Topological properties of individual gray matter morphological networks in identifying the preclinical stages of Alzheimer’s disease: a preliminary study
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), resulting in approximately 50–80% of all dementia cases (1), is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disorder. Currently, no disease modifying therapy is available for AD and applied clinical drug trials feature a high risk of failure (2). The clinical hypothesis for such outcomes is that AD patients have a long preclinical phase (2) and their brain pathology emerges years before the manifestation of clinical cognitive impairment (3). Recently, studies have investigated the earlier clinical stages of neurodegeneration that bear a high risk of progression to AD, including subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the preclinical stage of AD, and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the early symptomatic stage of AD.
SCD is characterized by self-perceived deterioration of cognitive performance, but does not usually represent clinical neuropsychological dysfunction (4). Most studies have reported that SCD is the earliest alert of AD, and that individuals with SCD are at higher risk of developing MCI or even AD (5-7). In comparison, MCI refers to objective cognitive impairment but with general preservation of daily cognitive functioning compared to dementia (8,9), and is regarded as a transitional phase between the cognitive changes associated with aging and early AD (10,11). Thus, it is crucial to find effective biomarkers to identify SCD and MCI, so as to diagnose and intervene in AD at earlier stages (6,12).
Amyloid accumulation in the brain is one of the initially altered biomarkers that may be associated with the occurrence of AD (13-15). However, the abnormality of amyloid level is only weakly associated with the rate of clinical cognitive decline, probably because it plateaus at a very early stage of the disease (16). Alternatively, the loss of synapses has been robustly related to dementia (17). Synaptic dysfunction disrupts brain connectivity, and increasing evidence shows that brain connectivity and networks start changing early during the progression of AD (18-20). Therefore, topological properties of brain networks may be sensitive to incipient brain damage (21).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), due to its intrinsic properties of high image resolution and well depicted tissue contrast, may show promise in identifying imaging markers. Meanwhile, graph theory analysis has been a useful tool to assess brain function with topological measurements. With this method, different modalities of MRI data, including structural MRI, diffusion MRI, and functional MRI (fMRI), have been used to construct brain networks and study altered brain connectivity in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases (22-25). However, relative to structural MRI, diffusion and fMRI usually require longer acquisition time and are thus more challenging due to motion artifacts for patients with neurological and psychiatric diseases. Therefore, high resolution structural MRI has attracted considerable interest for analyzing brain morphological networks in recent years (18,20,26-28). Moreover, an inter-individual level analysis was proposed recently, based on cortical similarities in gray matter morphology within single cases (19,21,29-34). In this method, brain network graphs were constructed with nodes representing cortical regions and edges characterizing connected cortical regions, which share significant statistical similarities. Compared to the often-used volumetric features (9%) in the construction of morphological networks, increased variance in measurements of general cognitive decline can be largely explained by using the topological properties of the morphological network (32%) (29).
Some studies have applied this recently proposed method to study single subject gray matter morphological network alterations in SCD, MCI, or AD (21,29,30,32). For AD patients, the topology randomness of the brain morphological network has a positive correlation with the levels of cognitive impairment (29,30,32). Moreover, at predementia stages, such as SCD or MCI, the alterations of topological properties of the gray matter network can predict faster atrophy in brain regions related to AD progression (35), and identify patients featuring fast clinical progression (21,36). These studies demonstrated a certain potential of topological measures of individual morphological networks over other reported biomarkers in predicting clinical cognitive decline. Based on these promising findings, we assumed that this method may have potential for distinguishing the two preclinical phases of AD in the aspect of gray matter morphological network alterations, by comparing with healthy controls (HCs), and for further predicting the clinical cognitive differences based on the topological property alterations. To the best our knowledge, this concept had not been previously investigated.
Therefore, the aim of this study was first to explore the differences of individual morphological network features among HCs, SCD, and MCI, and second to identify potential imaging biomarkers for early diagnosis and intervention of SCD and MCI.
A total of 78 non-demented patients (SCD =39, MCI =39) were included in this study. Additionally, 26 (13 males and 13 females) HCs matched with both SCD and MCI groups for sex, years of education, hypertension, diabetes, lacunar infraction, and Hachinski Ischemic Scale (HIS), were also recruited. This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and written informed consent was provided by each of the participants.
