Multi-modal tumor segmentation methods based on deep learning: a narrative review
Multi-modal tumor segmentation methods based on deep learning: a narrative review
Review Article
Multi-modal tumor segmentation methods based on deep learning: a narrative review
Hengzhi Xue1, Yudong Yao2,3, Yueyang Teng1,4
1College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China;
2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA;
3Research Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China;
4Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing in Medical Image, Ministry of Education, Shenyang, China
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: Y Yao, Y Teng; (II) Administrative support: Y Yao, Y Teng; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: Y Yao, Y Teng; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: H Xue; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: H Xue; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Yueyang Teng, PhD. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing in Medical Image, Ministry of Education, Shenyang 110169, China; College of Medicine and Biological Information Engineering, Northeastern University, 195 Innovation Road, Hunnan New District, Shenyang 110016, China. Email:
Background and Objective: Automatic tumor segmentation is a critical component in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Although single-modal imaging provides useful information, multi-modal imaging provides a more comprehensive understanding of the tumor. Multi-modal tumor segmentation has been an essential topic in medical image processing. With the remarkable performance of deep learning (DL) methods in medical image analysis, multi-modal tumor segmentation based on DL has attracted significant attention. This study aimed to provide an overview of recent DL-based multi-modal tumor segmentation methods.
Methods: In in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases, the keywords “multi-modal”, “deep learning”, and “tumor segmentation” were used to systematically search English articles in the past 5 years. The date range was from 1 January 2018 to 1 June 2023. A total of 78 English articles were reviewed.
Key Content and Findings: We introduce public datasets, evaluation methods, and multi-modal data processing. We also summarize common DL network structures, techniques, and multi-modal image fusion methods used in different tumor segmentation tasks. Finally, we conclude this study by presenting perspectives for future research.
Conclusions: In multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks, DL technique is a powerful method. With the fusion methods of different modal data, the DL framework can effectively use the characteristics of different modal data to improve the accuracy of tumor segmentation.
Submitted Jun 07, 2023. Accepted for publication Oct 19, 2023. Published online Jan 02, 2024.
doi: 10.21037/qims-23-818
Tumors pose a significant threat to human health and well-being, with gliomas in the brain, squamous cell tumors in the head and neck, melanomas in the skin, and systemic lymphomas among the prominent examples (1). Advanced medical imaging techniques, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and positron emission tomography (PET), play a crucial role in tumor staging, localization, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Accurate segmentation of tumor regions from medical images is critical to these processes. However, images obtained from a single modality may have limitations in accurately depicting the tumor shape, making multi-modal imaging advantageous in tumor segmentation tasks (2,3). For instance, in the segmentation of brain gliomas, the four MRI sequences T1, T2, T1ce, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) provide complementary information on the tumor shape and other lesion structures in the brain (4,5). Similarly, in head and neck tumor segmentation, PET and CT images can offer additional information on the tumor’s location and contour (6).
Manual tumor segmentation is a common technique used in computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems, but it has limitations due to the subjectivity of doctors’ experience, which may lead to deviation, as well as time-consuming and labor-intensive processes (7). Therefore, accurate automatic segmentation is essential. In recent years, deep learning (DL) techniques, for example, convolutional neural networks (CNN), have been widely used in multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks for various body parts, including the brain (8), head and neck (9), and lungs (10). The fundamental idea behind these techniques is to learn tumor features from training data and automatically segment tumors in unknown data, which can reduce the cost of manual segmentation and improve segmentation accuracy. Multi-modal DL-based tumor segmentation algorithms have emerged as a prominent trend and have attracted increasing attention for achieving accurate segmentation of tumors.
