Comparison of diagnostic performance of the current score-based ultrasound risk stratification systems according to thyroid nodule size
Ultrasound (US) is the preferred imaging modality for the evaluation of thyroid nodules (1) and several international societies have proposed US-based risk stratification systems (RSSs) for thyroid nodules (2-6). Multiple studies have compared the diagnostic performance of various RSSs to determine which is most effective (7-9), providing a basis for selecting the optimal RSS in daily clinical practice.
Current RSSs have been dichotomized into a pattern-based RSS and a score-based RSS. The pattern-based RSS involves the recognition of a grouping of US features (3,6,10), whereas the score-based RSS proposed a different triage based on a quantitative scoring system which is summed up to a numeric score resulting in a final category. The score-based RSS is applicable to all of the nodules and has been shown to be practical and easy to apply (11-13). Meanwhile, the score-based RSSs has shown higher specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and area under the curve (AUC), and lower unnecessary fine-needle aspiration (FNA) rates (14). Despite the effectiveness of score-based RSSs, less information is available regarding the comparative diagnostic performance of current score-based RSSs, such as the Chinese Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (C-TIRADS) (2), Kwak-TIRADS (which was issued by Kwak et al.) (15), the American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (ACR-TIRADS) (4), and Artificial Intelligence-Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System (AI-TIRADS) (which was a simplified version of ACR-TIRADS by artificial intelligence algorithm) (16).
Currently, when a thyroid nodule exhibits suspicious features, a 1 cm size threshold is commonly used to trigger a US-guided biopsy. As a result, the majority of patients enrolled in previous studies have had nodules larger than or equal to 1 cm (17,18). However, small thyroid nodules are prevalent in the general population (19-21), and there is controversy about whether thyroid nodules smaller than 1 cm should undergo biopsy before active surveillance (5,6,22,23).
A previous study by our team based on the same set of data has shown that the diagnostic efficacy of score-based RSSs is superior to that of pattern-based RSSs, but it did not classify and compare the diagnostic performance in detail according to the size of the nodules (22). Therefore, the assessment of the diagnostic performance should not be disregarded in small (<1 cm) thyroid nodules. This study set out to assess the diagnostic efficiency of the four score-based RSSs in relation to nodule size in the identification of thyroid cancer. We present this article in accordance with the STARD reporting checklist (available at
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). Approval was granted by the Scientific Research And Clinical Trials Ethics Committee of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University of China (Date: 16 August 2022; No. 2022-KY-0974-001) and this study was granted a waiver of written informed consent for use of data by the Ethics Committee.
Study cohort
Data was collected from patients who underwent thyroid US examination at our institution, a tertiary referral center, between July 2013 and January 2019. A total of 2,744 patients with 4,075 thyroid nodules had undergone pathological diagnosis after thyroidectomy and/or US-guided FNA. Clinical decision makers took into account US imaging features, nodule size, patient age, underlying condition (such as symptoms, history of irradiation, cancer predisposition syndromes), and the patient’s or parent’s preference before performing a biopsy. Malignant nodules were defined as those that are histologically malignant after surgery or cytologically classified as Bethesda category VI. In total, 131 nodules in 77 patients were excluded from this study due to blurred US images, a lack of two vertical sections, or a lack of definitive cytopathologic results after FNA without surgical confirmation. Ultimately, 3,944 nodules in 2,667 patients (2,045 women and 622 men) were included in this study, of which 353 nodules underwent FNA and 3,591 nodules underwent thyroidectomy (Figure 1). The mean age of the patients was 47.2±12.2 years (ranging from 7 to 82 years), and the mean size of the 3,944 thyroid nodules was 16.9±14.5 mm (ranging from 1.5 to 102.0 mm).

