Cartilaginous endplate coverage of developmental Schmorl’s node and the relevance of this in Schmorl’s node etiology-based classification
We have recently classified Schmorl’s node (SN) into two categories: SN of primarily developmental cause (SNd) and SN of primarily acquired cause (SNa), though it is highly likely that in many cases the cause could be muti-factorial (1). This classification has been taken up by colleagues (2). We noted that small SNd may not have clinical relevance, and they may be well covered with endplate (1). In this letter, we further suggest that, according to the cartilaginous endplate coverage, SN can be classified into SN with intact cartilaginous endplate coverage and SN without intact cartilaginous endplate coverage (Figure 1). We postulate that SNd is with cartilaginous endplate coverage, and SNa is without intact cartilaginous endplate coverage. Nowadays, ultra-short time-to-echo (UTE) MRI technique can clearly demonstrate cartilaginous endplate (3-8). We recently systematically searched and checked the published spine UTE-MR image with SN, and it appears that the available evidence supports this hypothesis (9-15) (Figures 2-6). The intrinsic lack of blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels within cartilage tissue severely limits its self-regenerative capacity after injury. The same as articular cartilage, once damaged, cartilaginous endplate is limited in its ability to repair itself. Based on the cartilaginous endplate coverage of SN and for the convenience of recording radiological observations, we classify SN into four types (Figure 7):

- Type-1A: this is the most common and typical type of SNd (1,16) (Figures 2,3,8-10). SNd of type-1A has a fixed location, i.e., posterior part of the endplate. At any time point of imaging, SN type-1A should not be complicated with observable signs of SNa, particularly edema on T2-weighted MRI or increased activity on radioisotope imaging, otherwise they are classified into type-3.
- Type-1B: these are SNd excluding those of type-1A, and associated with less common causes such as those shown in Figures 11-16 (17-21). One feature of SN type-1B is that the location is not typically at the posterior part of the endplate as with type-1A. SN type-1B is commonly seen with Scheuermann’s disease and mucopolysaccharidosis type-1. Another reported location of SN type-1B is the anterior upper corner of the vertebral body (17) (Figures 11,12).
- Type-2: this is the most common type of SNa (Figures 4-6,17-21). This type of SN has recognisable features of SNa or with typical clinical history, but without the features of SNd. Features of SNa include relatively large in size, incomplete bony sclerotic border, and hazy cloudy increased density surrounding the NS. Edema on T2-weighted MRI or increased activity on radioisotope imaging can be seen at the acute phase, though these changes will fade away after the acute phase. This type of SN is not in the typical location of type-1A (otherwise, they are classified into type-3).
- Type-3: SN of mixed and developmental acquired causes (23,24) (Figures 21-23). This type of SN should have features of SNa which include incomplete bony sclerotic border and hazy cloud surrounding the NS, but in the meantime with features suggesting SNd nature, particularly the typical location of type-1A.
- Type-4: SN with uncertainty of acquired cause or developmental cause (Figure 24). In theory, there should be only SNa, SNd, or a SN of mixed developmental and acquire causes, but sometimes, such a determination of etiology may be difficult based on available imaging. These SNs are grouped into type-4 for practical recording.

Aside from etiology, subclassifications of type-2, type-3, and some type-4 may have the same clinical relevance. Differential clinical relevance will be more related to their pathogenesis causes such as being a trauma or osteoporosis, their size, and the severity of reactive inflammation, etc. The main relevance for type-4 is that it may actually belong to SNa in some cases. Considering the pathogenesis of SN formation can be multifactorial, for some SNs, a definite separation of SNd and SNa may not always be possible. We expect SNd is not due to a traumatic etiology occurring in the skeletally immature individual. SN due to a traumatic etiology occurring in the skeletally immature individual is also classified as SNa. SN classification may depend on imaging methods. It is possible that, while radiograph cannot determine its cause, high-resolution CT or UTE MRI may offer more precise classification.
The existence of SN type-3 suggests a weak point for the common location of type-1A. Walters et al. (25) describe a case of a female 14-year-old gymnast who developed an acute SN with edema MRI appearance, at L4 upper posterior endplates (i.e., typical location of SN Typical T1A). Conservative treatment led to the resolution of the symptoms of bone edema. Similar cases have been reported by Seymour et al. (24).