This study provides a comprehensive overview of DL algorithms for multi-modal tumor segmentation, including public datasets, evaluation methods, segmentation networks, common techniques, and evaluation indicators analysis under various multi-modal data fusion methods. The benchmark dataset from the Open Challenge ( can validate the tumor segmentation performance under different multi-modal data fusion methods, and researchers can either apply these methods to specific task datasets or innovate based on them. Additionally, publicly available datasets such as BraTS (11) for head glioma, HECKTOR (12,13) for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), and autoPET (14) for lymphoma, melanoma, or lung cancer, provide valuable resources for researchers to develop and evaluate their segmentation algorithms.
The discussion of this paper is divided into four main parts. The first part introduces multi-modal datasets and evaluation methods. The second part describes data processing. In the third part, we conduct a retrospective analysis of multi-modal data from the perspective of DL structures, covering preprocessing, network structures, fusion strategies, loss functions, and post-processing methods. The fourth part analyzes the tumor location retrospectively, focusing on brain gliomas, HNSCC, and systemic lymphomas. We present this article in accordance with the Narrative Review reporting checklist (available at
We performed a search of the PubMed and Google Scholar databases for existing research work on multi-modal tumor segmentation. The keywords used were “multi-modal”, “deep learning”, and “tumor segmentation”. The search time comprised research conducted in the past 5 years, and the specific time was from 1 January 2018 to 1 June 2023. The search strategy is shown in Table 1. In the end, a total of 78 English articles were reviewed. After searching the articles, we analyzed and discussed the applied public dataset, evaluation metrics, data processing, DL networks and technology, and multi-modal tumor segmentation methods according to the work content.
Table 1
The search strategy summary
Date of search
Databases and other sources searched
PubMed and Google Scholar
Search terms used
Use “multi-modal”, “deep learning”, and “tumor segmentation” as keywords to search
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Published English journals were selected, excluding conferences and non-English papers. Papers containing “multi-modal”, “deep learning”, and “tumor segmentation” were selected, otherwise they were excluded
Selection process
The literature selection was conducted independently by H.X. and Y.T.
Datasets and evaluation methods
Public dataset
This study presents a summary of publicly available datasets commonly used for multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks. The BraTS Challenge provides MRI datasets with multiple sequences, which include T1, T2, T1ce, and FLAIR. Additionally, the HECKTOR and autoPET challenges provide PET/CT multi-modal datasets. Other public datasets, such as Lung-PET-CT-Dx and Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS), are also available on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) website ( Table 2 summarizes the key features of these publicly available datasets.
Table 2
Multi-modal medical image tumor segmentation datasets, including MRI multi-sequence data set and PET/CT dual-modal dataset
MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; N/A, not applicable.
MRI sequence dataset
The BraTS challenge contains four MRI sequences T1, T1ce, T2, and FLAIR sequences. T1 sequences provide basic tissue structure and can be used to identify morphological features of tumors (4). T1ce sequences can reflect the fat content of cells (4). The location and size of the lesion can be clearly reflected in the T2 sequences (4). Compared with the T2 sequences, FLAIR sequences can better show the surrounding conditions of the tumor site, and clearly show the edema area (5). BraTS2013 contains the data of 65 glioma patients, 30 people as training data, and 35 people as testing data. Some 14 of these patients had low-grade glioma (LGG) and 51 had high-grade glioma (HGG). The BraTS2014 training set contains the data of 200 patients, and the testing set contains the data of 38 patients. On the basis of BraTS2014, the BraTS2015 training set contains the data of 220 cases of HGG and 54 cases of LGG, and the testing set contains 110 cases of unknown grade data, with a total of 384 cases of data. The BraTS2016 dataset and the 2015 dataset have the same training set, but the testing set has 191 cases. BraTS2017 contains 210 cases of HGG and 75 cases of LGG, and the validation set and testing set contain data of 46 cases and 146 cases of unknown grade, respectively. BraTS2018 training set and BraTS2017 have the same training set, and the verification set and testing set contain data of 66 cases and 191 cases, respectively. BraTS2019 contains 335 cases of data, including 259 cases of HGG and 76 cases of LGG. The verification set and testing set contain data of 125 cases and 166 cases, respectively. BraTS2020 contains data of 369 cases, including 293 cases of HGG and 76 cases of LGG. The BraTS2020 dataset and the BraTS2019 dataset have the same verification set and testing set. BraTS2021 contains multi-institution and multi-parameter MRI datasets, including 1,251 training sets, 219 validation sets, and 530 test data. Figure 1 shows an image of a patient in the BraTS2021 dataset.