Patients with MCI all met the following criteria: (I) age between 55 and 85 years; (II) diagnosis of MCI according to the latest standards of the National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer’s Association guidelines (9); (III) the presence of memory complaint for more than 6 months but preserved activities of daily living.
The criteria of SCD were defined as follows: (I) age between 55 and 85 years; (II) the results of neuropsychological examination test were normal, or although there was some cognitive impairment, it did not meet the neuropsychological diagnostic standard of MCI; (III) according to the chief complaint, there was cognitive impairment compared with the healthy state, and there were no related acute events.
The criteria of the HC group were as follows: (I) no chief complaints of cognitive impairment; (II) cognitive test failed to meet the standard of SCD and MCI.
The exclusion criteria were as follows: (I) diagnosis of vascular dementia; (II) the score of the HIS was >4; (III) failure to cooperate with the cognitive function examination; (IV) complication with severe illness such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, liver disease, and mental illness; (V) structural abnormalities such as brain tumor, subdural hematoma, head trauma, or a neurological or psychiatric disorder that could impact cognitive functions; (VI) lack of complete demographic information and poor magnetic resonance (MR) image quality.
Clinical performance evaluation
Each participant was assessed with multiple clinical scales, including the following: (I) general cognitive function assessed by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), which is the most commonly used screening scale for dementia. A higher MMSE score indicates better cognitive function (37); (II) short-term memory assessed by Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (AVLT) (38), using delayed recall and recognition; (III) executive function assessed by the Trail Making Test (TMT) A&B (39); (IV) language function assessed by Animal Verbal Fluency Test (AVFT) (40) and Boston Naming Test (BNT) (41).
MRI data acquisition
All MRI experiments were performed on a 3-T MRI system (Discovery 750 W, GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA) with a 24-channel phased array head coil employed. We acquired 3-dimensional (3D) 1-mm isotropic high-resolution T1-weighted (T1w) brain images using a spoiled gradient echo-based 3D-brain volume imaging (BRAVO) sequence for each case, with the scan parameters shown as follows: repetition time (TR) =8.5 ms, echo time (TE) =3.2 ms, flip angle =12°, matrix size =256×256, field of view (FOV) =256×256 mm2, slice thickness =1 mm, number of slices =188, and bandwidth =31.25 kHz. The scan time was less than 5 minutes.
MRI data analysis
High-resolution T1w structural data were preprocessed with Computational Anatomy Toolbox ( and SPM12 ( in MATLAB (R2021b, MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA). Briefly, individual T1w images were segmented into grey matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid via the standard segmentation model. All automatic segmentation results were first visually confirmed and then spatially normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space, with the classic AAL90 template. Finally, the data were downsampled to 2×2×2 mm3 and spatially smoothed with Gaussian kernel with a full width at half maximum of 6 mm.
In the normalized individual morphological network, nodes were defined as the anatomical regions in the automated anatomical labeling (AAL) atlas, and edges were defined as the interregional similarity measured with the multivariate Euclidean distances (MEDs) approach. The edge of e(X,Y) between each pair of nodes (X,Y) in the morphological network was computed as follows (42):
where X = {x1, …, xn} and Y = {y1, …, yn}, xi, and yi denote imaging intensity of each voxel in region X and Y, respectively. In addition, n1 and n2 are the number of voxels in X and Y. The edge of e(X,Y) influences the morphological feature distribution; when inter-regions have the same morphological feature, e(X,Y) =0. Further, a normalization of min–max between regions of X and Y was performed to minimize possible bias in different regions across different participants. The similarity-based connectivity value was converted with the following equation:
Finally, a 90×90 similarity-based connectivity matrix for each participant was obtained; the value range was circumscribed from 0 to 1, of which 1 represents identical morphological feature distributions between the 2 regions.
Topological properties of the individual morphological network were calculated with the GRETNA software (43). A set of sparsity (S) thresholds (0.10< S <0.40, with a step of 0.01) were applied to the morphological network correlation matrices to ensure their small-worldness. This step transformed the weighted network into binary graphs. By varying the sparsity thresholds from 0.1 to 0.4 with an increment of 0.01, we obtained different morphological network structures and different values of the topological metrics accordingly. To summarize the overall topological features of the morphological networks across different sparsity thresholds, we computed both global and regional network metrics at each sparsity threshold, and then integrated them via the area under the curve (AUC). The AUC of a topological metric was calculated by plotting the values against the corresponding sparsity thresholds and estimated using the trapezoidal rule. This resulted in a single value that reflects the average topological property of the network over a range of sparsity levels.