Evaluating and analyzing US examinations and imaging
A 5–14-MHz linear probe and a real-time US system (Aplio300; Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan) were used for all US examinations. The examinations were performed by a highly experienced senior radiologist (K.F.C.), with 34 years of expertise in thyroid imaging. All US examinations were performed in accordance with the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) (24) thyroid scanning protocol. In the US examination, each target nodule (thyroid nodules and suspicious cervical lymph nodes) typically receives at least one gray scale and one Doppler US image, covering both the transverse and longitudinal plane. Supplementary images were captured to highlight important US features in the US. The US data has been saved and stored on the internal hard disk for further offline analysis. The size of each nodule was determined by the maximal diameter of the US examination.
A senior radiologist (K.F.C.) with 34 years of experience in thyroid imaging led an overview and a discussion session to reach an agreement on the definitions of the US lexicons from the ACR-TIRADS and C-TIRADS (Table S1), which included size (the maximal diameter at US), echogenicity (hyperechoic, isoechoic, hypoechoic, markedly hypoechoic), composition (solid, predominately cystic, predominately solid, cystic, spongiform), orientation (vertical/taller-than-wide, horizontal/wider-than-tall), echogenic foci (punctate echogenic foci, peripheral calcifications, macrocalcification, comet-tail artifacts), and margins (smooth, irregular, lobulated, ill-defined, extrathyroidal extension). Subsequently, an interactive case-based training session was carried out by using 30 representative thyroid nodules that were not included in this study. In this study, the Kwak-TIRADS utilized the ACR’s US lexicon of thyroid nodules, because it did not have its own US lexicon.
Two radiologists (C.F. and Y.J.H., with 14 and 13 years of clinical experience in thyroid US image evaluation and thyroid US scan performance, respectively) blinded to the biopsy results and the final pathological diseases independently reviewed the US features. If there was any disagreement, consensus would be used to draw conclusions. Without any prior knowledge of the FNA results or final diagnoses, Y.Y.C., the reviewer, classified the nodules using the assessed US features and determined each nodule’s eligibility for FNA based on its size and category according to each RSS (Table S2).
Data and statistical analysis
In multiple previous studies, the diagnostic efficiency could be computed based on the US categories (before applying size thresholds for biopsy) (9,25) and indications for FNA (after applying size thresholds for biopsy) (17,26). However, the diagnostic performance of the biopsy criteria have only been calculated in large thyroid nodules (≥10 mm).
Before applying size thresholds for FNA, the triages of the four RSSs were dichotomized into suggestive malignant nodules (category 4b to 5 for the Kwak-TIRADS and the C-TIRADS, category 4 to 5 for the ACR-TIRADS and the AI-TIRADS) and suggestive benign nodules (category 2 to 4a for the Kwak-TIRADS and the C-TIRADS, category 1 to 3 for the ACR-TIRADS and the AI-TIRADS) in accordance with the level of suspicion each category represents when calculating diagnostic performance. The dichotomy have been introduced in previous studies (14,27). After applying size thresholds for FNA, all nodules were dichotomized into those for which a biopsy was indicated (test positivity) and those for which it was not (test negativity).
The unnecessary FNA rate was calculated as the proportion of benign nodules recommended for FNA. The FNA rate was calculated as the proportion of the nodules recommended for FNA in all nodules. With sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and AUCs, we evaluated the diagnostic performance.
The demographic data of benign and malignant nodules were compared using the independent two-sample t-test for numerical data (age and nodule size) and the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables (sex and size distribution). The chi-square test was used to analyze sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and unnecessary FNA rates among the four RSSs. When there was an overall difference between groups, the chi-square test was further used for pairwise comparisons, and the P value was adjusted by Bonferroni correction. The AUC and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were generated and compared using the DeLong method or Z test. Statistical data were processed using the software SPSS 26.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) and MedCalc version 18.2.1 (MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium). Two-sided P values <0.05 were regarded as indicative of statistical significance.