Figure 1 MRI sequence images of a brain tumor patient in the BraTS2021 (20) database. (A) T1. (B) T2. (C) FLAIR. (D) T1ce. MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery.
PET/CT dataset
The HNC dataset, obtained from TCIA, comprises of 250 patients (192 males and 58 females) who have been diagnosed with HNSCC. The data format used for storage is Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM). In HECKTOR2020, a dataset with 254 cases was created based on the HNC dataset, consisting of 201 cases for training and 53 cases for testing. HECKTOR2021 further expanded this dataset by adding 71 more patients, totaling 325 patient data. Among them, 224 cases were used for training, and 101 cases for testing. Figure 2 presents a PET/CT image of a patient from the HECKTOR2020 challenge dataset. The size of CT in the data set is 512×512, and the axial resolution is 0.9766×0.9766, whereas that of the corresponding PET is 128×128, and the axial resolution is 3.516×3.516. Therefore, in order to avoid the difficult problem of segmentation caused by low resolution, for some methods (23-26) in data preprocessing, the CT and PET volume are resampled to an isotropic 1×1×1 mm3 voxel spacing using trilinear interpolation.
Figure 2 PET/CT images of a patient with squamous cell carcinoma in the HECKTOR database. (A) CT. (B) PET. PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography.
The Lung-PET-CT-Dx dataset, sourced from TCIA, comprises DICOM-formatted data from 355 patients diagnosed with lung cancer. The CT images in the dataset are of size 512×512, whereas the corresponding PET images are of size 200×200. Figure 3 depicts a PET/CT image of a patient from the Lung-PET-CT-Dx dataset.
Figure 3 PET/CT images of a patient with lung cancer in the Lung-PET-CT-Dx database. (A) CT. (B) PET. PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography.
The STS dataset, sourced from TCIA, comprises data from 51 patients diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma of extremities, stored in DICOM format. Each CT image is of size 512×512, whereas the corresponding PET image is of size 128×128. Figure 4 presents a PET/CT image from a patient included in the STS dataset.
Figure 4 PET/CT images of a patient with soft tissue sarcoma of extremities in the STS database. (A) CT. (B) PET. PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography.
The autoPET challenge provides a training set of PET/CT data for patients diagnosed with melanoma, lymphoma, or lung cancer. The dataset includes a total of 1,014 studies (900 cases) obtained at the University Hospital Tübingen and stored in DICOM, NIfTI, and HDF5 formats on TCIA. Figure 5 displays a PET/CT image of a patient in the autoPET dataset.
Figure 5 PET/CT images of a patient with melanoma in the autoPET database. (A) CT. (B) PET. PET, positron emission tomography; CT, computed tomography.
Basic evaluation metrics
Tumor segmentation involves pixel-wise classification of the image, and the accuracy of the segmentation can be evaluated using a confusion matrix, which indicates the relationship between the segmentation result and the ground truth. Table 3 provides a summary of the confusion matrix.
In tumor segmentation, the confusion matrix serves as a representation of the relationship between the segmentation results and the ground truth. The basic evaluation indicators that can be derived from the confusion matrix include accuracy rate (ACC), positive predictive value (PPV), sensitivity, known as true positive rate (TPR), specificity, known as true negative rate (TNR), Jaccard similarity coefficient (JC), dice similarity coefficient (DSC), F1 score, and the harmonic mean value of sensitivity (HMSD). ACC indicates the percentage of correctly predicted results among all samples. PPV reflects the proportion of all predicted positive samples that are actually positive. TPR signifies the proportion of actual positive samples that are predicted as positive. TNR represents the ability to identify negative samples, which is the proportion of negative samples that are correctly identified. The calculation formulas for these indicators are presented in Table 4.
