A large desmoids-type fibromatosis in left deep buttock and thigh
Desmoid-type fibromatosis (DF) is a rare intermediately and locally aggressive tumor that occurs predominantly between puberty and 40 years, with female having higher incidence than male. This report describes a 48-year-old man with biopsy-proven DF in left intermuscular spatium of buttock and thigh. The mass had a wide longitudinal distribution from femoral neck level to popliteal fossa and measured about 40 cm. Plain CT showed a partially ill-defined mass with an irregular contour, with a density similar or slightly higher than skeletal muscle. On MR images, the tumor showed uneven signal in both T1WI and T2WI, mainly hyperintense to skeletal muscle and with stripe or patch-like markedly low signal. After contrast injection, the mass showed heterogeneous enhancement.
Key words
Desmoid-type fibromatosis; buttock; computer tomography; magnetic resonance imaging
A 48-year-old man had a history of left lower limb pain and radiated to dorsalis pedis for 5 years with the left buttock muscle progressively experiencing atrophy. The patient had difficulties in walking. Pelvic X-ray examination and lumbar intervertebral disc CT images showed no obvious abnormality. CT scan from hip to knee demonstrated a solid mass deep in muscular spatium adjacent to gluteus maximus and distributed along the sciatic nerve (Figure 1). The MPR coronal images showed the neoplasm was as long as 40 cm with an irregular or partially lobulated contour and locally ill-defined border (Figure 2). Sagittal CT demonstrated the density of tumor is similar or slightly higher than skeletal muscle (Figure 3). On MR images, the tumor showed uneven signals in both T1W images and T2W images, mainly hyperintense to skeletal muscle and with stripe or patch-like markedly low signal which represented dense collagen in histology (Figure 4, 5, 6, 7). After contrast injection, the mass showed moderate to severe heterogeneous enhancement (Figure 5). The partially resected mass was tough, lobulated and showed hemorrhage in macroscopic section (Figure 6). Microscopically, the tumor was composed of spindle cells and collagen bundles, with a variable amount of collagen surrounding the spindle cells. Mitoses were present in the tumor cells but nuclear atypia was not seen (Figure 7).

Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.