Baseline clinicopathological characteristics
Out of the 3,944 thyroid nodules, 2,163 (54.8%) were benign whereas 1,781 (45.2%) were malignant. Of all the nodules, 43.5% (1,715 of 3,944) had a diameter less than 1 cm, and 56.5% (2,229 of 3,944) had a diameter of 1 cm or more. The average age of the benign group (49.3±12.1 years; range, 10–82 years) was greater than that of the malignant group (44.7±11.9 years); range, 7–82 years; P<0.001). At the same time, the nodules in the benign group were significantly larger than those in the malignant group (20.2±15.8 vs. 13.2±11.6 mm, P<0.001). Meanwhile, 901 male patients (22.8%) were significantly fewer than 3,043 female patients (77.2%), but there was no correlation between gender and the risk of malignant tumors (P=0.131). We summarized the demographics and US features of the patients and nodules [please refer to Table 1 of our previous research (22)].
Table 1
Systems | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Accuracy (%) | AUC | FNA rate (%) | Unnecessary FNA rate (%) |
ACR-TIRADS | ||||||
Before | 95.5 (793/830) (94.1–96.9) |
62.5 (875/1,399) (59.8–65.2) |
74.8 (1,668/2,229) (73.1–76.6) |
0.891 (0.877–0.904) |
59.1 (1,317/2,229) (57.1–61.1) |
39.8 (524/1317) (37.1–42.4) |
After | 90.0 (747/830) (88.0–92.0) |
55.6 (778/1,399) (53.0–58.3) |
68.4 (1,525/2,229) (66.5–70.3) |
0.728 (0.709–0.746) |
61.4 (1,368/2,229) (59.3–63.4) |
45.4 (621/1,368) (42.9–48.2) |
P value | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.009 | 0.003 |
AI-TIRADS | ||||||
Before | 92.7 (769/830) (90.8–94.5) |
71.6 (1,002/1,399) (69.3–73.9) |
79.5 (1,771/2,229) (77.7–81.1) |
0.904 (0.891–0.916) |
52.3 (1,166/2,229) (50.2–54.3) |
34.0 (397/1,166) (31.6–36.5) |
After | 90.8 (754/830) (88.8–92.8) |
66.1 (925/1,399) (63.7–68.5) |
75.3 (1,679/2,229) (73.5–77.2) |
0.785 (0.767–0.802) |
55.1 (1,228/2,229) (53.0–57.2) |
38.6 (474/1,228) (36.1–41.3) |
P value | 0.032 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.021 |
Kwak-TIRADS | ||||||
Before | 92.5 (768/830) (90.6–94.3) |
71.3 (997/1,399) (68.8–73.6) |
79.2 (1,765/2,229) (77.4–80.9) |
0.904 (0.891–0.916) |
52.5 (1,170/2,229) (50.4–54.5) |
34.4 (402/1,170) (31.6–37.0) |
After | 97.8 (812/830) (97.0–98.8) |
36.8 (515/1,399) (34.5–39.2) |
59.5 (1,327/2,229) (57.5–61.7) |
0.673 (0.653–0.693) |
76.1 (1,696/2,229) (74.3–77.8) |
52.1 (884/1,696) (49.6–54.6) |
P value | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.0001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
C-TIRADS | ||||||
Before | 90.7 (753/830) (88.8–92.7) |
71.8 (1,004/1,399) (69.3–74.2) |
78.8 (1,757/2,229) (77.2–80.5) |
0.885 (0.871–0.898) |
51.5 (1,148/2,229) (49.5–53.5) |
34.4 (395/1,148) (31.8–37.3) |
After | 88.7 (736/830) (86.5–90.7) |
47.2 (660/1,399) (44.7–49.7) |
62.6 (1,396/2,229) (60.6–64.7) |
0.679 (0.659–0.699) |
66.2 (1,475/2,229) (64.3–68.1) |
50.1 (739/1,475) (47.4–52.5) |
P value | 0.118 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.0001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
Numbers in brackets are 95% confidence intervals. AUC, area under the curve; FNA, fine-needle aspiration; ACR, American College of Radiology; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; before, before applying size thresholds for biopsy; after, after applying size thresholds for biopsy; AI, artificial intelligence; C, Chinese.