Evaluation metrics based on segmentation boundaries
The evaluation of the boundary of the segmentation result can be achieved using two distance metrics: mean surface distance (MSD), also known as average symmetric surface distance (ASSD), and Hausdorff distance (HD). These two metrics are more sensitive to the segmentation boundary. Let P denote the predicted tumor, G denote the ground truth tumor, and PC and GC denote the corresponding contours. The calculation formulas for MSD and HD are as follows:
where represents the Euclidean distance between point p and point g, . and represent the total number of pixels on the predicted and ground truth contours, respectively.
Evaluation metrics based on segmentation volume
For the task of tumor segmentation, the performance of segmentation can be evaluated by measuring the segmented volume. The two evaluation indicators commonly used are the relative volume difference (RVD) and the absolute volume difference (AVD). The calculation formulas for RVD and AVD are given below:
where P is the predicted tumor volume, and G is the actual tumor volume.
Data processing
This section will discuss the preprocessing and post-processing steps applied to the raw data in preparation for input to the segmentation network. This includes standardizing the data dimensions of different modalities and normalizing pixel intensity values prior to input. In cases where data are insufficient, data augmentation techniques may be employed. Additionally, post-processing techniques may be applied to refine the preliminary segmentation results generated by the network and improve performance.
Data preprocessing is a crucial step in the segmentation task that can enhance the network model’s performance. Multi-modal image registration, in particular, is a crucial step in data preprocessing for multi-modal tumor segmentation (27). It involves aligning different imaging modalities, such as MRI sequences and PET/CT scans, to a common spatial reference frame. By performing image registration, the inherent spatial discrepancies between modalities are minimized, ensuring accurate fusion and correlation of tumor information across diverse imaging sources (28). This alignment facilitates the creation of a comprehensive and integrated view of the tumor, enhancing the segmentation process and enabling better visualization and analysis of the tumor’s spatial distribution and characteristics (29).
Data size is also an important consideration, and in some experiments, the BraTS dataset’s original size of 240×240×155 is cropped or resized to 128×128×128 to reduce storage requirements (30-34). In the HECKTOR dataset, where the axial size of PET and CT images is different, some methods resample PET/CT images to 1×1×1 mm in each direction and crop them to 144×144×144 size (23,24,35). For the STS dataset, where the PET axial size is 128×128, and the CT axial size is 256×256, some works (36,37) resize CT to match PET size to 128×128, or linearly interpolate PET to CT size (38).
Pixel value processing, such as bias field correction, intensity normalization, and intensity shift and scale, is also an essential pre-processing step (19,39). For example, some methods use the N4ITK method to correct the BraTS dataset’s bias field (8,31,40), and then the pixel values are normalized (2,16,41) using z-score normalization. For the HECKTOR dataset, some methods intercept the Hounsfield unit (HU) value of CT images to eliminate irrelevant information (25,42,43), and normalize the intercepted HU value to [0, 1] or [−1, 1] (9,25,44). For PET images, it is typically converted into standard uptake values (SUVs) (45), and then z-score normalization is applied.
Finally, data volume augmentation is used to improve the model’s robustness and avoid overfitting. Data augmentation methods including flip, rotations, random noise, scaling, elastic deformations, and the mixed data (mix-up) method (46,47) are commonly used in PET/CT tumor segmentation tasks. The mix-up (48) technique can increase data diversity, which generates randomly weighted combined image pairs based on training data pairs. For example, the generated mixed training data pair (x,y) can be weighted from the original training data pair (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and can be expressed as:
Where , means that the probability of data enhancement is 0.2.
