Validation of an automated technique for quantification of pulmonary perfusion territories using computed tomography angiography
Pulmonary emboli (PE) are responsible for approximately 100,000 deaths per year in the United States; the third leading cause of cardio-pulmonary related death (1-3). Owing to its high accuracy, broad availability, low invasiveness, and rapid scan time, computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) is the primary modality for diagnosis of acute PE (4,5). Nevertheless, the death rate of PE remains 8–15% (6,7); i.e., proper stratification of PE severity continues to be a challenge (8).
The implementation of multi-detector CTPA in clinical practice have improved the visualization of peripheral vessels, leading to a higher sensitivity of PE diagnosis and higher rate of subsegmental PE detection (2 to 3 mm in diameter) (9). While the rate of the subsegmental PE diagnosis is increasing with advancements of multi-detector CT (10), the true incidence of subsegmental PE remains unclear. The increase in the incidence of PE could also be the overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis by the CPTA as compared to the ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan that usually underdiagnoses subsegmental PEs (11). In addition, the chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) also has a complex pathophysiology, which involves not only persistent organized thrombus in proximal pulmonary arteries, but also extensive small-vessel diseases (12). Specifically, small-vessel abnormalities may contribute to hemodynamic compromise and functional impairment, leading to progressive pulmonary vascular disease if untreated (12,13). The degree of small-vessel disease may have a substantial impact on the severity of CTEPH and post-treatment outcomes. Given this variability in the certainty of subsegmental PE diagnosis, it is important to have quantitative CTPA results to characterize the severity of the PE for the use of optimal treatment modalities. It would be helpful to quantify the fraction of lung tissue at risk so it could be compared with the risk of anticoagulant therapy. Hence, an alternative solution for determining the clinical significance of small-vessel PE is absolutely needed to better guide medical management and further reduce PE mortality.
Several obstructive indices have been used to describe the degree of obstruction of the pulmonary emboli, such as the Miller index, Walsh index, and Qanadli index (14-17). In addition, the right-to-left ventricle size ratio is commonly used as a prognostic indictor, while it is only critical in helping to delineate massive from sub-massive PE (4,18,19). The right ventricular dysfunction is generally not observed for pulmonary arterial obstructions less than 40% (20). Unfortunately, none of these CT indexes can automatically quantify the severity of subsegmental PEs. The minimum-cost path (MCP) technique can be used to provide the spatial correspondence between the arterial tree downstream from a PE and the subtended ischemic or infarcted tissue (21,22). With the MCP technique, the total mass of lung tissue subtended to a PE can be quantified using the standard CTPA data. Hence, the subtended lung tissue at-risk can potentially be used to automatically stratify the PE severity using the CTPA without additional radiation dose.
The purpose of this study was to validate an automated MCP technique to enable accurate assignment of the subtended lung tissue distal to a PE using CTPA data. The central hypothesis was that the tissue territory distal to a PE can be accurately calculated by using the dynamic CT perfusion-derived ischemic territory as the reference standard (REF).
General methods
The study was performed under a project protocol (No. AUP-18-191) granted by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), in compliance with institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals. Seven swine (42.6±9.6 kg, male, Yorkshire), in which a total of 33 CT measurements were used for validation of the MCP technique. All experimental data were successfully acquired between Jun 2016 and July 2018 and analyzed between Oct 2020 and Jul 2021.
Animal preparation
The animals were premedicated with intramuscular injection of Telazol (4.4 mg/kg), Ketamine (2.2 mg/kg), and Xylazine (2.2 mg/kg), intubated (Mallinckrodt, tube 6.0–7.0, Covidien, Mansfield, MA, USA), then ventilated (Surgivet, Norwell, MA, USA, and Highland Medical Equipment, Temecula, CA, USA) with 1.5–2.5% Isoflurane (Baxter, Deerfield, IL, USA) to maintain anesthesia. Each swine was monitored by electrocardiogram (ECG), mean arterial pressure (mmHg), end-tidal CO2 (mmHg), and O2 saturation (%) during the experiment.