The most prevalent malignant nodules were papillary thyroid carcinomas [1,719 papillary thyroid carcinomas, including 47 follicular variant thyroid carcinomas, 18 medullary carcinomas, 22 follicular carcinomas, 4 lymphomas, 1 metastasis, 8 squamous cell carcinoma, 2 anaplastic carcinomas, 4 mixed carcinomas, 2 Hürthle cell carcinomas, and 1 poorly differentiated carcinoma (insular carcinoma)]. Nodular goiters were the most common benign nodules [1,696 nodular goiters, 37 follicular adenomas, 130 thyroiditis (including subacute, lymphocytic, and granulomatous), 12 Hürthle cell adenomas, 18 hemorrhagic cysts, 193 adenomatous goiter, 31 Graves’ diseases, 39 simple goiters, 4 cysts, 1 cystic lymphangioma, and 2 neurilemmomas].
Malignancy rates and fraction of nodule counts by category
The detailed malignancy rates and fraction of nodule counts according to each RSS category is presented in Figure 2 and Table S3. In our cohort, the overall malignancy rate was 45.2% (1,781 of 3,944), and significant differences in malignancy rates were observed among categories in each RSS (P<0.05 for all). Malignancy rates in each RSS increased across categories. Most categories had calculated malignancy risks within the suggested malignancy risk range for each RSS. The ACR-TIRADS and the AI-TIRADS had the highest proportion of nodule members in category 5 (TR5), whereas the C-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS had the highest proportion in category 4c (TR4c).

Diagnostic performance in small nodules (<1 cm)
Table 2 presents the diagnostic performances of the four RSSs in nodules smaller than 1 cm. There was a slight difference in the diagnostic performance of the four RSSs. The accuracy was not significantly different among the four RSSs. The sensitivity was the highest in the ACR-TIRADS but it was not significantly different from that of the AI-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (97.7%, and 97.2%, 97.2%, respectively, P>0.05 for all), whereas it was the lowest with the C-TIRADS (94.2%, P<0.05 for all).
Table 2
Systems | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Accuracy (%) | AUC |
ACR-TIRADS | 97.7 (929/951) (96.7–98.6) |
46.2 (353/764) (42.8–49.7) |
74.8 (1,282/1,715) (72.7–76.7) |
0.82 (0.801–0.838) |
AI-TIRADS | 97.2 (924/951) (96.0–98.2) |
49.9 (381/764) (46.3–53.4) |
76.1 (1,305/1,715) (74.1–78.0) |
0.834 (0.816–0.851) |
Kwak-TIRADS | 97.2 (924/951) (96.1–98.2) |
49.7 (380/764) (46.1–53.3) |
76.0 (1,304/1,715) (74.1–78.1) |
0.841 (0.823–0.858) |
C-TIRADS | 94.2 (896/951) (92.6–95.7) |
55.0 (420/764) (51.3–58.5) |
76.7 (1,316/1,715) (74.7–78.8) |
0.811 (0.791–0.829) |
Numbers in brackets are 95% confidence intervals. RSS, risk stratification system; AUC, area under the curve; ACR, American College of Radiology; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; AI, artificial intelligence; C-TIRADS, Chinese Thyroid Imaging, Reporting and Data System.
The specificity was the highest with the C-TIRADS and was not significantly different from that of the AI-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (55.0%, 49.9%, and 49.7%, respectively, P>0.05 for all). The Kwak-TIRADS had the highest AUC, which was not significantly different from the AI-TIRADS (0.841 versus 0.834, P=0.107).