After training a neural network, the resulting prediction may require further refinement using post-processing methods to improve segmentation accuracy. These methods commonly involve the use of conditional random field (CRF), removal of small connected domains and outliers (49), and setting thresholds for the number of pixels. For instance, Kamnitsas et al. (50,51) utilized CRF to eliminate false positives and remove connected domains that contain fewer than 250 pixels. In the case of glioma-enhanced region segmentation, if the number of pixels in the enhanced region is below a predefined threshold, necrotic regions can be substituted instead (52,53).
DL network and technology
This section provides a comprehensive overview of the DL network architectures and techniques frequently employed in multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks. Among the commonly used network structures, CNNs and generative adversarial networks (GANs) are prominent. Moreover, several techniques are utilized to enhance the segmentation performance, such as attention mechanisms and uncertainty analysis.
CNN-based methods
CNNs have been widely used in computer vision applications, such as image classification (54,55), segmentation (56), and detection (57). The basic components of a CNN include the convolutional layer, pooling layer, activation layer, and fully connected layer. In 2014, Google proposed a network structure called GoogleNet (58), which included the Inception module. In multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks (40,59,60), the Inception module has also been used as a component of the structural framework. For example, Qayyum et al. (60) used the Inception structure as the encoding part in the HNSCC segmentation task. They extracted features of different levels to avoid gradient disappearance and reduce computational costs, resulting in improved segmentation performance. In addition to CNNs, the fully connected layer can be removed to obtain the fully convolutional network (FCN) (61), which is a milestone in the field of image segmentation. FCN is often used in multi-modal tumor segmentation (53,62-65), and Sun et al. (53) constructed a brain glioma segmentation framework based on FCN. Their framework is a multi-path structure that includes convolutional layers, pooling layers, dilated convolutional layers, deconvolutional layers, and activation function components. Similarly, the U-Net (56) network follows the encoder-decoder network structure and has become the most popular model in the field of medical image segmentation. Its structure is shown in Figure 6, and it consists of multi-level convolutions, including downsampling and upsampling operations. To solve the problem of feature disappearance in the downsampling process, skip connections are designed to fuse the features of the encoding part during the upsampling process. Some works (10,30,52,66-71) have performed multi-modal tumor segmentation based on the U-Net framework and achieved satisfactory segmentation results. Raza et al. (30) designed the encoder part as a residual network based on the U-Net framework to solve the problem of gradient disappearance. They also designed skip connections between residual and convolutional blocks to speed up the training of the network.
Figure 6 U-Net network structure with skip connections for tumor segmentation. The blue box indicates copied feature maps, while the white box represents a multi-channel feature map.
GAN-based methods
GANs (72) are composed of two competing neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator is responsible for generating fake data, while the discriminator is used to differentiate real and fake data. In the context of multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks, the generator can be directly utilized to generate segmentation results (73). A typical GAN network structure is illustrated in Figure 7, where the generator is a U-Net network, and the discriminator is a classification network. The predicted result and the real label are fed into the discriminator network to distinguish whether the input is the predicted result or the actual label. In a study by Huang et al. (73), transformer technology was employed in the generator against the network framework in the nasopharyngeal carcinoma PET/CT dataset, whereas the discriminator was used to constrain the final segmentation results and achieved good performance. GAN’s generators can also be utilized to generate image data to improve the feature extraction capabilities for specific modalities. Zhang et al. (74) proposed to use two discriminators, where PET/CT images are encoded separately and the mode-specific decoding branch and the fusion branch of the two modalities are sent to the discriminator to train the network. This approach is used to extract features of a specific modality. Moreover, Xiang et al. (75) added a modality discriminator based on Zhang’s work to determine whether the fusion branch and two specific decoding branches belong to PET or CT modality.
Figure 7 GAN network structure for tumor segmentation. GAN, generative adversarial network.
