) draws a horizontal rectangle that has nothing to do with θ. The black arrow points to the positive direction of the rotated angle. After the observation of 360° rotation it is concluded that 0° to 89° are enough to cover all the different situations as long as we change the width and height once the θ crossed the 90°. In Figure 1, the left and right parts indicate two layouts of an ampoule, both θ are 45°, though the two horizontal bounding boxes are in orthogonal places.

Just like the circular smooth label (26), the regression of a rotated bounding box is now transformed to be the regression of a horizontal bounding box and a rotated angle θ. Rather than predicting θ continuously, a classifier would be trained to decide which degree is the closest to θ. Different granularity could be taken when it comes to the assignment of rotation degrees. For example, 90 granularity ends up with 1° being represented by one class label, while 180 granularity uses 180 classes to identify 90 degrees which means each class represents 0.5°.
Toxic and narcotic medication detector
In this work, a YOLO-based architecture is leveraged to build the rotated toxic and narcotic medication detector. As shown in Figure 2, an input image fed into the network would go through the downward embedding and the upward re-localization processes in turn. The essence of YOLO is that multi-scale grids are imposed on the same image and each grid gives out 3 anticipations based on the predefined anchors. For training, not all the grids participate in the forward and back-propagation procedures. Only those grids whose corresponding anchors are not too large or too small compared with the target bounding box are kept. The spaces covered by these grids are so called ROI. As a result, big sized objects would be taken care of by large scale grids and small sized objects fit in the denser grid scale. Moreover, when there are very few and small targets in the view, compared with the background, the number of ROIs would be limited. In case of the insufficiency of positive samples or the correctly predicted bounding boxes, two more neighbor grids of each target grid are picked up and assigned with the same label as the target grid’s. The backbone of this proposed architecture follows the design of YOLO-V5 small edition (28).

