Deep learning-based projection synthesis for low-dose cone-beam computed tomography imaging in image-guided radiotherapy
On-board cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has been widely used as the gold standard for online positioning verification in image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) (1). And recurrent CBCT scans are routinely scheduled over the treatment course (2). For radiotherapy patients with planning target volume (PTV) margins in centimeters, CBCT is usually performed weekly for the first few fractions. However, for patients with head and neck tumors or high-dose fractions, due to the long list of organs-at-risk (OAR) and tight PTV margins, positioning tolerance is very strict. As a result, CBCT is typically scheduled for every fraction. Although the dose of a single CBCT scan is generally low (3), considering that the imaging field is typically much larger than target volumes and in-field OARs are unshielded, adverse radiation dose from recurrent CBCT scans over the whole course can be easily accumulated to a level that may cause radiobiological effects (4,5). Therefore, the non-negligible risk of the accumulative CBCT imaging dose on patients’ health in long term has raised growing concerns from researchers (6,7) and professional societies (8).
Fortunately, increasing efforts have been directed to low-dose CBCT. Dose reduction strategies generally fall into several approaches (9), including tube current reduction, optimal selection of tube voltage, and sparse-view sampling. Among these approaches, sparse-view sampling as a straightforward strategy is highly efficient in reducing radiation exposure. However, insufficient projection data induce severe streak artifacts and noise in reconstructed images (10). To address this issue, many iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms have been developed (11-17) to compensate the image quality deterioration. For instance, Varian commercializes an IR module, iCBCT®, which delivers comparable pelvis images with as much as 33% reduction in projection views and 50% reduction in CT dose index (18). In spite of this, successful deployments of IR on commercial on-board CBCT are limited for several reasons, such as high computation complexity, long time consumption, latent new artifacts patterns, and unnatural “plastic” image textures (19).
Deep learning (DL) achieved breakthroughs in computer vision as well as medical imaging, providing powerful tools for sparse-view CT imaging (20). DL-based methods might be grouped into two types: image-domain refinement (21-30) and projection-domain augmentation (31-37). Image-domain refinement methods are applied to enhance the coarse CT images reconstructed from insufficient projections, which is an intuitive way to improve the quality of sparse-view CT images. Representative convolutional neural network (CNN) models include FBPConvNet (21), which combines the filtered-back-projection (FBP) algorithm with a multiresolution U-Net model, DD-Net (22), which takes advantage of the DenseNet model and deconvolution operation, framing U-Net (23), which is a variant of the original U-Net model, GoogleNet (24), which is characterized by multiscale inception modules, R2-Net (25), which contains several recurrent and recursive stages, SR-CNN (26), which contains symmetric network layers with residual connection, and FRCNN (27), which consists of a residual CNN model with a fractional total-variance loss. The objective of these models is to minimize the pixel-wise L2 distance between the refined sparse-view and reference full-view CT images. While image noise is efficiently reduced, over-smoothed patterns are yielded (28). To address the over-smoothing issue, Yang et al. (28) developed a generative adversarial network (GAN) model with VGG-based perceptual loss. Meanwhile, Li et al. (29) developed a 3-dimensional (2D) self-attention CNN model with autoencoder perceptual loss, and Huang et al. (30) developed an attributed-augmented Wasserstein GAN model which took the anatomical prior information into account.
Projection-domain augmentation restores full-view projections from sparse-view projections prior to reconstruction, which outperforms image-domain refinement in suppressing streak artifacts (38). Lee et al. (31), Dong et al. (32) and Yuan et al. (33) developed U-Net models, Liang et al. (34) developed a DLI-Net model, and Yin et al. (35) developed a SD-Net model for sinogram interpolation where equivalent image qualities were presented. Dong et al. (36) improved the quality of sparse-view micro-CT images by restoring full-view sinograms with linear interpolation techniques and a U-Net model. Note that the above-mentioned studies were all in fan-beam CT and could not be applied to CBCT directly. Hu et al. (37) proposed a hybrid strategy combining projection augmentation together with an image-domain refinement method. In the projection augmentation stage of their study, inter-view projections were linearly interpolated at first and then refined by a CNN model.