The global topological measurements were performed in terms of network efficiency and small-world parameters. For network efficiency, the further divided global efficiency (Eg) and local efficiency (Eloc) were assessed; for small-world parameters, the detailed clustering coefficient (Cp), normalized Cp (Gamma), characteristic path length (Lp), normalized Lp (Lambda), and small-world coefficient (Sigma) were determined. Meanwhile, the regional topological metrics, including nodal efficiency (Ne) and degree centrality (DC), were also obtained.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were performed with custom-developed scripts in MATLAB (R2021b, MathWorks, USA).
For demographic and clinical data, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied for testing the group differences in age, education year, HIS, and clinical cognitive scores, and chi-squared test was employed to assess the group differences in sex, hypertension, diabetes, and lacunar infraction among HCs, SCD, and MCI groups.
To test the differences of each integrated network topological features among the 3 groups, analysis of covariate (ANCOVA) was first performed, with age as a covariate, and the post-hoc t-test was further conducted if a group difference was revealed. Moreover, Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate (FDR) correction was used to adjust for multiple comparisons to maintain an FDR <0.05.
Exploratory partial correlation analysis was applied to evaluate the associations of topological features, which exhibited significant differences among the 3 groups, with multiple clinical scales, using age as a covariate. Moreover, for network metrics presenting significant correlations with clinical scales, multiple stepwise regression analyses were subsequently used to further identify the significant topological predictors of cognitive performance, with age as a covariate. A P value <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.
Demographic and clinical characteristics
A total of 24 patients (13 SCD, 11 MCI) were excluded from the study. The final sample consisted of 25 (10 males and 15 females) SCD patients and 29 (13 males and 16 females) MCI patients.
The demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants are listed in Table 1. There was no significant difference in sex, educational years, hypertension, diabetes, lacunar infraction, and HIS among the 3 groups, except for age (P<0.01). Statistically significant differences were observed in clinical cognitive performances among the 3 groups (P<0.01), including MMSE, delayed recall and recognition in Auditory Verbal Learning Test-Huashan version (AVLT-H), TMT A&B, AVFT, and BNT (FDR correction to maintain false positive error rate <0.05).
Table 1
Variables | Group | P value (FDR corrected) | ||
HC (n=26) | SCD (n=25) | MCI (n=29) | ||
Age (years) | 72.53±6.09 | 66.00±7.09 | 70.34±7.79 | <0.01 |
Sex (M/F) | 13/13 | 10/15 | 13/16 | 0.77 |
Education (years) | 13.19±2.51 | 12.36±2.69 | 11.83±2.82 | 0.17 |
Hypertension (Y/N) | 13/13 | 10/15 | 9/20 | 0.58 |
Diabetes (Y/N) | 4/22 | 2/23 | 4/25 | 0.65 |
Lacunar infarction (Y/N) | 0/26 | 0/25 | 0/29 | 1.00 |
HIS | 1.19±0.49 | 1.40±0.76 | 1.34±0.72 | 0.52 |
MMSE | 28.46±1.56† | 27.48±1.56 | 26.72±11.58§ | <0.01 |
TMT-A | 60.73±19.41 | 67.96±17.76‡ | 90.34±28.37§ | <0.01 |
TMT-B | 154.42±49.37 | 153.12±43.46‡ | 228.93±65.04§ | <0.01 |
BNT | 23.88±2.92 | 23.24±3.24‡ | 18.21±4.95§ | <0.01 |
AVFT | 20.58±3.92† | 17.72±3.84 | 15.76±5.77§ | <0.01 |
AVLT-H (delayed recall) | 4.31±1.87 | 4.84±2.37‡ | 1.97±2.24§ | <0.01 |
AVLT-H (recognition) | 21.77±1.75 | 21.24±2.00‡ | 18.31±2.54§ | <0.01 |
Demographic and clinical data are demonstrated as mean ± standard deviation. Statistically significant differences: †, between HC and SCD participants; ‡, between SCD and MCI participants; §, between MCI and HC participants. FDR, false discovery rate; HC, healthy control; SCD, subjective cognitive decline; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; M, male; F, female; Y, yes; N, no; HIS, Hachinski Ischemic Scale; MMSE, Mini-mental State Examination; TMT-A, Trail Making Test part A; TMT-B, Trail Making Test part B; BNT, Boston Naming Test; AVFT, Animal Verbal Fluency Test; AVLT-H, Auditory Verbal Learning Test-Huashan version.