Diagnostic performance in large nodules (≥1 cm)
Before the size thresholds for biopsy were applied (Table 1), there was a slight difference in the diagnostic performance of the four RSSs. The accuracy was the highest with the AI-TIRADS but was not significantly different from that of the C-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (79.5%, 78.8%, and 79.2%, respectively, P>0.05 for all). The sensitivity was the highest with the ACR-TIRADS but was not significantly different from that of the AI-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (95.5%, 92.7%, and 92.5%, respectively, P>0.05 for all). The specificity was the highest with the C-TIRADS but was not significantly different from that of the AI-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (71.8%, 71.6%, and 71.3%, respectively, P>0.05 for all). The Kwak-TIRADS had the highest AUC (0.904), which was not significantly different from that of the AI-TIRADS (0.904, P=0.86). The AI-TIRADS had the lower FNA rate and unnecessary FNA rate (52.3%, 34.0%), which were similar to those of the Kwak-TIRADS (52.5% and 34.4%, respectively) and C-TIRADS (51.5% and 34.4%, respectively, P>0.05 for all).
After applying size thresholds for biopsy (Table 1), the sensitivity was the highest with the Kwak-TIRADS (97.8%) and was not significantly different between the ACR-TIRADS, AI-TIRADS, and C-TIRADS (90.0%, 90.8%, and 88.7%, respectively, P>0.05 for all). The specificity and accuracy were highest with the AI-TIRADS (66.1% and 75.3%, respectively) and the lowest with the Kwak-TIRADS (36.8% and 59.5%, respectively), whereas the accuracy was similar between Kwak-TIRADS and C-TIRADS (59.5% vs. 62.6%, respectively, P>0.05). The AUC was highest in the AI-TIRADS (0.785), followed by the ACR-TIRADS (0.728) and the lowest with the C-TIRADS and Kwak-TIRADS (0.679 and 0.673, respectively, P=0.455). The lowest FNA rate and unnecessary FNA rate was observed in the AI-TIRADS (55.1% and 38.6%, respectively, P<0.05 for all).
Comparison of diagnostic performances between before and after applying size thresholds for biopsy in large nodules
Table 1 summarizes the diagnostic performances of the four RSSs in large nodules, both before and after applying the size threshold of biopsy. Notably, the diagnostic performances of the four RSSs before applying size thresholds of the biopsy were more efficient than they were after, except for the sensitivity in the C-TIRADS (90.7% vs. 88.7%, P=0.118). However, the FNA rate and unnecessary FNA rate of the RSSs before applying size thresholds of biopsy were lower than they were after (ACR-TIRADS, 59.1% vs. 61.4%, 39.8% vs. 45.4%; AI-TIRADS, 52.3% vs. 55.1%, 34.0% vs. 38.6%; Kwak-TIRADS, 52.5% vs. 76.1%, 34.4% vs. 52.1%; C-TIRADS, 51.5% vs. 66.2%, 34.4% vs. 50.1%, P<0.05 for all).
Comparison of diagnostic performances between small and large nodules before applying size thresholds for biopsy
The four RSS showed comparable diagnostic performance for small (<1 cm) and large (≥1 cm) nodules before applying size thresholds for biopsy (in large nodules, sensitivity, 90.7–95.5%; specificity, 62.5–71.8%; accuracy, 74.8–79.5%; AUC, 0.885–0.904. In small nodules, sensitivity, 94.2–97.7%; specificity, 46.2–55.0%; accuracy, 74.8–76.7%; AUC, 0.811–0.841). The small nodules showed higher sensitivity and lower specificity than the large nodules (ACR-TIRADS, 97.7% vs. 95.5%, 46.2% vs. 62.5%; AI-TIRADS, 97.2% vs. 92.7%, 49.9% vs. 71.6%; Kwak-TIRADS, 97.2% vs. 92.5%, 49.7% vs. 71.3%; C-TIRADS, 94.2% vs. 90.7%, 55.0% vs. 71.8%, respectively, all P<0.05). The specific results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Systems | Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Accuracy (%) | AUC |
<10 mm | 97.7 | 46.2 | 74.8 | 0.820 |
≥10 mm | 95.5 | 62.5 | 74.8 | 0.891 |
χ2/Z value | 6.363 | 53.764 | 0.003 | 6.021 |
P value | 0.012 | <0.001 | 0.954 | <0.05 |
AI-TIRADS | ||||
<10 mm | 97.2 | 49.9 | 76.1 | 0.834 |
≥10 mm | 92.7 | 71.6 | 79.5 | 0.904 |
χ2/Z value | 19.195 | 101.416 | 6.373 | 6.137 |
P value | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.012 | <0.05 |
Kwak-TIRADS | ||||
<10 mm | 97.2 | 49.7 | 76 | 0.841 |
≥10 mm | 92.5 | 71.3 | 79.2 | 0.904 |
χ2/Z value | 20.019 | 98.987 | 5.566 | 5.582 |
P value | <0.001 | <0.001 | 0.018 | <0.05 |
C-TIRADS | ||||
<10 mm | 94.2 | 55.0 | 76.7 | 0.811 |
≥10 mm | 90.7 | 71.8 | 78.8 | 0.885 |
χ2/Z value | 7.883 | 61.945 | 2.46 | 6.027 |
P value | 0.005 | <0.001 | 0.117 | <0.05 |
AUC, area under the curve; ACR, American College of Radiology; TIRADS, Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System; AI, artificial intelligence; C, Chinese.