In this study, we propose a novel DL-based projection synthesis model, SynCNN, to restore full-view CBCT projections from sparse-view projections, thereby improving the image quality to an extent that is comparable to the full-view reconstruction but with reduced dose. The proposed SynCNN model is inspired in part by a video frame interpolation technique (39-41). The sequence of CBCT projections is acquired consecutively over a circular scan trajectory, similar to a sequence of video frames in terms of dynamic features between the neighboring projections/frames. The inter-view projections are directly synthesized by the proposed SynCNN model without a pre-step of linear interpolation as adopted in studies (31,36,37). Moreover, the proposed model is fully trained using real patients’ data, and its performance is systematically evaluated using an image quality test phantom and real patients’ data in both the projection and image domains.
The main contributions of this work are as follows:
- The proposed SynCNN model improves the quality of the sparse-view low-dose CBCT images for IGRT using an innovative DL framework to synthesize missing projections.
- The originality of the proposed SynCNN model is that the missing CBCT projections are synthesized with local convolution operations between the input neighboring sparse-view projections and orthogonally direction-separable spatial kernels.
The highlights of this work are as follows:
- The proposed SynCNN model is fully trained with clinical CBCT scans from real patients, and its performance is evaluated in both the projection and image domains.
- Blind and randomized expert scoring is utilized to assess the image quality of authentic full-view reconstructions, sparse-view reconstructions, and composite full-view reconstructions.
- The results indicate that the proposed SynCNN model improves the quality of sparse-view CBCT images comparable to that of regular CBCT images.
- The proposed SynCNN model synthesizes the missing projections at a low time cost, which is crucial for enabling online imaging in IGRT.
We present this article in accordance with the TRIPOD reporting checklist (available at
Sparse-view CBCT imaging chain using DL model
Figure 1 shows the imaging chain for sparse-view CBCT using the proposed SynCNN model. First, the sparse-view projections were acquired by CBCT using the sparse-view scanning protocol. Then, the missing projections were synthesized with the SynCNN model to restore full-view projections. Finally, tomographic CBCT images were reconstructed from the restored full-view projections.

DL model architecture
Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of the proposed SynCNN model. Inspired in part by previous studies (39,42), a U-shaped structure was used as the backbone. The SynCNN model consisted of both an encoder component and a decoder component. Taking neighboring sparse-view projections, P1 and P3, as the input, the SynCNN model was designed to synthesize the inter-view projection similar to the actual middle view projection P2.

The encoder component consisted of five levels of down-sampling steps, which reduced the H×W×2 input to a (H/32)×(W/32)×512 representation, and the decoder component consisted of five corresponding levels of up-sampling steps to up-sample the encoded representation into four H×W×51 spatial kernels. Each down or up-sampling step consisted of three consecutive 3×3 convolutions (zero-padded), followed by a rectified linear units (ReLU) activation function and either an average-pooling with a kernel size of 2×2 in the encoder component or up-sampling operations via 2×2 bilinear interpolation in the decoder component. The skip connections (43) were used to let the decoding steps incorporate features from the encoding component of the network, which helped preserve the details of the input projections.
Assuming that the relation between the neighboring input projections and the synthesized projection could be described with local convolution operations (44,45), as
where P1 and P3 are the neighboring input projections, K1 and K2 are associated 2-dimensional (2D) spatial kernels, is the local convolution operator, and is the synthesized projection.
Patients were scanned by CBCT with a circular trajectory, and the resulting consecutive projections were correlated in orthogonal directions (46). These directions were parallel and perpendicular to the trajectory plane, denoted as horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. To take advantage of the circular scan trajectory in CBCT acquisition, the 2D spatial kernels were decomposed into two orthogonal directional (vertical and horizontal) kernels, respectively (39). Therefore, the relation between the neighboring input projections and the synthesized one was approximated with two pairs of direction-separable spatial kernels, as
where Kv and Kh are the spatial kernels in the vertical and horizontal directions.
The information flow in the last decoder step in Figure 2 was directed into four sub-networks, estimating one of the direction-separable spatial kernels, respectively. Finally, the output synthesized projection was calculated as in Eq. [2]. Note that the estimated spatial kernels were applied to the input projections using local convolution operations, which were implemented as dynamic convolution layers (47) in the SynCNN model. This implementation allowed for end-to-end training of the SynCNN model.
Loss function of DL model
To train the SynCNN model, we adopted the mean square error (MSE) loss. The MSE loss is formulated as
where represents concatenation of the two input projections, M is the mini-batch size, and N is the number of pixels in a projection.