Comparison analysis of global topological features
Investigation of global topological feature variations was conducted via ANCOVA, using age as a covariate. Significant differences were revealed among the 3 groups in the metrics of Eg, Lp, and Lambda (all P<0.01). With further post-hoc t-test, a significant sequential decrease (all P<0.01) was seen in the Eg among the 3 groups. Meanwhile, there was a significant successive increase in the global metrics of Lp (all P<0.01) and Lambda (all P<0.05) among the 3 groups (FDR correction to maintain false positive error rate <0.05; Table 2, Figure 1). However, no statistically significant difference was observed in the global features of Eloc, Cp, Gamma, and Sigma among the 3 groups.
Table 2
Variables | Group | F | P value | ||
HC | SCD | MCI | |||
Eg | 0.117±0.003 | 0.115±0.002 | 0.113±0.003 | F(2,77) =17.95 | <0.01 |
Lp | 0.465±0.011 | 0.474±0.007 | 0.483±0.014 | F(2,77) =17.97 | <0.01 |
Lambda | 0.264±0.005 | 0.268±0.004 | 0.272±0.006 | F(2,77) =13.79 | <0.01 |
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. HC, healthy control; SCD, subjective cognitive decline; MCI, mild cognitive impairment. Eg, global efficiency; Lp, characteristics path length; Lambda, normalized characteristics path length.

Comparison analysis of regional topological features
ANCOVA, with age as a covariate, was used to identify the group variations of regional topological features. Significant differences were shown in DC at the caudate nucleus (all P<0.01), Ne at the caudate nucleus, right insula, lenticular nucleus, and putamen (all P<0.05) among 3 groups. Post-hoc t-tests further revealed that, for the regional metric of DC, there was a significant successive decrease (all P<0.01) at the caudate nucleus and a sequential decrease (all P<0.01) in Ne at the left caudate nucleus. Furthermore, compared with HCs, SCD and MCI patients exhibited a significant decrease (all P<0.05) in Ne at the right insula. Compared with MCI participants, HCs and SCD cases showed a significant increase (all P<0.05) in Ne at regions of the right caudate nucleus, and lenticular nucleus, putamen, respectively (FDR correction to maintain false positive error rate <0.05; Table 3, Figure 2).
Table 3
Variables and brain regions | Group | F | P value | ||
HC | SCD | MCI | |||
DC | |||||
Left caudate nucleus | 4.329±1.808 | 2.673±0.765 | 1.629±0.679 | F(2,77) =35.72 | <0.01 |
Right caudate nucleus | 4.261±2.049 | 3.126±1.380 | 1.615±0.941 | F(2,77) =21.31 | <0.01 |
Ne | |||||
Right insula | 0.097±0.011 | 0.090±0.012 | 0.085±0.013 | F(2,77) =6.64 | 0.04 |
Left caudate nucleus | 0.119±0.017 | 0.103±0.013 | 0.074±0.024 | F(2,77) =40.03 | <0.01 |
Right caudate nucleus | 0.119±0.020 | 0.106±0.018 | 0.070±0.028 | F(2,77) =32.80 | <0.01 |
Left lenticular nucleus, putamen | 0.070±0.028 | 0.059±0.021 | 0.044±0.026 | F(2,77) =7.24 | 0.03 |
Right lenticular nucleus, putamen | 0.073±0.031 | 0.061±0.023 | 0.043±0.026 | F(2,77) =8.68 | 0.01 |
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. HC, healthy control; SCD, subjective cognitive decline; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; DC, degree centrality; Ne, nodal efficiency.

Association analysis of topological disturbances with clinical cognitive scales
The significant partial correlations between network metric alterations and clinical scales, when the age of participants was taken into account as a covariate, are displayed in Table 4. The partial correlation results showed that regional measurements of DC and Ne in caudate nucleus were statistically correlated with all clinical scales.