This study aimed to compare the diagnostic performance of four current score-based RSSs in diagnosing small (<1 cm) and large (≥1 cm) nodules. The diagnostic performances of the RSSs before applying a biopsy size threshold were more efficient than they were after it, except for the sensitivity of C-TIRADS (90.7% vs. 88.7%, P=0.118) in large nodules. The four RSSs showed effective diagnostic performance in both large and small nodules, with small nodules having higher sensitivity and lower specificity than the large nodules.
Various scientific societies and individuals have proposed the thyroid imaging RSSs as an initial method to stratify malignancy risk (3-6,28). Although many RSSs have US triages that overlap with similar estimated risks of malignancy, the size threshold for recommending FNA and the accuracy differ among each RSS (29,30). Although a 10 mm size threshold is commonly used to indicate biopsy for the highest triage, the size threshold for other triages varies (4,6,15). Previous studies have indicated that disparities in diagnostic performance among RSSs are primarily due to varying biopsy size thresholds, with simulated size thresholds for FNA (17,31). Simulation studies have shown that the diagnostic performance of the RSSs is similar at the same size threshold for biopsy (31,32). Additionally, the diagnostic performance estimated through the US categories was comparable among each RSS (9). This is also similar to a previous study by our team wherein we examined the diagnostic performance and unnecessary FNA rates of six RSSs using the same size thresholds provided by ACR-TIRADS and US based final assessment categories, respectively (22).
Our findings suggested that, in the current score-based RSSs, managing large nodules using only US categories would be an effective strategy, which is equal to lowering size thresholds (same size thresholds, ≥1 cm) for suggestive malignant nodules. Before applying size thresholds for biopsy, the diagnostic performance of the four RSSs varied slightly in large nodules, with AUCs ranging from 0.885 to 0.904 and accuracy ranging from 74.8% to 79.5%. Furthermore, the diagnostic performances of the four RSSs before applying size threshold of biopsy were more efficient than that after it, except for the sensitivity of C-TIRADS (90.7% vs. 88.7%, P=0.118) in large nodules. Kim et al. concluded that permitting biopsy of the highest triage nodules smaller than 1 cm in the pediatric population improved the diagnostic performances of the biopsy criteria of five RSSs (26). In line with this, the 2021 Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (K-TIRADS) dropped the biopsy threshold for K-TIRADS 4 and 5 triage and showed superior diagnostic accuracy to the 2016 K-TIRADS in pediatric patients (33). By employing smaller size thresholds for biopsy, we also showed in our earlier study that the diagnostic performances of the C-TIRADS and Kwak-TIRADS were more effective (34). However, studies have supposed that since ACR-TIRADS has relatively larger biopsy size thresholds for nodules categorized as moderately and mildly suspicious category (17,32), it contributes to a higher level of specificity and a reduced rate of unnecessary FNA (35-37). All enrolled nodules had undergone FNA or surgery in the past, even if this indication may not be based on RSSs (38,39). In a study by Dong et al. (40), by comparing the consistency of ACR and TIRADS recommendations, it was shown that the two guidelines have good consistency for thyroid nodules ≥1.5 cm. However, the article points out that the diagnostic efficacy of ACR is higher than that of C-TIRADS, which is slightly different from this study. It is considered that this difference is due to the different proportion of nodules and the distribution of benign and malignant nodules in each category in the recruited sample.