Data preparation
The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study was approved by the institutional review board (IRB) at Beijing Cancer Hospital and individual consent for this retrospective analysis was waived. The patient inclusion criteria of this study were: (I) age >18 years, and (II) immobilized with double-shell positioning system (MacroMedics, Moordrecht, The Netherlands). The exclusion criteria were: (I) tumour sites on parietal lobe only, and (II) with metal implants. A total of 223 patients diagnosed with brain tumours (glioma and metastases) at the hospital from March 2021 to April 2021 were finally enrolled. The real CBCT scan data were anonymously collected from all 223 patients using an Edge linac (Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA). All these scans were performed on the default half-scan head protocol, the details of which are listed in Table 1. Note that the imaging centers were all around the nasal midline, and the issue of shoulder-head transition was not applicable. In addition to patients, a CatPhan-504 phantom was also scanned on the identical linac using the same protocol. The raw scan data were preprocessed in a typical workflow using a validated open-source toolkit, TIGRE-VarianCBCT (48). The preprocessing procedure included dead-pixel removal, beam-hardening correction (49), scatter reduction (50), logarithmic operation, and negative pixel value cutoff.
Table 1
Acquisition parameters | Values |
Scan range (°) | 200 |
Interval (°) | 0.4 |
Tube voltage (kVp) | 120 |
Tube current (mA) | 15 |
Pulse length (ms) | 20 |
Detector array dimension, (R) × (C) | 768×1,024 |
Detector pixel size (mm2) | 0.388×0.388 |
Source-to-isocenter distance (mm) | 1,000 |
Source-to-detector distance (mm) | 1,500 |
CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; R, row; C, column.
The full-view projections were acquired at an interval of 0.4 degrees, yielding 501 views. Sparse-view projections were down-sampled from the full-view projections. For each full-view projection dataset, denoted as S1, three sparse-view projection datasets were decimated and denoted as S1/2, for 251 projections sampled at 0.8 degrees, S1/4, for 126 projections at 1.6 degrees, and S1/8, for 63 projections at 3.2 degrees.
For the model training, a total of 150 patients were randomly selected from the whole patient cohort (150/223, 67%) using the Fisher-Yates shuffle (51). For each patient, every three adjacent projections in either S1, S1/2 or S1/4 were independently grouped into a triplet, resulting in 167, 83 and 42 triplets, respectively. Therefore, a total of 25,050, 12,490, and 6,300 triplets were generated from all S1, S1/2 and S1/4 in the training set. An additional 30 patients (30/223, 13%) were set aside as the validation set, which was used for hyperparameter optimization and to prevent overfitting of the model. The CatPhan phantom and the rest 43 patients were used to test the SynCNN model.
Model training and implementation details
Figure 3 shows the workflow of the model training. Triplets were fed to train the proposed model. For each triplet, the start and end view projections served as the input, and the middle view projection served as the corresponding ground truth label. The model encoded the input projections to gain high-level feature representation and then decoded back to synthesize the inter-view projections. The model weights were updated iteratively till the synthesized projections were close enough to the ground truth labels.

Three different models, referred to as SynCNN1/2, SynCNN1/4, and SynCNN1/8, were trained using all triplets from S1, S1/2 and S1/4 in the training set, respectively. These models were independently implemented using Python V3.8.13, Pytorch V1.10.1, and Cuda V11.1.74. The Adam optimizer (52) was utilized with an initial learning rate 10−5, β1 =0.9, and β2 =0.999. The mini-batch size was set to 6 triplets. For the training process, a learning rate scheduler was employed. If the average loss on the validation set did not decrease over 10 consecutive epochs, the learning rate was reduced to one-tenth of its previous value. Furthermore, an early stopping mechanism was incorporated to prevent potential overfitting. If the average loss on the validation set did not decrease over 20 consecutive epochs, the training was terminated. The SynCNN1/2, SynCNN1/4, and SynCNN1/8 models were all trained with a maximum of 200 epochs. All experiments were carried out on a single NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU with 24 GB memory.
Performance evaluation
The performance of the proposed SynCNN model was evaluated at three levels, i.e., objective assessment with a phantom data, objective assessment with real patients’ data, and subjective assessment given by experts. Besides, the running time of the SynCNN models was recorded as an indicator of computation complexity.
Evaluation metrics
For objective evaluation, quantitative metrics including root-mean-square error (RMSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM) (53) were used.
The RMSE and PSNR are defined below:
where N is the number of pixels, and In are the values of pixel n in the evaluated image and reference image, and max(I) is the maximum pixel value of the reference image.