Table 4
Variables | TMT-B | AVFT | AVFT-H (delayed recall) | |||||
rho | P value | rho | P value | rho | P value | |||
DC71 | −0.39 | <0.01 | 0.31 | <0.01 | 0.32 | <0.01 | ||
DC72 | −0.33 | <0.01 | 0.32 | <0.01 | 0.29 | <0.01 | ||
Ne30 | – | – | 0.28 | 0.013 | – | – | ||
Ne72 | −0.45 | <0.01 | 0.37 | <0.01 | 0.34 | <0.01 | ||
Ne73 | −0.44 | <0.01 | 0.42 | <0.01 | 0.34 | <0.01 | ||
Ne74 | −0.22 | 0.047 | 0.25 | 0.029 | – | – | ||
Eg | – | – | 0.34 | <0.01 | – | – | ||
Lp | −0.39 | <0.01 | 0.31 | <0.01 | – | – | ||
Lambda | 0.38 | <0.01 | −0.29 | <0.01 | – | – |
30, right insula; 71, left caudate nucleus; 72, right caudate nucleus; 73, right insula; 74, right lenticular nucleus, putamen. TMT-B, Trail Making Test part B; AVFT, Animal Verbal Fluency Test; AVLT-H, Auditory Verbal Learning Test-Huashan version; DC, degree centrality; Ne, nodal efficiency; Eg, global efficiency; Lp, characteristics path length; Lambda, normalized characteristics path length.
To further identify the significant topological predictors of cognitive performance, network metrics significantly correlated with clinical scales, including global and regional topology measurements, were subsequently used for multiple stepwise regression analysis. The stepwise regression model (Table 5) indicated that regional measurements of DC and Ne at caudate nucleus could statistically predict the cognition performance of HCs, SCD, and MCI patients (all P<0.05). However, no global topological metrics could significantly predict the cognitive performances.
Table 5
Clinical performance and topological metric | Beta | P value | Adjusted R2 |
TMT-B | <0.01 | 0.14 | |
Ne71 | −934.40 | <0.01 | |
AVFT | <0.01 | 0.19 | |
Ne30 | 81.50 | 0.049 | |
Ne72 | 61.11 | <0.01 | |
AVLT-H (delayed recall) | <0.01 | 0.09 | |
DC71 | 0.48 | <0.01 |
30, right insula; 71, left caudate nucleus; 72, right caudate nucleus. TMT-B, Trail Making Test part B; Ne, nodal efficiency; AVFT, Animal Verbal Fluency Test; AVLT-H, Auditory Verbal Learning Test-Huashan version; DC, degree centrality.
In the present study, the topological differences of normalized individual brain morphological networks, extracted in gray matter, were investigated among HCs and patients with SCD and MCI. Compared to HCs, both SCD and MCI patients had altered network topology, which was characterized by significantly decreased Eg and longer Lp at the global level, and decreased DC and Ne at the regional level. The regional alterations were identified at caudate nucleus for DC, and at stratums and right insula for Ne. All these topological alterations were significantly associated with clinical cognitive scales, indicating that gray matter morphological networks could help to discriminate SCD and MCI patients from HCs. Overall, the individual morphological network abnormalities identified in this study highlighted clinically relevant alterations in the brain network topology for SCD and MCI patients. This may further provide evidence for the hypothesis that disruptions in brain connectivity result from synaptic dysfunction underlie cognitive decline.
Our findings of sequentially decreased Eg and increased Lp among the 3 groups of HC, SCD, and MCI indicated a successively decreased information integration in the brain morphological networks. The integration in network qualifies the ability to rapidly integrate specialized information from distributed brain regions (44), and the findings provide further evidence of the underlying mechanisms of disconnection in the AD spectrum. This damage of network topology was in line with the severity of cognitive impairment, illustrating that the Eg and Lp might serve as sensitive biomarkers in diagnosis of preclinical stages of AD. Our findings of abnormal global topology of the gray matter network in SCD and MCI were partly consistent with previous studies. Xue et al. [2020] found a significant reduction in the amnestic MCI (aMCI) group on small-worldness and Eg based on the resting state fMRI (45), and Berlot et al. [2016] also showed that Eg and the mean Cp of networks were reduced in MCI by means of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (46). However, they found no significant difference in network topological properties between SCD patients and HCs. In our study, we revealed the damage of network topology in the SCD group, suggesting an earlier detection of disruption in preclinical stages of AD. With this finding, we may add new value to the previous understandings of a reduction in Eg of network structure in AD and MCI (47,48).