Attention methods
In multi-modal tumor segmentation tasks, it is crucial for the network to automatically determine which feature information is the most informative. Therefore, the attention mechanism has been widely used in this area (9,18,24,69,76-83). Feature channel attention and feature space attention are two common types of attention methods. To enhance the tumor region information and suppress the normal physiological regions in PET images, spatial attention modules have been introduced by Diao et al. (84) and Fu et al. (3). In MRI multi-sequence data, Zhou et al. (31,32,34) applied channel and spatial attention mechanisms for feature fusion after extracting features from four MRI sequence images to improve the model’s feature extraction ability.
In order to enhance the feature extraction and representation capabilities of the network, Hu et al. (85) proposed the squeeze-and-excitation network (SENet). Compared with traditional weight transfer methods, such as transferring feature maps to the next layer, SENet establishes interdependence between channels and adaptively corrects feature strengths among channels through a global loss function. Some methods (25,42,43,60,86-88) integrate SENet into their own network to improve feature extraction abilities. For example, Qayyum et al. (60,86) embedded SENet into the Inception coding part to obtain useful features, whereas Yuan et al. (42,43) and Yan et al. (87) incorporated SENet into the ResNet structure to improve tumor segmentation performance. Yousefirizi et al. (25) integrated SENet into the nnU-Net network to improve head and neck tumor segmentation results. Furthermore, Yao et al. (88) combined SENet and Dense to enhance feature extraction in PET/MR pancreatic tumors and improve segmentation accuracy.
In the field of natural language processing, transformer technology introduced a self-attention mechanism to connect long-sequence long-distance contexts. This concept was later extended to image segmentation. Liu et al. (89) proposed the Swin Transformer technology that employs sliding window technology to achieve parameter reduction and global information modeling. Similarly, Cao et al. (90) developed a U-Net shaped transformer for medical image segmentation, which outperformed CNNs. Several studies built on these foundations to address specific segmentation tasks. For example, Zhu et al. (91) and Li et al. (92) employed Swin Transformers for semantic segmentation. Likewise, Liang et al. (93), Huang et al. (73), and Cai et al. (94) used U-Net shaped transformers for multi-modal tumor segmentation. Yue et al. (95) designed a U-shaped structure with a global attention transformer and a local attention transformer for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma data, which led to improved segmentation outcomes.
Uncertainty mechanism
Quantifying network segmentation uncertainty is a crucial aspect of medical image segmentation (37,77,96-98). To describe the uncertainty of the segmentation task, De Biase et al. (77) utilized generative probability maps. Diao et al. (37) proposed the evidence loss function to express the uncertainty of the PET and CT output results. The single-modal segmentation outcomes were eventually merged using evidence fusion, whereby the network becomes simpler and segmentation performance is enhanced. Hu et al. (97) implemented uncertainty analysis using the Monte Carlo dropout technique. It proposed uncertainty criteria based on lesion regions (impacting DSC and sensitivity) and background regions (impacting specificity) to improve performance. Huang et al. (98) added an evidence layer to the feature space to calculate the uncertainty of each voxel and improve segmentation accuracy.
Multi-modal tumor segmentation methods
In recent years, a variety of DL-based methods have been proposed to tackle the problem of multi-modal tumor segmentation. Specifically, various methods have been proposed for brain glioma, HNSCC, and whole-body tumor segmentation.
Brain tumor segmentation
This section will focus on the segmentation of brain glioma using the BraTS dataset. We present an overview of the current state-of-the-art DL methods for multi-modal medical image segmentation in the BraTS challenge, which are summarized in Table 5. The methods can be categorized into three types based on multi-modal image fusion: input-level fusion using input data, feature-level fusion based on feature extraction, and result-level fusion based on segmentation results. The table provides details on the data preprocessing technique, segmentation network structure, dataset used, as well as Dice results for whole tumor, tumor core, and enhanced tumor.
Table 5
Summary of the deep learning approaches for BraTS challenge segmentation
*, the method has public code. **, the first result of the challenge. DSC, dice similarity coefficient; VAE, variational autoencoder; CNN, convolutional neural network; CRF, conditional random field; FCN, fully convolutional network; N/A, not applicable; RNN, recurrent neural network.