The final output on each grid scale is a matrix , in which NB is the number of batch size, NA is the number of anchors for each grid, , are the number of grids on y and x-axis respectively, NC is the number of medication specifications (classes), ND is the number of degree intervals. Given H, W as the input image height and width, the predicted horizontal rectangle based on the jth anchor in the kth row, lth column grid of the ith batch index image could be depicted by the center point coordinates xp, yp, the width wp and the height hp of the bounding box. From Eqs. [1-7], , , , .
In Eqs. [1-4], σ refers to the sigmoid function , , are the width and height of the jth anchor, Pijkl0 means the first item in the last dimension of the predicted matrix, so as the Pijkl1 to Pijkl4. Let IoU denote the IOU (29), the bounding box loss value for each grid is
in which xt, yt are the coordinates of the target bounding box whose width is wt and height is ht. L_box is the mean value of all the L_boxijkl who is not null.
Define which indicates whether or not there is an object in current grid.
The objective loss value is the binary cross entropy between P and T.
in which Pijkl4 indicates the objective loss is only affected by the fourth item in the last dimension of the predicted matrix. For each target label, there is a ct representing the index of medication specification (class). Suppose there are nt target boxes, let be the one-hot label matrix.
in which , . The corresponding selected output could be represented as each row of which are the 5th to (NC−1)th items in P. The classification loss value is
Similarly, to forecast the rotated degree θ, a one-hot matrix is introduced as
in which , . Let be the corresponding selected rows with the NCth to (ND−1)th columns from P. The loss value on degree is proposed as
The total loss value throughout the whole grid scales is a weighted summary of these four kinds of losses. Given ns grid scales, let L_box(i), L_obj(i), L_cls(i), L_θ(i) represent the loss values in the ith space, the loss in all is
in which ξ denotes the weight for object loss in different grid scale, γ is used to balance the four loss values.
Masked NMS
One of the most challenging tasks when designing an object detector is how to impose the NMS filter on the found boxes. There is no difference between horizontal and rotated bounding box NMS except for the IoU calculation (29). For horizontal IoU it is not complicated to figure out the rectangle areas, while for rotated IoU the intersection and union areas are irregular polygons which are not easy to get. Pure Cartesian geometry is a straightforward way to have the IoU result by calculating the polygon area of the intersection and the union, but it requires extremely high professional expertise to deal with the uncertainty of the shape. Moreover, such polygon area calculation could be time consuming. Alternatively, in this work, we devise an approximation leveraging 0-1 masks to find the IoU between two rotated bounding boxes. The idea is intrinsically straightforward and similar to former works like the mask-scoring (30) and the Pixels-IoU (PIoU) (31). Table 1 illustrates the mechanism of our proposed solution. Given two boxes depicted by the quintet (x, y, w, h, θ), the mask could be received utilizing get mask, and the iou ro is in charge of getting IoU between these two rotated boxes. hm, wm are hyperparameters deciding the mask size.
Table 1
: | |
1 | Get coordinates of up-left and bottom-right corners from |
2 | Let be the mask, |
3 | if θ ==0: |
4 | |
5 | else: |
6 | Get slopes and intercepts of rectangle edges, say |
7 | |
8 | return M |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | Get intersection |
4 | Get union |
5 | |
6 | return IoU |
IoU, intersection over union.
Dataset and preprocessing
There are 38 toxic and narcotic medication specifications in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital. To alleviate the pressure from manual annotation, we randomly mix the single specification images to generate more annotated samples. The random manners include rotation, resize, perspective transformation, random background, random location, and repetition. Because the source images used for data generation are caught in unrestricted circumstances which may be distinct to the environment of our product, we separate the training process into two stages. In the first stage, 6,000 randomly generated images and their corresponding labels (also automatically generated) are put together with another 523 manually annotated photos. These data are fed into the model for training from scratch. Then the pre-trained model is fine-tuned on the same 523 manually annotated images again as the second stage. The first stage training comes by a non-overfitting network based on a relatively large dataset, and the second stage training is focusing on real-world dataset. Forty-two manually annotated photos are left for inference experiments. Each object has both horizontal and rotated bounding box labels.
All the images in the dataset are in RGB format with 0 to 255-pixel values. The shape of input data is 640×640. Each sample would go through the 255 division and the min-max normalization individually. When it comes to data augmentation, we exert a series of configurable maneuvers including mosaic transformation, moving, shrinking, rotation, cropping, horizontal and vertical flipping, augmentation on hue, saturation, and value. For bounding box augmentation, we do not leverage the rotation process while for rotated bounding box the shrink ratios on the x- and y-axis are the same.
This work has been developed under the environment of a single RTX 3060Ti GPU card and PyTorch framework. As mentioned above, the backbone architecture is following the YOLO-V5-S (28). Number of grid scales ns =3, the respective grid steps are 8, 16, 32 on both axes. Correspondingly, the objective loss weight ξs are 4, 1, and 0.4. The balance parameters γbox =0.05, γcls =0.5, γobj =1, γθ =0.5. Target box edges longer than 4 times or smaller than 1/4 times of anchor edge would be ignored, because they are too large or too small compared with the grid size. 180° and 90° angel granularities have been tested. For comparison, we have trained both models in horizontal and rotated versions to see the tradeoff between precision and efficiency on these two kinds of networks. There are 200 epochs training on the 6,000+523 dataset and another 200 epochs on the 523 datasets. The batch size is 1 for training and validation. Optimizer is Adam (32) starting with learning rate of 1e–3. The optimizer scheduler decreases the learning rate to 50% once no improvement was seen in the loss value of 10 epochs. For NMS, the confidence threshold is 0.45 for both horizontal and rotated scenarios, the IoU thresholds are 0.45 and 0.25 respectively.
Result analysis
In this section, comparisons have been undertaken on YOLO-V5 tailored for toxic and narcotic medication detection tasks and the proposed arbitrary oriented bounding box detectors with θ=90 and θ=180 respectively. Firstly, the influence of mask size hm, wm on the performance of models are unveiled.
Figure 3 exhibits the evaluation with the inference dataset on multiple mask sizes (hm = wm). Both inference speed in terms of frame per second (FPS) and accuracy in terms of mean average precision (mAP)1 show a jump at the beginning and stays calm for the rest. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that small masks, despite coming with less memory reservation, would result in more ambiguous overlapped bounding boxes. Consequently, we choose hm = wm = 550 as default for the testing on two rotated YOLO models with different θs.

The tradeoff between accuracy and efficiency has been illustrated in Figure 4, in which the model size measured by the number of parameters, FPS, and mAP on different configured models are presented. The pros and cons of horizontal and arbitrary oriented object detectors are obvious to figure out. The best shot mAP of rotated YOLO model with θ=180 and hm = wm = 550 outperforms that of YOLO-V5 more than 5 percents. On the other hand, rotated detectors have hundreds of thousands of more parameters than their counterparts and need a longer time for inference.

