Conversion of measured bone mineral density T-scores of Chinese women to equivalent Caucasian women’s T-score values
The prevalence of densitometric osteoporosis (DOP) in a specific population should be in proportion to its relative risk of fragility fracture (FF), using Caucasian data as a reference (1,2). While the cutpoint T-score value of −2.5 for defining DOP based on dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements of hip and spine bone mineral density (BMD) was developed using Caucasian female data, the application of the same cutpoint value of −2.5 to Caucasian men and Black Americans appears reasonable (3). However, the application of the same cutpoint value of −2.5 to East Asian populations leads to the current dilemma that “the prevalence of DOP for East Asians is high (even when an East Asian BMD reference range is applied), but the osteoporotic fracture incidence is low” (4-7). We have proposed that directly measured BMD T-scores of Chinese women should be converted (or ‘normalised’) to equivalent Caucasian women’s T-score values (8). In this letter we propose provisional formulas for such a conversion.
It is well noted that the use of a Caucasian BMD reference database in East Asians will lead to systematically lower T-scores and hence increase the prevalence of DOP (6,9). The use of Asian-specific BMD reference data was recommended by the International Society for Clinical Densitometry Asia-Pacific Region 2010 Consensus (10) and recently further argued for by us (6). Thus, all the discussions in this letter deal with results derived using T-scores calculated with Chinese (or East Asian) local BMD reference data.
We analysed multiple published BMD databases for Caucasian and Chinese populations and conducted statistical modelling to find more suitable threshold T-scores for older Chinese (5). We used a T-score threshold of ≤−2.5 and its equivalent BMD cutpoints to estimate DOP prevalence for Caucasians assuming a Gaussian distribution; then, assuming that, for consistency with data on fracture incidence, the prevalence of DOP amongst Chinese is half that of Caucasians (11-25), data from BMD databases for Chinese were analysed to estimate revised BMD thresholds and their corresponding T-scores consistent with the reduced prevalence (5). For most Chinese female BMD reference databases, our proposed osteoporosis cutpoint T-scoreneck (femoral neck T-score) differs by −0.2 to −0.25 from the conventional value of −2.5 (5). According to our estimation for Chinese women, for the local BMD reference database of Lynn et al. (26), we found osteoporosis cutpoint values for T-scoreneck, T-scorehip (total hip T-score), and T-scorespine (lumbar spine T-score) of −2.7, −2.6, and −3.7, respectively (5).
In addition to the analysis of multiple Caucasian BMD reference databases from Europe, North America, and Australia, we also evaluated multiple databases using different DXA manufacturers’ scanners from East Asia and found similar trends requiring the threshold T-scoreneck, T-scorehip, and T-scorespine for East Asians to be adjusted to a lower value than the conventional cutpoint of ≤−2.5 (5). For the Japanese female BMD reference database of Iki et al. (27), we found the osteoporosis cutpoint values for T-scoreneck, T-scorehip, and T-scorespine to be −2.75, −3.0, and −3.9 respectively (5). Note that, we recommend a larger downward adjustment for T-scorespine than for T-scoreneck and T-scorehip (T-scoreneck and T-scorehip are highly correlated). This is consistent with the observation that, following natural aging, T-scorespine and T-scoreneck (and T-scorehip) decline with a similar rate among Caucasian women (2,24,28-30), while T-scorespine declines at a much faster rate than T-scoreneck (and T-scorehip) among East Asian women (8,24,27,30). The T-scoreneck is adjusted downward by only −0.2 to −0.25. For individual patients, the clinical implication of such a T-scoreneck adjustment is not substantial; however, the impact on epidemiological studies will not be trivial.
Our proposal to convert raw (i.e., directly measured, with a Chinese women’s BMD reference database) T-scorespine to normalised T-scorespine is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1A shows our empirical data based on Hong Kong Chinese and Italian Caucasians. Spine radiograph osteoporotic-like vertebral fracture (OLVF) was considered as a relevant surrogate endpoint. For each vertebra, a score of 0, −0.5, −1, −1.5, −2, −2.5, and −3 is assigned for no OLVF or an OLVF of <1/5, ≥1/5–1/4, ≥1/4–1/3, ≥1/3–2/5, ≥2/5–2/3, and ≥2/3 vertebral height loss, respectively. The OLVF sum score (OLVFss) was calculated by summing up the scores for vertebrae T1 to L5. Counting each study case, the OLVFss, T-scoreneck and T-scorespine were all independently ranked from the smallest value to the largest [for details, see (31,32)]. In this way, it was noted that, when OLVFss =−2.5, T-scoreneck was −2.60 for Italians and −2.77 for Chinese, and T-scorespine was −2.44 for Italians and −3.75 for Chinese. These data support our statistical modeling results (5). Figure 1B illustrates that, following natural aging, the decline of the population mean raw T-scorespine of Chinese women is faster than that of US Caucasian women [data from Wu et al. (30)]. Plotting the data from Figure 1A and Figure 1B together shows good agreement (Figure 1C), supporting the reliability of the data. Data from Figure 1A and Figure 1B, together with some statistical modeling results around a raw T-scorespine =−2.5 reported by Wáng and Xiao (5) for Hong Kong Chinese women, were used to fit a quadratic relationship between the raw T-scorespine and the normalised T-scorespine. In addition, we enforced when raw T-scorespine =−3.7 then normalized T-scorespine =−2.5 (Figure 1D), and final conversion formula for T-scorespine is:

To further support our argument that the osteoporosis cutpoint T-scoreneck value among East Asian populations should be lower than the conventional value of ≤−2.5, we conducted a literature analysis (33). For hip FF patients, there is a trend for East Asian women to have a lower T-scoreneck and T-scorehip than Caucasians. If we assume that hip FF in East Asians and Caucasians is equally relevant as a clinical endpoint for osteoporosis, then the results of this literature analysis suggest that a ‘lower’ T-score in East Asian women corresponds to a ‘higher’ T-score in Caucasian women, supporting our argument that to achieve the equivalent of a Caucasian T-score of −2.5, the corresponding T-score for East Asian women should be lower. Our proposal to convert raw (directly measured, with a Chinese women’s BMD reference database) T-scoreneck to normalised T-scoreneck is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2A shows the OLVFss values and the corresponding raw T-scoreneck of Hong Kong Chinese women and Italian Caucasian women (31,32). Figure 2D shows the relationship between of raw T-scoreneck and normalised T-score (i.e., values equivalent to Caucasian T-score) for Chinese women based on the data in Figure 2A, as well as some statistical modeling results around a raw T-scoreneck of −2.0 to −2.5 of Wang and Xiao (5) for Hong Kong Chinese women. These data were then used to fit a quadratic relationship between the raw T-scoreneck and the normalised T-scoreneck. In addition, we enforced when raw T-score =−2.7 then normalized T-score =−2.5 (Figure 1D), and the final conversion formula for T-scoreneck is:

It is well-known that T-scoreneck and T-scorehip are highly correlated (27,31,34,35). Using OLVFss as a surrogate endpoint, for our Hong Kong older women’s data, for each OLVFss the corresponding T-scoreneck and T-scorehip are almost the same (Figure 3A). The good correlation of T-scoreneck and T-scorehip in the Japanese data of Iki et al. (27) is also shown in Figure 3B. As a result, we believe that the relationship between the Chinese women’s T-scorehip and the Caucasian women’s T-scorehip follows the same pattern as the relationship between the Chinese women’s T-scoreneck and the Caucasian T-scoreneck. Since we recommended that a Chinese women’s T-scorehip of −2.6 is equivalent to a Caucasian women’s T-scorehip of −2.5 (5), our proposed conversion formula for Chinese women’s T-scorehip is:

According to the 1994 World Health Organization (WHO) document (1), the definition of osteopenia (low bone mass) is a T-score between −1 and −2.5 below SDyoungadultpopulation (standard deviation of BMD of young adult population). However, there is no biological or epidemiological rationale for the threshold of −1 (36). The original intention of the WHO was to choose a threshold that would make osteopenia uncommon at the time of menopause. Actually, the prevalence of osteopenia is higher and can be more than 50% in postmenopausal women over the age of 50 years (5). This makes osteopenia a less relevant diagnosis for patients. In our modelling (5), we assumed osteopenia prevalence among Chinese women is also half that of Caucasian women. Based on the available BMD reference data, we recommend that, for Chinese women, osteopenia has a raw T-score range of −2.7 to −3.7, −2.0 to −2.7, and −1.8 to −2.6 for T-scorespine, T-scoreneck, and T-scorehip, respectively.
Strictly speaking, different East Asian BMD reference databases could be associated with slightly different DOP cutpoint T-scores (5). However, we anticipate our conversion formulas will be broadly applicable to all East Asian female populations, and the application of these conversion formulas will not result in any important statistical errors.
Our suggested normalized DOP cutpoint T-scores are in line with the original WHO T-score definition of osteoporosis and will allow a more meaningful international comparison of disease burden and epidemiological studies.
Funding: None.
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at YXJW serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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