Under ultrasound guidance (9L Transducer, Vivid E9, GE 145 Healthcare), four introducer sheaths (AVANTIR, Cordis Corporation, Miami Lakes, FL, USA) were placed in the left and right jugular veins, right femoral vein, and right femoral artery. Specifically, the left jugular vein was used for intravenous contrast injection. The right femoral vein was used for intravenous fluid and drug administration. The right femoral artery sheath was used for invasive blood pressure monitoring. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a 6-Fr Swan-Ganz catheter (Edwards Lifesciences Corp., Irvine, CA, USA) was placed in a distal pulmonary artery via the right jugular vein. Several different PE severities were then generated, where the location of the catheter tip was adjusted distally to proximally, and each PE was produced using prolonged balloon inflation (balloon diameter: 2–4 mm). Upon completion of each the experiment, each animal was euthanized with KCl.
CT scanning protocol
Each animal was imaged supine and head-first with a 320-slice CT scanner (Aquilion One, Canon Medical Systems, Tustin, CA, USA), where the caudal lung region was localized within a 16-cm z-axis coverage. After each PE induction, contrast (0.5 mL/kg, Isovue 370, Bracco Diagnostics, Princeton, NJ, USA) and a saline chaser (0.25 mL/kg) were injected at a rate of 5 mL/s (Empower CTA, Acist Medical Systems, Eden Prairie, MN, USA). For each CT measurement, ventilation was paused at end inspiration and 20 ECG-gated dynamic CT volume scans were acquired at 100 kV and 200 mA (320 mm × 0.5 mm detector collimation, 320–400 mm scan field-of-view, 0.35 s rotation time). Full projection CT data were reconstructed at 75% R-R interval using an adaptive iterative dose reduction three-dimensional (3D) algorithm and a standard lung kernel FC07 (512×512 matrix, 0.5-mm slice thickness and slice interval, 320–400 mm reconstruction field-of-view). The image with maximum contrast enhancement was then used as the CTPA image for MCP analysis. Subsequent CT acquisitions were repeated at least 15-minute apart to allow for adequate contrast clearance and recirculation from the previous injection. The CT dose index (CTDI) and the dose-length product (DLP) were also collected from the dose report sheet.
MCP technique
The minimum-cost path technique is based on the assumption that the lung parenchyma is perfused by its nearest arterial tree and microvascular bed (23). The MCP technique was implemented to determine the minimum distance between each voxel of the lung tissue and its supplying pulmonary artery. To validate the MCP technique, a single maximally enhanced CT volume scan was selected from the dynamic volume scan series and used as the CTPA image. Next, the lung tissue and pulmonary arteries were segmented using a Vitrea workstation (Pulmonary Analysis workflow, Vitrea fX version 7.7, Vital Images, Inc., Minnetonka, MN, USA). Specifically, an automatic vessel selection tool was used for arterial segmentation followed by manual correction. The arterial centerlines and a binary mask of the lung tissue were extracted using in-house software developed in MATLAB® (R2019a; MathWorks Inc.). The MCP algorithm was then performed using the binary tissue mask with the extracted proximal and distal arterial segments (21,22). Specifically, the centerlines were used as seed points to generate distance maps through the entire lung using a Fast-Marching algorithm (24). From each distance map, the minimum-cost path from each tissue voxel to each arterial centerline was used to assign each voxel to its nearest supplying artery, resulting in the assignment of tissue for the entire lung. The Swan-Ganz balloon was visualized on CTPA and its location along the pulmonary artery centerline was manually annotated. Then, the vessel tree was split into proximal and distal segments at the midpoint of the balloon. Following assignment, the tissue mass of each territory was also estimated from the product of the total territory volume, the lung parenchymal tissue density (1.053 g/mL), and the non-air fraction of tissue (%) (25). Finally, the fraction of mass distal to each PE (PE-distal) over the entire lung mass was also computed as a percentage. The details of the MCP technique are shown in Figure 1.

CT perfusion technique
Dynamic CT perfusion was used to determine the reference ‘perfused’ or ‘ischemic’ territories. A previously validated two-volume, first-pass dynamic CT perfusion technique was used to calculate the pulmonary perfusion, resulting in a whole-lung 3D perfusion map in mL/min/g (25). A median filter was applied to the perfusion map, followed by automated region growing algorithm to segment out the reference ‘non-ischemic’ and ‘ischemic’ territories. Specifically, a seed point was placed within the ischemic tissue region and iteratively grown into the whole lung tissue, with a cutoff value of 3 mL/min/g for determining the boundaries of the ‘ischemic’ territory. As such, the entire lung volume resulted in two separate REF perfusion territories of non-ischemic and ischemic regions. The REF ischemic mass and mass-percent at-risk were then calculated. The REF image processing steps are illustrated in Figure 2.