The SSIM is defined as
where and are the mean values of local windows for the evaluated image and reference image, respectively, and are the respective standard deviations, is the covariance, and C1 and C2 are constants of (0.01×L)2 and (0.03×L)2, respectively, where L equals to the dynamic range of pixel-values in the reference image (53). The SSIM computation employs an 11×11 window size.
Phantom and patient studies
The CatPhan phantom and 43 patients were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in both the projection and image domains. Figure 4 shows the corresponding workflow. In the projection domain, the composite full-view projection dataset was generated by feeding the sparse-view projection dataset to the trained models. The corresponding projection synthesis process is shown in Figure 5. Specifically, the S1/2 was fed into the trained SynCNN1/2 model to obtain the composite full-view projection dataset denoted as Syn1/2. The S1/4 was fed into a cascade of trained SynCNN1/4 and SynCNN1/2 models to obtain the composite full-view projection dataset denoted as Syn1/4. The S1/8 was fed into a cascade of trained SynCNN1/8, SynCNN1/4 and SynCNN1/2 models to obtain the composite full-view projection dataset denoted as Syn1/8. The projections in the authentic full-view projection dataset, S1, were used as the reference benchmark, and the synthesized projections in the composite full-view projection datasets, Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8, were compared with the projections in S1, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values were calculated.

In the image domain, seven 3D tomographic CBCT images were reconstructed from projection datasets S1, S1/2, S1/4, S1/8, Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8. These 3D images were denoted as IMG(S1), IMG(S1/2), IMG(S1/4), IMG(S1/8), IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(Syn1/4), and IMG(Syn1/8), respectively. The Feldkamp-Davis-Kress algorithm was used for reconstruction (48,54), and the resulting images had a matrix size of 512×512×93 and a voxel size of 0.511×0.511×1.990 mm3. The axial images in IMG(S1) were used as the reference benchmark, and the axial images in IMG(S1/2), IMG(S1/4), IMG(S1/8), IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(Syn1/4), and IMG(Syn1/8) were qualitatively and quantitatively compared with the images in IMG(S1). The RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values were calculated.
Blind and randomized expert scoring
Five radiation oncology experts were invited herein. Three experts were radiation oncologists (physicians) with more than 11 years of experience, and the other two were senior medical physicist with more than 8 years of experience. The qualities of reconstructed CBCT images were subjectively assessed by the five experts. The expert scoring was organized in a blind and randomized fashion as follows:
- Step 1: twenty patients were randomly selected from the 43 test patients, i.e., (20/43).
- Step 2: for each patient, two axial locations were randomly selected for 93 cross-section images, i.e., (2/93).
- Step 3: for each selected location, seven axial images from IMG(S1), IMG(S1/2), IMG(S1/4), IMG(S1/8), IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(Syn1/4), and IMG(Syn1/8) were combined to form one evaluation group, i.e., a total of 40 evaluation groups were generated.
- Step 4: within each evaluation group, the seven images were shuffled and labelled from (a) to (g).
- Step 5: the 40 evaluation groups were packed in a random order and sent to one expert for scoring.
- Step 6: repeat Step 4 to 5 till the five experts all received their own evaluation dataset.
The image quality was scored using a four-level rubric: excellent (score 3), good (score 2), suboptimal (score 1), and poor (score 0). Images quality with a score ≥2 were regarded as acceptable. The median scores and acceptance rates of the seven image categories were compared.
Comparison study
The proposed SynCNN model was directly compared with three other methods for sparse-view CBCT reconstruction using our patient CBCT scan data: the projection-domain linear interpolation method, and the image-domain refinement methods utilizing the FBPConvNet (21) and IDU-Net (37) models. The focus of these comparisons was on the 1/4 sparse-view reconstructions, given the encouraging results from SynCNN, which delivered image quality comparable to that of full-view reconstructions (as detailed in the Expert scoring section). Table 2 provides the descriptions of different methods. The source codes for both the FBPConvNet and IDU-Net models were not accessible. They were re-implemented and fine-tuned according to the descriptions provided in their original papers (21,37). To ensure consistency, the training, validation, and test sets used for the FBPConvNet and IDU-Net models were identical to those used for the proposed SynCNN model.
