Top 15 musculoskeletal lesions in the aging recreational sporter: a pictorial review
Today, sports activities are no longer the privilege of competitive and professional athletes. The democratization process made many sports disciplines, such as tennis, skiing, and golf amongst others accessible to a large population particularly in high income countries. This may lead to an increased participation of the aging population in sports activities (1). However, there is little evidence for a global change in sports participation among adults (2). To our knowledge, there are no precise datasets on participation in sports in aging adults. With the ongoing increase in life expectancy—except for a decline in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic (3) and the fact that cohort studies and randomized trials suggest that regular physical activity confers substantial health benefits (2,4), a large percentage of the aging population may get involved in recreational sports activities. In our radiological practice, in which approximately 35% of referrals for imaging concern musculoskeletal (MSK) studies, we have seen a trend for an increase in sport-related injury referrals particularly in a population aged 40 and over. Currently 10% of referrals for imaging studies for sports injuries are in patients older than 40-year-old.
It may be hypothesized that due to age-related degeneration of tendons (5), muscles (6), and joints (7) as well as loss of bone strength resulting from osteoporosis (4,8), the MSK system in the aging population is more vulnerable to acute and/or repetitive trauma than in the young and well-trained sporting athletic population. This underscores the impact of sports medicine in our daily practice even in the general and aging population. Imaging plays an important role in the diagnosis and monitoring of sport-related injuries (9).
The aim of this article is to present a pictorial review of the imaging appearance of the most encountered MSK lesions in aging recreational sporters in our general radiological practice according to their anatomical location. Although the choice of the reported lesions may seem to be a bit arbitrary, it reflects the occurrence of the most common sports related injuries in our radiological practice.
Conventional radiography was performed on the Luminos dRF MAX (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). US images using EPIQ5G (Philips Health Systems, Bothell, WA 98021, USA) or RS85 Prestige (Samsung Healthcare, Seoul, South Korea), magnetic resonance (MR) examinations were performed on a 1.5T system (Siemens, Magnetom Aera or Magnetom SolaFit, Erlangen, Germany). MR protocols for MSK imaging are provided as Tables S1-S7.
Lower extremity
Hamstrings rupture
The hamstrings consist of 3 muscles including the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus, crossing the hip and knee (10). These muscles coordinate hip extension with a flexed knee. The biceps femoris and semitendinosus have a common tendinous insertion at the posteriorly located transverse facet of the ischial tuberosity, whereas the semimembranosus tendon inserts more anteriorly at the oblique facet of the ischial tuberosity (10,11).
The spectrum of proximal hamstring tendon injuries ranges from proximal tendinopathy to partial tears to complete avulsions (12). An avulsion injury occurs when the bone tears completely away from the ischial tuberosity. Avulsions may occur due to a sudden eccentric muscle contraction with an extended knee and a flexed hip, often in a weakened tendon due to preexisting hamstrings tendinopathy. Hamstrings tears can occur in a variety of sports most commonly water skiing in younger patients, and tennis, badminton, volleyball, soccer, and golf in older recreational sporters (13).
Patients may present with sudden pain, focal swelling due to retraction or even neuropathic pain due to swelling and edema of the adjacent sciatic nerve. Ultrasound (US) may be difficult because of the relative deep location of the hamstrings tendons especially in obese patients. Therefore, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging modality of choice compared to US to assess whether the lesion is partial or complete and to assess the degree of tendon retraction and residual tendon quality (Figure 1) (13).

Meniscus tear
The knee is probably the most frequently involved joint in the aging sporter, with injuries of the meniscus being the predominant lesion often in conjunction with cartilage and ligamentous damage. Meniscus tears are most frequently seen in recreational soccer players and skiers. The type of meniscal tear can range from longitudinally oriented (either vertical or horizontal), to radial or root tears. A complex tear consists of a combination of these basic types (Figure 2) (14). Radial and root tears may cause meniscus extrusion. A displaced tear may cause joint locking. Surgical treatment of meniscal tears can be broadly divided into those in which partial meniscectomy or meniscal repair are performed. Meniscal repair is performed exclusively on younger populations, while older populations are subject to partial meniscectomy procedures because the meniscus is less amenable to repair in older patients (15). Not all meniscal tears need arthroscopic treatment, particularly in the aging patient. Indeed, atraumatic meniscal tears are frequently encountered on MRI in the older population with coexisting cartilage loss. In this scenario, there is lack of supporting evidence that arthroscopic treatment is superior to conservative treatment consisting of weight loss and exercise therapy (15-18). The exception to this rule may be when mechanical symptoms, such as knee locking occur (15).

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) lesion
Lesions of the ACLs are also very commonly seen in the aging sporters such as skiers and soccer players, often in association with meniscal and other ligamentous lesions, depending on the mechanism of trauma (19). The imaging semiology on MRI is not different from ACL lesions in the young competitive athlete and consists of direct signs of tear (ligamentous discontinuity) and indirect signs (bone marrow edema at the posterolateral tibia and the middle portion of the lateral femur condyle) (Figure 3).