This study is the first to compare the diagnostic effectiveness of four current score-based RSSs based on thyroid nodule size. Despite the fact that FNA is now frequently applied by nodules larger than 1 cm (4,6,15), the diagnosis of nodules less than 1 cm in size should not be disregarded. There is controversy about whether thyroid nodules smaller than 1 cm should undergo biopsy before active surveillance (5,6,23). The four RSSs showed efficient diagnostic performance in this investigation in both large and small nodules. In comparison to large nodules, small nodules showed higher sensitivity and lower specificity. In small nodules, the highest AUC was observed with the Kwak-TIRADS and without significant differences to that of the AI-TIRADS (0.841 vs. 0.834, P=0.107). The specificity of the C-TIRADS was the highest, but was not significantly different to that of the AI-TIRADS and the Kwak-TIRADS (55.0%, 49.9%, and 49.7%, respectively, P>0.05 for all).
These findings mean that the role of US RSS in comparison to size thresholds is an important consideration. The diagnostic performance of the RSSs is efficient in both large and small nodules, indicating that although size thresholds play a role, the specific characteristics defined by the US categories can provide valuable information for diagnosis and management decisions. This might prompt clinicians to reevaluate the balance between relying on size thresholds and paying more attention to the detailed US features and categories when dealing with thyroid nodules. Furthermore, the differences in the performance of the various RSSs highlight the need for individualized approaches based on the specific characteristics and context of each patient. Clinicians may need to carefully consider which RSS is most appropriate for a given situation, taking into account factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, and the specific features of the nodules. This could lead to more tailored and effective management strategies for thyroid nodules, especially for those that are less than 1 cm in size. Overall, these findings call for a more nuanced understanding and application of RSSs in the clinical management of thyroid nodules.
However, several limitations remain in this study that need to be addressed in the future. Firstly, only the patients who underwent surgery or FNA in a tertiary referral center were included in this series, resulting in a higher proportion of malignant nodules (45.2%) and potential bias. This may not accurately reflect the true prevalence of the general population, which may overestimate the risk of malignant tumors, leading to more proactive management recommendations that may not be applicable to all situations. Secondly, the inclusion of a significant number of cases verified by surgical pathology may have resulted in a few false positives and false negatives. Surgeons can label specimens for pathologists (one of the largest or most suspicious thyroid nodules per thyroid lobe) to help reduce this falsehood. Thirdly, the absence of interobserver agreement assessment for US features of the thyroid nodules may have impacted image homogeneity. In future research, we can include radiologists with different US work experiences for future consistency evaluation to determine whether this method is suitable for radiologists with different experiences. Finally, when calculating diagnostic performance according to US categories, the cutoffs for each RSS may influence the results. Previous studies have shown that different puncture thresholds can lead to different diagnostic results. In the future, we can set different thresholds for further research in this study area. The possibility of generalizing research results is limited, as there may have been selection bias from specific study populations. Future research may include more diverse patients from different medical environments and geographical locations.
A potential effective strategy for managing large nodules in the current score-based RSSs could be to rely solely on US categories rather than size thresholds for biopsy. Before applying size thresholds for biopsy, the four RSSs showed effective diagnostic performance in both large and small nodules, with small nodules (<1 cm) exhibiting higher sensitivity and lower specificity than large nodules. Our findings provided a novel management approach for large nodules and provide a basis for managing small nodules. Nevertheless, further validation of our results through larger multicenter studies will be crucial to enhance individual management of thyroid nodules.
Funding: None.
Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the STARD reporting checklist. Available at
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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