In Figure 5 we give out a few examples of the toxic and narcotic medications accompanied by the detected results. Although both the YOLO-V5 and rotated YOLO detectors could figure out most of the medication specifications correctly, it is easy to see the rotated YOLO detectors are better at identifying densely arranged drugs. In conditions of (A), (B), and (D), when the drugs in parallel are placed in a larger inclination angle, YOLO-V5 is hardly to precisely mark all the targets partly because there are large intersections existing among horizontal rectangles. Since most ampoules encapsulated injections are put in plastic trays, for instance, the sufentanil citrate injection (blue ampoule) and the pethidine hydrochloride injection (purple ampoule) as shown in Figure 5, the rotated YOLO detectors could provide more feasible predictions.

Table 2 exhibits more details about the contrast test, in which the rotated models are configured with hm = wm = 550. As the footnote in Section 3.3 explained, the average precision when IoU is 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 are listed. mAP is the mean value all over the average precisions. Moreover, we also calculate the precision, recall, and F1 values. Without be distinguished as different objects, the whole classes of medications are taken into account to get a single value for each confidence and IoU threshold. Further, the mean value throughout these single values is kept as what has been presented in Table 2. The mAPs are in accordance with that of Figure 4 which demonstrates the advantage of rotated detectors in terms of accuracy. When the IoU threshold increased, the average precision of rotated models, especially the one with θ=180, deteriorates slower than YOLO-V5. According to precision, recall, and F1 values we could find that rotated YOLO detectors outperform YOLO-V5 mostly in recall which indicates the rotated models could find more bounding boxes correctly. The same evidence has been proven in Figure 5.
Table 2
Model | mAP | AP50 | AP75 | AP95 | Precision | Recall | F1 |
YOLO-V5 | 0.728 | 0.924 | 0.798 | 0.227 | 0.801 | 0.648 | 0.7 |
Ro_YOLO_90 | 0.766 | 0.97 | 0.817 | 0.222 | 0.796 | 0.656 | 0.693 |
Ro_YOLO_180 | 0.811 | 0.984 | 0.926 | 0.267 | 0.813 | 0.689 | 0.722 |
AP, average precision; mAP, mean average precision.
From Figure 5 we could tell another advantage of the rotated YOLO detectors that the used ampoules could be figured out by the length of the bounding box, which in contradictory is incapable for the horizontal bounding box detectors. Such feature is possible to be leveraged for further development of automatic devices. Figure 6 illustrates one of the potential advancements that identifies both used and unused ampoules and vials in a combo packaged box. The rotated YOLO detector would predict the categories of the objects, which in this case are the drugs. According to the provided class-id-to-drug-name dictionary, we could give out what kind of drugs and how many of them are there in the menu box. The upper-level software could compare the result with the prescription in the database. Nurses could get eased from the time-consuming works of drug counting and checking and pay more attention on other more important works. In Figure 6, except for one morphine ampoule has been omitted, all the drugs have been correctly detected. Referring to the length of rotated bounding boxes it is easy to find the used bottles. More efforts could be spared to improve the precision of the detector in future works.

Recently, new trends of deep learning advancement in object detection have attracted academic and industrial attention. For example, the successfully cross-field proved transformer has been transformed to fit the object detection task (34). Hinton’s group demonstrates the feasibility of solving the object detection as an image captioning problem (35). Besides the object detection field, the prevalence of deep learning in other medical subjects also promotes the development of medical care (36,37). All these inspiring innovations shed light on the possibility for us to provide more effective and efficient products for the medical application community.
In this paper, the YOLO-based object detectors for toxic and narcotic meditation detection have been developed. With the more flexible rotated bounding box annotation method and the mask NMS at hand, we propose a medication detection network with arbitrarily oriented bounding boxes. Extensive contrast tests have demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of the designed models.
Funding: This work was kindly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81660479), Bethune Charitable Foundation (B-19-H-20200622), Medical Science and Technology Research Foundation of Guangdong province, China (A2020157), and Peking University Shenzhen Hospital (JCYJ2018009).
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. No ethical approval or informed consent is required because of the nature of this study.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
1Throughout this work, we follow the COCO dataset (33) tradition to calculate average precisions on different IoU thresholds ranging from 0.5 to 0.95 with 0.05 step. AP50, AP75, AP95 refer to the mean value of average precision for the whole classes when IoU is 0.5, 0.75, and 0.95 in respective. mAP is an average of all APs.
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