Evaluation metrics
Overlap-based and distance-based evaluation metrics were used for assessing the spatial correspondence between the distal MCP and REF ischemic territories (26,27). The 3D image segmentations of each paired territories were compared. First, the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) was used for evaluating the spatial overlap between the MCP and REF territories (28,29). Specifically, the DSC computed the number of overlapping voxels divided by the total number of voxels of both volumes, ranging from 0 and 1. Second, boundary delineation was also of importance as a dissimilarity measure. The Euclidean distance was used to measure the distance between the MCP territory surface and REF territory surface in 3D. Specifically, the minimum distance was calculated for every point from one set to the nearest point in the other set, forming a distance metric. The maximum distance (MD) and average distance (AD) of the distance metric were then determined, where the MD is more sensitive to outliers than the AD. Thus, to further exclude possible outliers, the 90th percentile distance and the 50th percentile distance are reported for comparison.
Statistical analysis
The mass and spatial correspondence between the MCP-derived distal-PE territory and REF perfusion ischemic territory were compared. Statistical software (SPSS, version 22, IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for all analyses. To evaluate mass correspondence, linear regression and Bland-Altman analyses were computed, along with the Pearson’s r, adjusted R2 (Adj. R2), root-mean-square error (RMSE), root-mean-square deviation (RMSD), and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) (30). Paired sample t-testing was also used to determine the mean differences between the PE-distal mass and REF ischemic mass. A histogram comparison of the mass-percent distribution of the MCP technique versus the REF data was also performed. To evaluate spatial correspondence, the Dice coefficient and Euclidean distance were computed between the MCP-derived distal-PE territory and the REF ischemic territory, including the mean DSC, AD, MD, 90th percentile distance, and 50th percentile distance.
A total of seven swine (42.6±9.6 kg) were used for validation of the MCP technique. The average heart rate and mean arterial pressure during all the CT acquisitions were 90.7±17.8 beats per minute and 65.4±21.4 mmHg, respectively. A total of 33 successful contrast injections and CT imaging were performed, resulting in 33 MCP-derived and REF ischemic territory pairs. The average CTDI for the single CTPA image and dynamic CT perfusion images were 4.2 and 138.7 mGy, respectively.
Qualitative performance
A representative PE for one animal is shown in Figure 3, demonstrating a total occlusion in the left caudal lobe. The 20-mm maximum intensity projections (MIP) of the CTPA, pulmonary perfusion maps and MCP distance maps are shown in the axial, coronal, and posterior-lateral 3D views (Figure 3A). The corresponding MCP PE-distal and REF ischemic territories are compared in Figure 3B. Further, the PE-distal tissue masses on each axial slice image are displayed for both techniques (Figure 3C).

Mass correspondence evaluation
The average whole-lung tissue mass was 449.9±42.6 g. The average mass of the REF ischemic territory was 47.2±35.7 g, while the average PE-distal mass of the MCP territory was 48.0±37.1 g (P=0.51, Table 1). Using the linear regression analysis, the MCP PE-distal territory masses (MassMCP, g) and the REF ischemic territory masses (MassREF, g) were related by MassMCP =1.02MassREF − 0.62 g (r=0.99), with an Adj. R2 of 0.98, a CCC of 0.97, a RMSE of 4.78 g, and a RMSD of 4.67 g (Figure 4A,4B and Table 2). Moreover, Figure 4C shows mass-percent of ischemic tissue for all PE conditions, where the number of different PE severity levels are compared between the REF and MCP techniques.