The input-level fusion method involves merging the four input MRI sequences (T1, T2, T1ce, and FLAIR) into the network model after fusion at the channel layer. This method is commonly used for tumor segmentation. For instance, Liu et al. (19) proposed a multi-task model for segmenting tumors in the BraTS dataset and added a variational autoencoder (VAE) to the segmentation network to reconstruct the input data as an auxiliary task. The reconstruction part extraction helped in segmenting the multi-modal feature extraction capabilities of the encoded part of the network, leading to improved segmentation performance. Similarly, Cai et al. (94) fused multiple sequences of the BraTS dataset at the input-level. They used the U-Net network as the framework for segmentation and employed convolution and transformer blocks as the components of the encoding and decoding, thereby achieving comprehensive learning of global and local information.
Feature-level fusion is also a common approach for multi-modal tumor segmentation. After extracting features from T1, T2, T1c, and FLAIR sequences, the fusion is performed at the feature level. Zhu et al. (91) proposed a segmentation model for the BraTS dataset, consisting of three modules: segmentation, edge detection, and feature fusion. In the segmentation module, T1, T2, T1c, and FLAIR sequence data are fused at the input level, whereas in the edge detection module, T1ce and FLAIR sequences are fused at the input level as special features. The feature fusion module fuses the intermediate features of the segmentation module and the edge detection module in a feature-level manner, enhancing segmentation performance. Zhou et al. (34) used independent encoders for four different image sequences to learn specific features. They employed cross-connections to learn information of related modalities, and an attention fusion module to fuse the extracted features.
In addition, there are tumor segmentation methods based on result-level fusion, such as fusion by majority voting and weighted averaging. Ding et al. (100) adopted a dynamic decision fusion method to integrate the results from multiple views to improve segmentation performance. First, the 3D data is sliced into 2D images from axial, sagittal, and coronal directions, and the 2D segmentation results from the three directions are fused to obtain the final integrated segmentation result.
Head and neck tumor segmentation
This section discusses the segmentation method for HNSCC based on the HECKTOR dataset and summarizes a range of state-of-the-art networks based on multi-modal segmentation, as shown in Table 6. The networks are categorized into input-level fusion and feature-level fusion, and the table includes information on the network structure, preprocessing method, dataset used, and common segmentation result indicators. Qayyum et al. validated the HECKTOR21 and HECKTOR22 datasets in their work (60,86). They fused PET and CT 2-modality images at the input-level and then performed segmentation using a U-shaped segmentation network. The encoding part of the network employed a 3D inception structure with a 3D squeeze and excitation module, whereas the decoding part was constructed based on ResNet. This approach helped to calibrate channel features and integrate coarse and fine features for accurate tumor segmentation.
Table 6
Summary of the deep learning approaches for HECKTOR challenge segmentation
*, the method has public code. DSC, dice similarity coefficient; HD95, Hausdorff distance 95%; N/A, not applicable.
In the context of the HECKTOR dataset, multi-modal data can also be segmented by fusing features extracted from different modalities in a feature-level manner. Lee et al. (9) proposed a dual-path cross-attention U-network that encodes PET and CT modalities in two separate paths in the encoding layer. The channel attention module is used in each layer of encoding to extract key features. The modality-specific features are then aggregated using 1×1×1 convolution and sent to the decoder for final segmentation. Ahmad et al. (101) used the attention mechanism to fuse PET modal data features in the decoding part after extracting features from CT, which improved the segmentation performance of the network. Zhu et al. (102) used the cruciform structure extracted from PET images as additional information. Then, three different encoders performed feature extraction on cruciform structure images, PET images, and CT images. The extracted features were fused in a feature-level manner to extract tumor structure and boundary information.