As we have described earlier (1), SN type-1A is characterized by that they more likely involve multiple adjacent vertebrae, more likely to be small or modest in size, and likely to have relatively consistent location. SNd tend to have a more solid border on radiograph due to their longstanding and sometimes static nature (Figures 8-10). According to its initial definition, SN corresponds histologically to nucleus pulposus herniation into the vertebral spongy bone with thickened trabeculae around the formed node. Resnick and Niwayama (20) noted that, superior and inferior prolapse of disk material results in abnormalities at the discovertebral junction and causes defects termed cartilaginous (Schmorl’s) nodes, within the vertebral body. These nodes exist when a portion of the disk enters a vertebral body. This protrusion can occur only when the cartilaginous endplates has been disrupted. In this sense, SNd is pseudo-SN. However, though SN was initially described based on macroscopic pathology, later SN have been primarily diagnosed by in vivo imaging. In the past, the vast literature of in vivo imaging studies has not differentiated SNd from SNa (8,9,11,14,15,26). For example, in a female twin volunteer study, for their study subjects, Williams et al. (26) noted that SNs were more prevalent in the lower endplate than in the upper endplate. The SNs in the example image shown in the paper look like SN type-1A. Ex vivo skeletal studies have also included SNd in the broad category of SN (27,28). Therefore, we continue to use the term SN for SNd.
It is highly likely that physical activities can facilitate or exaggerate SNd formation. Sward et al. (29) compared vertebral abnormalities in elite gymnasts (males) versus non-athletes (males), they found SNs in 17 out of 24 (71%) gymnasts with nodes in 57 endplates and in 7 out of 16 (44%) non-athletes with nodes in 23 endplates. Sward et al. presented spine MR images of 5 cases of gymnasts; it appears all these 5 cases demonstrated features of SN type-1A in its location. In an animal experiment study, Revel et al. (30) conducted a histologic study of vertebral end plates on young rats’ tails subjected to intensive passive motion. They reported that repetitive mechanical stress on the vertebral body induced the formation of invagination of the nucleus pulposus and cartilage plate through a vertebral end plate disruption. They described that findings were similar to histologic changes observed in Scheuermann’s disease.
We have recently analysed 297 cases of Italian Caucasian women, the prevalence of radiographic SN type-1A was 7.4% (22/297) (31). This prevalence is high; however, this study counted all small SNds as well as long as they were visible on spine radiograph. In the same study, for the 297 cases of paired Chinese women, the prevalence of radiographic SNd was only 0.67% (2/297), thus showing marked ethnic difference (31). The vertebral level distribution for SN type-1A among Italian women is shown in Figure 25, with the highest prevalence at thoracolumbar junction which is the site with the greatest biomechanical stress. Thus, the vertebral level distribution of SNd is similar to those of high energy vertebral endplate fracture (32) and osteoporotic vertebral endplate fracture (33). In this radiographic study on SN type-1A (31), 16 cases (16/22, 72.7%) had more than one vertebra involvement, while only 6 cases (6/22, 27.3%) had only one vertebra involvement. For vertebrae with SN type-1A, 52.8% had lower endplate involvement, 27.8% had upper endplate involvement, while 19.4% had involved both upper and lower endplates. In a CT chest study, Que et al. (2) reported a higher SNd prevalence among Chinese men than among Chinese women. Spine developmental deformities are known to be more common in men than in women. For example, Beutler et al. (34) studied 500 children, and 30 subjects with identified pars lesions consisting of 10 women and 20 men. We have recently reviewed lateral chest radiographs of 408 women and 374 men, all with indications other than spine disorders or metabolic disorders. Congenital vertebral deformities were observed in four cases, including one woman and three men (35). We expect SN type-1A prevalence among Caucasian men will be higher.

SN type-1B refers to definite SNd other than that of SN type-1A. The common examples are shown in Figures 11-16. Anterior disk herniation may produce a “limbus” vertebra in which the displaced disc tissue separates small bony fragments along the edge of the vertebral body. This results as the disc tissue penetrates vertebral trabeculae at the junction of the cartilaginous and ring apophysis (17-21,36). Ghelman and Freiberger (17) reported a case where radiographic discogram showed X-ray contrast agent opacified nucleus pulposus herniated between the vertebra body and fragments of limbus vertebra. SNd can co-exist with other spine deformities (Figure 10). SNd are known to be a common but not obligate manifestation of Scheuermann disease (Figures 14,15).