Table 2
Methods | Descriptions |
Linear interpolation | Linear interpolation from S1/4 to full-view projections, followed by FDK reconstruction |
FBPConvNet (21) | FDK reconstruction with S1/4, followed by 2D U-Net refinement |
IDU-Net (37) | FDK reconstruction with S1/4, followed by 3D U-Net refinement |
SynCNN (proposed) | SynCNN synthesis from S1/4 to full-view projections, followed by FDK reconstruction |
FDK, Feldkamp-Davis-Kress algorithm. SynCNN, synthesis convolutional neural network.
Phantom study
Projection domain
Figure 6 shows the representative synthesized projections of the CatPhan phantom and the corresponding absolute differences from the reference projection. The RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values of the synthesized projections in composite full-view projection datasets Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8 were also given [Figure 6 (D1-D3)]. The synthesized projections in Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8 [Figure 6 (B1-B3)] were close to the reference projection in S1 (Figure 6A). As depicted in Figure 6 (C1-C3), the disparity between the synthesized projections and the reference projection mainly resided around the sharp edges. When the down-sampling rate decreased, the disparity became greater, along with the deterioration of the RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values.

Image domain
Figure 7 shows the representative axial images of the CatPhan phantom, reconstructed from the projection datasets S1, S1/2, S1/4, S1/8, Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8, respectively. The RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values of the images in IMG(S1/2), IMG(S1/4), IMG(S1/8), IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(Syn1/4), and IMG(Syn1/8) were also given. As depicted in Figure 7 (B1-B3,C1-C3), when the number of projections was reduced, the radial streak artifacts and noise induced by under-sampling became greater, and the RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values deteriorated accordingly. However, with the aid of the proposed SynCNN model, the overall image qualities of the composite full-view reconstructions were significantly improved upon the original sparse-view reconstructions, accompanied by the improvement of the RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values.

Patient study
Projection domain
The composite full-view projection datasets Syn1/2 achieved the best RMSE, PSNR and SSIM values, shown in Table 3, indicating that the synthesized projections in Syn1/2 were closest to the reference projections. Besides, as the down-sampling rate decreased, the accuracies of the synthesized projections in Syn1/4 and Syn1/8 also decreased in a sequential manner.
Table 3
Projection dataset | RMSE (×10−2) | PSNR (dB) | SSIM (×10−2) |
Syn1/2* | 2.6±1.2 | 46.2±1.6 | 98.3±0.6 |
Syn1/4 | 2.8±1.2 | 45.7±1.6 | 98.1±0.6 |
Syn1/8 | 3.3±1.2 | 44.2±1.7 | 97.8±0.7 |
All values are reported as mean ± standard deviation. Best results are indicated with an asterisk (*). RMSE, root-mean-square error; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SSIM, structural similarity.
Figure 8 shows the representative projections of a patient. The absolute difference maps [Figure 8 (C1-C3)] exhibited that the major discrepancies between the synthesized projections and the reference projection were around the structure edges, similar to the patterns observed in the phantom study.

Image domain
A few trends can be observed from the numerical results shown in Table 4. First of all, the image qualities of the sparse-view reconstructions deteriorated as the down-sampling rate decreased. Second, the image qualities of sparse-view reconstructions improved with DL-based projection synthesis, and the improvement increased as the down-sampling rate decreased. The difference between IMG(Syn1/2) and IMG(S1/2), IMG(Syn1/4) and IMG(S1/4), and IMG(Syn1/8) and IMG(S1/8) were 3.4×10−4, 10.3×10−4, and 21.7×10−4 for the averaged RMSE, 3.4, 6.6, and 9.4 dB for the averaged PSNR, and 5.2×10−2, 18.9×10−2 and 33.9×10−2 for the averaged SSIM, respectively.
Table 4
Reconstructed image | RMSE (×10−4) | PSNR (dB) | SSIM (×10−2) |
IMG(S1/2) | 10.5±2.9 | 36.1±2.5 | 88.9±2.8 |
IMG(S1/4) | 19.6±5.0 | 30.6±2.5 | 71.2±5.4 |
IMG(S1/8) | 33.1±7.6 | 26.0±2.4 | 52.9±6.0 |
IMG(Syn1/2)* | 7.1±2.2 | 39.5±2.7 | 94.1±1.9 |
IMG(Syn1/4) | 9.3±2.6 | 37.2±2.6 | 90.1±3.2 |
IMG(Syn1/8) | 11.4±3.0 | 35.4±2.6 | 86.8±4.2 |
All values are reported as mean ± standard deviation. Best results are indicated with an asterisk (*). DL, deep learning; RMSE, root-mean-square error; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SSIM, structural similarity.