Whole body tumor segmentation
This section presents a detailed review and analysis of lymphoma segmentation, including a summary of state-of-the-art networks based on multi-modal segmentation. These networks are classified into input-level fusion, feature-level fusion, and result-level fusion, and are presented in Table 7 along with the network structure, preprocessing method, data set, and common segmentation result indicators. As an example of input-level fusion, Shi et al. (103) used the CycleGAN network to generate metabolic anomaly appearance (MAA) with whole-body PET/CT data. MAA was directly fused with PET and CT at the channel level in an input-level manner, and the network was trained to improve lymphoma segmentation performance. Wang et al. (104-106) used a threshold method to obtain high fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake sites (sFHU) based on PET images as additional prior information. Different from the study by Shi et al. (103), Wang et al.’s studies (104-106) performed feature extraction on sFHU, PET, and CT images separately, and then fused the extraction features in a feature-level manner to obtain the segmentation results. Result-level fusion also yielded good segmentation results, as demonstrated by Hu et al. (107), who fused the original PET/CT image, the preliminary results of multi-angle 2D segmentation, and the preliminary results of 3D segmentation to perform lymphoma segmentation.
Table 7
Summary of the deep learning approaches for whole body tumor segmentation
In this paper, the importance of using multi-modal data for accurate tumor segmentation in medical images is highlighted. Various DL-based methods for multi-modal tumor segmentation are discussed, along with commonly used datasets and evaluation methods, multi-modal data processing techniques, DL network structures, and data fusion methods. Commonly used CNN networks such as FCN (53,62-65) and U-Net (10,30,52,66-71), as well as GAN-based segmentation methods (73-75), are summarized. Attention mechanisms such as channel and spatial attention (84), SE module (60,86), and transformer attention (89) are also discussed. Uncertainty analysis techniques (37,77,96-98) are used to quantify segmentation uncertainty and improve segmentation results. Tables 5-7 summarize the segmentation methods for BraTS, HECKTOR dataset, and whole-body tumor dataset, respectively, including the fusion methods of different modal data, the network structure used, the data processing method, and the segmentation results.
Despite the remarkable progress made by CNN and GAN networks, as well as attention and uncertainty techniques, in multi-modal tumor segmentation, there is still a need for further improvement in existing methods. There are several research directions that can be explored in the future. Firstly, most existing methods fuse multi-modal data directly at the input level, feature level, or result level, without taking into consideration whether the features provided by each modality data are helpful for tumor segmentation. Therefore, there is a need for uncertainty analysis and quantification of the extracted features to further improve segmentation performance. Secondly, in whole-body tumor segmentation tasks, such as lymphoma, obtaining large and accurate annotations is challenging. Therefore, it is a challenging and practical direction to explore unsupervised or weakly supervised methods for segmenting lymphoma in the absence of or with inaccurate annotations.
Automatic tumor segmentation holds paramount significance in clinical diagnosis and treatment, and the use of multi-modal images allows for a more comprehensive representation of tumor characteristics. Thus, this paper aimed to review the advancements made in multi-modal tumor segmentation based on DL over the past 5 years. The research work was scrutinized in terms of the utilized datasets, evaluation metrics, data preprocessing techniques, DL networks and technology, and multi-modal tumor segmentation methods. Additionally, the paper includes a thorough analysis of different modality fusion approaches concerning tumor segmentation in various contexts. Moreover, the paper identifies the urgent challenges that demand attention in future research, such as uncertainty analysis of extracted features and the exploration of unsupervised learning techniques in scenarios with limited precise annotations.
Funding: This work was supported by the Natural Science 556 Foundation of Liaoning Province (No. 2022-MS-114).
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at All authors report that this work was supported by the Natural Science 556 Foundation of Liaoning Province (No. 2022-MS-114). The authors have no other conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
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Cite this article as: Xue H, Yao Y, Teng Y. Multi-modal tumor segmentation methods based on deep learning: a narrative review. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2024;14(1):1122-1140. doi: 10.21037/qims-23-818