For SNa, trauma and endplate micro-fractures are known triggers. In a cohort of children who had suffered from stable compressive vertebral fractures, Möller et al. (37) reported the occurrence of SN at advanced ages (mean: 40 years; range, 33–53 years) at adjacent disc levels. In a study of 70 thoracolumbar spines from cadavers of individuals killed in motor vehicle collisions, Fahey et al. (38) reported a link between trauma and the occurrence of SN. The possible endplate weakness can be due notochord regression, ossification gaps, or vascular channels (20,39), which can facilitate herniation induced by axial forces. However, among older populations, we expect the most common etiology is low bone mineral density (BMD). Recently we described a study of thoracic spine MR imaging among community elderly subjects (mean age: 82 years) and noted a number of features of SN paralleled those of osteoporotic-like vertebral fracture (OLVF) (22). SN prevalence in women (55.5%) almost doubled that in men (25.9%). SN was statistically significantly correlated with lower BMD, and subjects with SN were more likely to have OLVF. We did not separate SNa from SNd in that study, but likely the majority of the described SN would have been SNa, as radiographic SNd prevalence is likely low among the Chinese population (31). In vertebrae with osteoporosis, the endplate becomes weakened due to the loss of support from trabecular bone and due to thinning of the endplate itself (40). The vertebral level distribution of SNa will also be similar to traumatic endplate vertebral fracture (high energy trauma) or osteoporotic endplate vertebral fracture (low energy trauma) (22,32,33). The upper endplate is less resistant to compressive pressure and more likely to fracture (41). Among elderly subjects, SNa more likely involve upper endplate which is the same as osteoporotic endplate fracture (42), and SNa are commonly associated with endplate depression (1). The herniation of portion of disc materials through endplate into the vertebral spongy bone elicit reactive inflammation. The surrounding sclerosis in vertebra reflects reactive healing response. These reactive bone healing, appearing as a hazy cloud around the SN seen on radiograph or CT, supports the diagnosis of SNa. SNa associated with low BMD are more likely to be modest or large in size, and their borders are not clearly defined on radiograph (Figures 17-19).
SNa is better considered as a ‘general phenomenon’ rather than a specific disease entity where a portion of disc materials herniates through endplate into the vertebral spongy bone (1). In addition to SNa associated with low BMD (22) and SNa associated with acute high energy trauma (24,25,38,43), various other etiology with weakening of the endplate, including infectious spondylodiscitis or other inflammatory spine diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, may also cause SNa (23,44) (Figure 23). Tumorous changes of a vertebra can also increase the fragility of an endplate, and lead to disc materials herniation through endplate into the vertebral spongy bone and form SNa (45,46). Peng et al. (47) reported that SNa can be the end result of ischaemic necrosis beneath the cartilaginous endplate.
The classification of SNd and SNa has clinical relevance. One important aspect of this classification is that, many of the uncomplicated SNds are developmental imperfection, which may be a weak point for further injury, but they themself do not have a direct clinical consequence. It is also possible that SN type-1A and ‘cupid bow’ may belong to the same spectrum of developmental changes (1). On the other hand, SNa are associated with cartilaginous endplate disruption, and some SNa may also be an indicator of compromised vertebral bone strength such as osteoporosis (22). Trauma induced SNa may, or may not, heal. We can postulate that SNa during younger age associated higher energy trauma may eventually heal in physiological sense though the morphological deformity may persist. The majority of SNa among older populations is likely due to osteopenia/osteoporosis and these SNa can be progressive. The herniation of disc materials through endplate into the vertebral spongy bone elicits reactive inflammation, which can be sometimes detected by high signal on T2 weighted MR image and increased activity on radioisotope imaging (12,24,25,48,49). Intervertebral discs are the largest avascular structure in the body and can be recognized as foreign matter when met by a well-vascularized source, such as a vertebral body marrow. Such an event may lead to an immune reaction, edema, elevated interosseous pressure, and pain (12,50,51).
Funding: None.
Conflicts of Interest: The author has completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at Y.X.J.W. serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. The author has no other conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The author is accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
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