Figures 9-11 show the representative axial, coronal, and sagittal images of three different patients. Sparse-view reconstructions with or without DL-based projection synthesis showed substantially different properties of streak artifacts and noise, as depicted in Figure 9 (B1-B3,D1-D3), Figure 10 (B1-B3,D1-D3), and Figure 11 (B1-B3,D1-D3). In addition, the integrity of the patient anatomical structures in sparse-view reconstructions was effectively preserved by using the proposed model. In all three patients, despite slight blurring of bone or other tissues, images reconstructed from Syn1/4 delivered reasonable integrity of anatomical details and exhibited good contrast against streak artifacts and noise.

Expert scoring
Figure 12 shows the results of blind and randomized expert scoring for the seven categories of reconstructed images. The median scores were 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, and 2, respectively, for IMG(S1), IMG(S1/2), IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(S1/4), IMG(Syn1/4), IMG(S1/8), and IMG(Syn1/8). The utilization of DL-based projection synthesis in sparse-view reconstructions achieved higher median scores compared to those without this technique. Moreover, the proposed model increased the rates of image quality acceptance from 69.5% to 99%, 17% to 95.5%, 1% to 61.5%, respectively, for images reconstructed from half, quarter, and one-eighth sparse-view projections. The acceptance rate for IMG(S1) was 95.5%, which was even lower than that of IMG(S1/2).

Time cost
Table 5 shows the average running time of the SynCNN models. The projection synthesis from sparse-view projection datasets S1/2, S1/4, and S1/8 to composite full-view projection datasets Syn1/2, Syn1/4, and Syn1/8 took 1.8, 2.6 and 2.9 s, respectively. Moreover, the projection synthesis per frame required less than 0.01 s.
Table 5
Projection synthesis | SynCNN1/8 | SynCNN1/4 | SynCNN1/2 | Subtotal |
S1/8 → Syn1/8 | 0.4 | 0.8 | 1.7 | 2.9 |
S1/4 → Syn1/4 | – | 0.9 | 1.7 | 2.6 |
S1/2 → Syn1/2 | – | – | 1.8 | 1.8 |
Note that the running time is measured in seconds. SynCNN, synthesis convolutional neural network.
Comparison study
Tables 6,7 show the quantitative comparison results of different methods in the projection and image domains, respectively. The SynCNN model obtained the best scores in terms of the three metrics in both domains.
Table 6
Methods | RMSE (×10−2) | PSNR (dB) | SSIM (×10−2) |
Linear interpolation | 4.0±1.6 | 42.4±2.0 | 96.7±1.1 |
SynCNN (proposed)* | 2.8±1.2 | 45.7±1.6 | 98.1±0.6 |
All values are reported as mean ± standard deviation. Best results are indicated with an asterisk (*). RMSE, root-mean-square error; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SSIM, structural similarity; SynCNN, synthesis convolutional neural network.
Table 7
Methods | RMSE (×10−4) | PSNR (dB) | SSIM (×10−2) |
Linear interpolation | 13.1±3.5 | 34.1±2.4 | 84.4±4.2 |
FBPConvNet | 10.0±2.8 | 36.4±2.5 | 88.9±3.4 |
IDU-Net | 10.1±2.7 | 36.4±2.5 | 88.9±3.4 |
SynCNN (proposed)* | 9.3±2.6 | 37.2±2.6 | 90.1±3.2 |
All values are reported as mean ± standard deviation. Best results are indicated with an asterisk (*). RMSE, root-mean-square error; PSNR, peak signal-to-noise ratio; SSIM, structural similarity; SynCNN, synthesis convolutional neural network.
CBCT is an important imaging modality in IGRT (1). The accumulative CBCT imaging dose poses a risk to patient health (2-5). Sparse-view sampling is a reduced-dose strategy that results in compromised image quality (10). In this study, we propose a DL-based model, SynCNN, that can synthesize missing CBCT projections to improve the image quality. The SynCNN architecture takes advantage of the circular scan trajectory in CBCT acquisition, where projection synthesis is formulated as local convolution operations between the input neighboring sparse-view projections and orthogonally direction-separable spatial kernels.