On the regional level, compared with HCs, decreased DC was identified at the caudate nucleus, and lower Ne was distributed at the caudate nucleus, right insula, and lenticular nucleus, putamen for SCD and MCI patients, respectively. This demonstrated a decreased regional centrality at these brain regions at preclinical stages of AD. The regional centrality metrics measure the importance of brain regions in interacting with other regions, facilitating information integration, and network resilience to insult (44,49). Yan et al. [2018] (50) found extensive disrupted rich club organization in MCI and AD patients based on DTI analysis. However, in SCD, aberrant connections were only found at the left caudate nucleus, middle frontal gyrus, orbital part, and the right caudate nucleus compared to HCs (50). The present study also found significantly different regional topological features at caudate nucleus, which was highly correlated with cognitive domains including executive, language, and memory in all participants. This finding aligned with those of previous studies that had shown that the caudate nucleus plays an important role in learning and working memory due to its heavy connection to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (51,52). It is also involved both in the integration of many sources of information along with instructions, and in the coordination of the transmission of information among cortical regions when no established pathways exist (53).
Previous studies have reported the right insula as a rich club which is the absolute network center, responsible for information exchange and integration (50). Our study also found the disturbance of right insula in SCD and MCI compared to HCs, indicating that the decreased Ne might reveal the pathology of the early AD spectrum.
The lenticular nucleus and putamen comprise the remaining parts of the striatum beside the caudate nucleus. The putamen has been found to be highly correlated with motor control (54). We found a weak correlation of the reginal topological parameters of the lenticular nucleus and putamen with executive and language domains. However, with age as a covariant, the correlation not significant according to multiple stepwise regression. This may be because the putamen does not dominate the executive and language function but may assist in trial marking or language production during motor control of vocal organs.
Interestingly, the regional topological properties of DC and Ne outperformed the global topological metrics in predicting the cognition levels for HCs, SCD, and MCI. An explanation for this result might be that at the predementia stages of SCD and MCI, the morphological network alterations at specific brain regions are more significant compared with global topology alterations. With the clinical progression, the disturbance of global topological measurements may become more significant and severe.
In the present study, we applied a methodology recently proposed by Yu et al. [2018] (42) which normalizes the individual large-scale networks to a common framework, so that each individual network has the same network size. It has been confirmed that the size of network may have an effect on other network topological properties, and therefore, the normalization of individual networks may offer distinct advantages for comparative analyses (55). However, Tijms et al. [2014] (1) argued that the enforcement of identical network degree and size might introduce bias. Therefore, at this point, the question of how to fairly compare individual graphs with different size may remain open. The robustness of the 2 methods might be tested by further investigation using sophisticated machine learning classification algorithms on a large clinical cohort.
This study had some limitations. First, the sample size in our study was modest, and further verification of our findings should be conducted via a large clinical cohort. Second, the research was based on cross-sectional MRI data. A corresponding longitudinal study will be implemented to further monitor the alterations of individual morphological networks during the clinical progression. Third, although the construction of normalized individual morphological networks was based on the similarity of gray matter, the underlying physiological correlations of these structural network alterations remain unknown and need to be investigated in the future.
With the graphical analysis, this study demonstrated an altered topology in the normalized individual brain morphological network of SCD and MCI patients, compared with HCs. Their cognitive dysfunction was significantly related with the altered topological properties. Particularly, the regional centrality measurements of DC and Ne outperformed the global topological metrics in predicting clinical cognitive performances for all participants. Therefore, these regional topological metrics might serve as biomarkers, to assist in identifying incipient brain damage at preclinical stages, namely, SCD and MCI, of AD.
Funding: This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Nos. 2018YFC2001600 and 2018YFC2001603), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (No. 81971237).
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at WD and LQ are employees of GE Healthcare. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (as revised in 2013). The study was approved by Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and written informed consent was provided by each of the participants.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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