Table 1
Animal ID | Number of acquisitions | Total lung mass (g) | Reference ischemic mass (MassREF) (g) | MCP ischemic mass (MassMCP) (g) | Reference ischemic mass-percent (PercentREF) (g) | MCP ischemic mass-percent (PercentMCP) (g) |
Animal 1 | 6 | 429.2 | 16.3±7.5 | 17.2±7.9 | 3.8±1.8 | 4.0±1.8 |
Animal 2 | 7 | 469.7 | 70.3±20.6 | 75.6±22.4 | 15.0±4.4 | 16.1±4.78 |
Animal 3 | 4 | 496.0 | 101.1±34.0 | 100.8±42.8 | 20.4±6.9 | 20.3±8.6 |
Animal 4 | 3 | 409.8 | 39.9±44.1 | 34.9±40.7 | 9.8±10.8 | 8.5±9.9 |
Animal 5 | 5 | 483.7 | 33.6±27.7 | 35.5±29.6 | 6.9±5.7 | 7.3±6.1 |
Animal 6 | 3 | 372.5 | 69.7±1.3 | 85.4±5.8 | 18.7±1.1 | 22.9±1.5 |
Animal 7 | 7 | 481.2 | 20.1±1.9 | 19.1±0.1 | 4.2±0.4 | 4.0±0.1 |
Total | 33 | 449.9±42.6 | 47.2±35.7 | 48.0±37.1 | 10.4±7.8 | 10.6±8.1 |
Data expressed as mean mass ± standard deviation or mean mass-percent ± standard deviation. MCP, Minimum-cost path technique; REF, reference standard perfusion technique.

Table 2
Variables | Values |
Slope | 1.02 [0.98, 1.08] |
Intercept (g) | −0.62 [−3.76, 2.50] |
Pearson’s r | 0.99 [0.98, 1.00] |
Adj. R2 | 0.98 |
CCC | 0.97 [0.95, 0.99] |
RMSE (g) | 4.78 |
RMSD (g) | 4.67 |
Paired t-test P value | 0.51 |
For slope, intercept, CCC and Pearson’s r, 95% CI are presented as [CILower, CIUpper]. P value less than 0.05 indicates significant difference. Adj. R2, adjusted R2; CCC, concordance correlation coefficient; CI, confidence interval; MCP, minimum-cost path; PE, pulmonary embolism; RMSE, root-mean-square error; RMSD, root-mean-square deviation.
Spatial correspondence evaluation
Overall, the mean DSC of all PE conditions is 0.84±0.08. The AD, MD, 90th percentile distance, and 50th percentile distance between the distal MCP territories and REF ischemic territories were 2.12±1.03, 22.77±10.78, 6.37±3.64 and 0.89±0.63 mm, respectively. For PEs which subtend <5% of lung tissue, the mean DSC is 0.79±0.08, with an average minimum Euclidean distance of 2.34±0.98 mm. Further MCP territory spatial correspondences regarding different levels of PE severity are detailed in Figure 5 and Table 3.

Table 3
REF distal mass-percent (MP, %) | DSC | AD (mm) | MD (mm) | 90th percentile distance (mm) | 50th percentile distance (mm) |
MP <5 | 0.79±0.08 | 2.34±0.98 | 26.15±7.94 | 6.80±3.28 | 1.28±0.52 |
5≤ MP <10 | 0.88±0.02 | 1.36±0.22 | 10.17±5.94 | 3.81±0.65 | 0.67±0.58 |
10≤ MP <15 | 0.91±0.03 | 1.43±0.29 | 15.11±3.42 | 4.69±0.83 | 0.30±0.48 |
15≤ MP <20 | 0.90±0.02 | 1.76±0.63 | 24.60±12.78 | 4.59±1.47 | 0.13±0.56 |
MP ≥20 | 0.86±0.06 | 3.06±1.49 | 31.63±13.61 | 10.38±5.14 | 0.94±0.61 |
All | 0.84±0.08 | 2.12±1.03 | 22.77±10.78 | 6.37±3.64 | 0.89±0.63 |
Data expressed as mean ± standard deviation. REF, reference standard; MP, distal mass-percent; DSC, Dice similarity coefficient; AD, average distance; MD, maximum distance; MCP, minimum-cost path; PE, pulmonary embolism.
This study validated the MCP technique to quantify the tissue territory distal to PEs causing total occlusions using the resulting ischemic territory as the reference. An excellent correlation was shown between the MCP distal mass and REF ischemic territory mass with a near-unity slope and negligible bias. The results indicate that the MCP technique can accurately and automatically quantify the distal-PE territory corresponding to the pulmonary arterial obstruction using CTPA image data alone. Hence, this technique has the potential to provide more accurate assessment of PE-severity by quantifying the total mass of tissue at-risk caused by a PE.