The direct comparisons highlighted the superior performance of the proposed SynCNN model over the three other methods in sparse-view CBCT reconstruction. As shown in Table 6, the SynCNN model achieved a lower RMSE and higher PSNR and SSIM values than the linear interpolation method. This suggested that the proposed model was not only more accurate in pixel-level projection reproduction, but also ensured better perceptual quality of the projections. Furthermore, as detailed in Table 7, the SynCNN model demonstrated the power and adaptability of DL-based projection-domain augmentation method specifically tailored for CBCT modality. It had the capability of capturing valuable information present in the cone-beam X-ray projections and this capability translates to an enhancement in the image quality of reconstructions.
The evaluation results in the projection domain demonstrated that the missing projections were accurately synthesized using the SynCNN model. As observed from Figures 4,6 and Table 2, the synthesized projections in different composite full-view projection datasets were all close to the reference projections, from both qualitative and quantitative standpoints. As the input projections became sparser, the accuracy of the synthesized projections deteriorated due to the cascaded synthesis process.
The evaluation results in the image domain demonstrated that with the SynCNN model, the streak artifacts and noise in the reconstructed images could be mitigated substantially, leading to a significant improvement in overall image quality of sparse-view reconstructions. This finding was consistent with the literature (31-37). The quality of images reconstructed from Syn1/4 was found to be comparable with that of the reference images reconstructed from S1, indicating a well-balanced trade-off between dose reduction and image quality preservation. Some issues such as edge differences and blurring of fine structures existed in IMG(Syn1/2), IMG(Syn1/4) and IMG(Syn1/8), indicating that the interpolation of missing projections using the SynCNN model could not completely eliminate the aliasing effect caused by under-sampling.
In IGRT, CBCT is a task-specific modality for online positioning verification, that requires clinicians to make critical decisions. Therefore, experts should participate in image quality evaluation. In this study, we conducted blind and randomized expert scoring, and the corresponding results demonstrated the task-specific merit of the SynCNN model. Images reconstructed from Syn1/2, Syn1/4 and Syn1/8 were preferred over those reconstructed from S1/2, S1/4 and S1/8. Both IMG(Syn1/2) and IMG(Syn1/4) received median scores identical to IMG(S1), and their acceptance rates were also comparable to IMG(S1). These findings suggested that the image quality of 1/4 sparse-view reconstructions using the SynCNN model had the ability to perform positioning verification tasks on par with regular dose images. When the down-sampling rate went to as low as 1/8, the results between IMG(S1/8) and IMG(Syn1/8) indicated that the substantial potential of the proposed model for image quality enhancement in ultra-sparse down-sampling scenarios.
The SynCNN model restored full-view projections from sparse-view projections at a low time cost, which was crucial for enabling online imaging in IGRT. Results showed that the average running time required for restoring full-view projections from half, quarter, and one-eighth sparse-view projections was less than 3 s. With further optimization, the process of projection synthesis could be accelerated.
The SynCNN model operates solely in the projection domain, which facilitates integrating the model into the existent CBCT imaging chain without major workflow revision. When using the SynCNN model as a generator network coupled with a discriminator network, it can be transformed into a GAN. This GAN configuration, when subjected to a generative-adversarial training strategy, holds promise in enhancing the precision of projection synthesis (55). Additionally, the flexible nature of the SynCNN model means it can be coupled with other DL-based image-domain refinement methods, offering another avenue to improve the image quality of sparse-view CBCT reconstructions.
There are three limitations of this work. First, the proposed SynCNN models synthesized the missing projections in a cascaded fashion, which worsens the blurring effect particularly in IMG(Syn1/8). Future efforts will be directed to modifying the model architecture to synthesize multi-frame projections in one-step and incorporating attention mechanism modules to improve model performance in edge-enhancement and deblurring. Second, limited by the scope of the IRB approval, the patient scans used for model training, validation, and test were all acquired in half-scan head protocols. A new clinical study should be launched to include a variety of scan protocols and sites to further test the generalization of the proposed model. Third, the projections synthesized using the SynCNN model did not derive from the Radon transform, and this DL-based projection synthesis method might introduce new artifacts. While a rigorous mathematical explanation we believe is very necessary, we left this end loose due to a lack of strong mathematical background.
The proposed SynCNN model for projection synthesis is capable of improving the quality of sparse-view CBCT images at a low time cost. With the SynCNN model, the CBCT imaging dose in IGRT could be reduced potentially.
Funding: This study was partially supported by
Reporting Checklist: The authors have completed the TRIPOD reporting checklist. Available at
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). This study was approved by the institutional review board at Beijing Cancer Hospital. Individual consent for this retrospective analysis was waived.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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