“Nanotechnology Cancer Asia-Pacific (NCAP) Network” was launched
The first “Nanotechnology Cancer Asia-Pacific Network” meeting was held on February 15th 2012. Fourteen scientists from the United States (UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, National Cancer Institute at Frederick, City of Hope), South Korea (National Cancer Center of Korea), China (National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, Peking University), Taiwan (Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University), and Japan (Nagoya University and Tohoku University) connected through online conference and discussed openly the current research interests and activities. The meeting was broadcast live enabling web access for other scientist from different parts of the world to participate in our first meeting (Figure 1).
The goal of the NCAP Network is to establish a network between researchers and clinicians involved in cancer nanotechnology within the Asia Pacific region countries and the USA. Our aim is to exchange ideas and to establish network through bi-annual videoconferences.
We recognize the efforts of a large number of people from UCLA, National Cancer Center of Korea (NCCKorea) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Washington DC for great success of our launch of the NCAP Network Conference. In particular, Dr. W.E. Johansen initiated a series of videoconferences at UCLA that linked people from all parts of the world. On November 16, 2011, Drs Jeffrey Zink and Fuyu Tamanoi from UCLA met in Seoul with Drs Yongdoo Choi and YoungSung Lee from NCC-Korea and agreed on the overall structure of the network. NCI provided critical IT support.
There are multiple reasons why we need the NCAP network. In the past years, we have seen dramatic progress in the application of Nanotechnology on cancer research, diagnosis and therapy. A variety of efforts have led to this development. National Cancer Institute (NCI) has supported the Centers of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence in the USA. The State of California has initiated efforts in 2000 to promote Nanotechnology and one of the fruits of this effort is cancer application. Various research institutions in Asia have made large contributions and efforts to rapid growth in the Nanotechnology and Cancer. Strong network between North American and Asian scientists has the potential for betterment of patients around the world. The NCAP Network will establish a worldwide network system for cancer nanotechnology researchers and clinicians.
NCAP Network meetings are held bi-annually. We join efforts with APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network, www. apan.net), a community of computer network researchers and technologists geared towards education and research. One of the sessions of the bi-annual APAN meetings will be dedicated to the NCAP Network videoconference. This serves as a scientific meeting that is broadcast to a worldwide audience. The topics will include basic science and clinical themes regarding cancer research and therapy.
Prior to the launch of the NCAP Network, we organized a videoconference in August 2011 between UCLA, NCI/ NIH with National Cancer Center in Korea, the APAN meeting in New Delhi as well as with NCNST in Beijing that was broadcast to an audience of more than 500 people at the NCC-Korea (Figure 2), also, it was broadcast to the APAN audience with a web access. We believe our efforts will reach large number of audience world-wide.

Our next videoconference is scheduled to take place in August 2012 and we welcome suggestions and advices regarding our effort.
This work was supported in part by NIH grant CA133697.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.