Since CTPA enables direct visualization of pulmonary emboli in segmental and sub-segmental vessels, several CTPA indexes have previously been studied to quantify the severity of arterial obstruction (14-17). The Miller index was initially proposed, consisting of an objective arterial obstruction score and a subjective evaluation for peripheral perfusion reduction (15). Alternatively, the Walsh index calculates the number of segmental under-perfused vessels due to a PE in segmental or larger vessels, but is rarely used clinically due to computational complexity (16). Later, Qanadli et al. described a CT obstruction index with higher accuracy, which computes the severity of the proximal clot site based on the number of segmental branches arising distally combined with a weighting factor for the degree of obstruction (17). Yet, none of these CT-indices compute the mass of subtended tissue, where quantitative analysis of distal PEs in segmental and subsegmental branches may be of value (1,2). Fortunately, the MCP technique enables the assignment of each parenchymal voxel to its supplying vessel. Hence, the lung tissue distal to a pulmonary embolus can be delineated for better visualization and mass quantification, where the total PE-related tissue mass (or mass percent) can potentially play a role in improving PE risk stratification.
It is also important to consider that the distribution of ventilation and perfusion can be affected by a variety of lung diseases, such as the aforementioned PE, as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer (31-33). As the lungs are anatomically and functionally separated into different lobes by lobar fissures, assessment of individual lung lobes is also of importance (34). Existing automatic lobe segmentation methods largely depend on the anatomy of healthy human lungs, including atlas-based (35,36), airway-guided (37), and deep learning-based algorithms (38). Unfortunately, these anatomical fissure-based lung lobe segmentation algorithms can be susceptible to anatomical variations, particularly in human lungs that may have incomplete fissures (39). Besides, as the deformation of lung anatomy may occur after coil treatment and lung volume reduction procedures, additional manual correction steps are required on the atlas to ensure accurate lobe segmentation for post-treatment CT analysis (33). Therefore, an automatic pulmonary lobar segmentation that does not rely on fissure visualization is needed to quantify the regional ventilation/perfusion and lung volume reduction. Fortunately, the MCP technique can also determine the lobar territories by assigning each voxel to its supplying vessel based on the shortest spatial distance, which is entirely independent of its borderlines or fissures. As the pulmonary arterial tree can be used for lobar assignment, such a technique can be robust over lung volume alteration or invisible fissures.
The present study has several limitations. First, the sample size of this animal study is relatively small, and the disease model generated is artificial. Further studies in a larger sample size of human subjects with real pulmonary pathology remains necessary. Second, the reference in this study was the ischemic territory derived from dynamic CT perfusion measurement. An alternative approach could have been a direct intravascular contrast injection right at a PE location in a pulmonary artery branch. Hence, any error in CT perfusion measurement may appear as an error in the MCP technique. Fortunately, a previous study has shown the accuracy of the two-volume first-pass CT perfusion measurement versus reference microsphere perfusion measurement (25). Third, only fully occluded PEs were assessed in this study while both partial and full occlusions occur clinically. Specifically, since the perfusion technique served as the REF, only total occlusions could be used to accurately demarcate the subtended area (based on low absolute perfusion values) for validation. Nevertheless, now that the MCP technique is validated, as long as the arterial centerlines can be extracted, the algorithm should still be able to quantify the territory distal to suspected PE, regardless of partial or total occlusion. Fourth, the PE-distal mass-percent has not yet been compared with currently existing obstructive indices and risk factors, such as the pulmonary arterial pressure and right ventricular function. Hence, future studies should determine whether the mass-percent of the distal territory may enhance the predictive power of currently existing PE risk stratification indices. Finally, the vessel-specific assignment for lobar segmentation has not yet been quantitatively validated in this study.
Practical application
The minimum-cost path technique was validated by correlating the location of pulmonary emboli to the corresponding under-perfused tissue and potentially improving the stratification of pulmonary embolism severity. The quantification of subtended lung tissue distal to a PE using CTPA could help to determine the most appropriate individualized management approach.
The assignment technique was validated in a swine animal model showing that it was accurate. The technique enables an accurate assessment of lung tissue at risk distal to a pulmonary embolism using CT pulmonary angiography. This technique can potentially be used to quantify the fraction of lung tissue at risk distal to a pulmonary embolism to further improve the risk stratification of pulmonary embolism.
This study was part of the Ph.D. dissertation of Yixiao Zhao.
Funding: This study was supported, in part, by the Department of Radiological Sciences at the University of California, Irvine and a grant from Canon America Medical Systems.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at S Molloi has previously received grants from Canon America Medical Systems. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The study was performed under a project protocol (No. AUP-18-191) granted by the Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), in compliance with institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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