Subchondral insufficiency fracture (SIF)
SIF occurs as a consequence of mechanical failure of the subchondral cancellous bone (20). SIF may be seen in aging reactional sporter due to overuse with abnormal transarticular load distribution e.g., occurring after partial meniscectomy and radial or root tears of the meniscus (21). Particularly in females, there may be preexisting osteoporosis (22), although this has been questioned (23). Overweight is another risk factor (20).
The lesion is typically seen at the joint of the lower extremity including the hip, knee and ankle. Plain radiographs are usually unremarkable. On MRI, the fracture line is hypointense on both pulse sequences and typically parallels the subchondral bone plate without disrupting it. The fracture line is difficult to distinguish between the two layers of the subchondral plate on fluid-sensitive sequences, and a single linear low-signal band is better recognized on T2-weighted image (T2-WI) or proton density-weighted image (PD-WI) (22,24). The overlying cartilage is intact. The fracture is surrounded by extensive bone marrow edema (25) (Figure 4).

If nontreated appropriately by restriction of weight-bearing, SIF may lead to subchondral collapse, secondary osteonecrosis and destructive arthropathy (20).
Stress fracture
Stress fracture consists of failure of bone due to repetitive microtrauma, often seen in aging sporters with insufficient training (20). There are 2 subtypes of stress fractures, i.e., fatigue fractures due to overuse in a normal bone and insufficiency fracture occurring in weakened bone. Plain radiographs are often negative in the first weeks after the onset of pain.
On MRI, cortical stress fracture is associated with adjacent periosteal and endosteal edema. Trabecular stress fracture are oriented perpendicular to compressive trabeculae and surrounded by bone marrow edema (Figure 5A-5C) (20).

Bone scintigraphy shows a focal area of increased tracer uptake (Figure 5D). Bone scintigraphy typically uses intravenous injection of 99m-labelled phosphates or diphosphonates. These agents bind to hydroxyapatite crystals in bone, in proportion to osteoblastic activity and blood flow (8).
Tennis leg
Tennis leg refers to a tear of the myotendinous junction of the medial head of the gastrocnemius, which is typically seen in middle-aged tennis players but may be seen in other sports causing sudden forced dorsiflexion of the ankle while the knee being in extension such as badminton, squash, padel, skiing, running, athletics, hurdling, jumping (26,27).
Patients presents with sudden snapping and sharp pain within the posterior calf, with focal tenderness and swelling or palpable focal gap at the site of the tear (27).
US shows fluid deep to the myotendinous junction of the medial gastrocnemius and superficial to the soleus muscle with disruption in contour and echogenicity of muscle fibers of the distal medial gastrocnemius (Figure 6) (27). Involvement of the plantaris tendon is uncommon (27,28).

MRI demonstrates a focal area of disruption of muscle continuity along the deep aspect of the medial head of the gastrocnemius, with associated muscle edema and fluid deep to medial gastrocnemius and superficial to the soleus (Figure 7) (28).

Achilles tendon tear
Tears almost always occur in an already diseased tendon. Achilles tendon tears results from a sudden contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Achilles tendon tears are often seen in middle-aged patients with pre-existing Achilles tendinopathy particularly in sports as tennis, badminton, padel, football or basketball (26). Corticosteroid injection is another cause of Achilles tendon tear. Corticosteroids inhibit production of extracellular matrix collagen, which may result in a degenerative process reducing the strength and elasticity of the tendon. Together with the poor local vascularization of the distal Achilles tendon, this may cause partial rupture and subsequent complete rupture of the tendon (29).
Symptoms include acute pain and swelling and the inability to walk. Tears are either partial or complete and localised at the hypovascular midportion of the tendon, about 6cm proximal to the insertion, or at the myotendinous junction. Plantar flexion of the foot may be preserved when the plantaris tendon is still intact (30,31).
US is the preferred imaging modality to confirm the clinical diagnosis of a complete tear (32). The size of the anechoic tendon gap increases with the foot in dorsiflexion (Figure 8). Herniation of the adjacent fat pad can also be present. Torn ends of the tendon on each side of the gap are best demonstrated on longitudinal panoramic views (Figure 8). A focal hypoechoic area with loss of fibrillation parallel to the tendon fibres is seen in a partial tear.

MRI is helpful especially in cases where US is equivocal. Complete tears are identified by discontinuity of the tendon with a fluid-fluid gap interposed between the torn ends. MRI is also useful to demonstrate secondary muscle atrophy and fatty infiltration in the calf muscles after Achilles tendon repair (33). A partial tear on MRI demonstrates a heterogeneous increased signal on fluid-sensitive images and partial disruption of the tendon fibres (30,31,34,35).
Snowboard fracture of the ankle
Although ligamentous ankle sprain is one of the most common MSK traumatic lesions, this is not specifically seen in the sporting population and therefore detailed discussion is omitted in this article.
A snowboard fracture is a more specific sport-related fracture of the lateral process of the ankle due to dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle, which typically occurs in snowboarding but may be seen in other winter sports (36). Clinically, there is soft tissue swelling distal to the lateral malleolus and it may mimic lateral ankle sprain.
The fracture is often missed on conventional radiographs due to superimposition of adjacent bony structures (37). Therefore, CT and/or MRI (Figure 9) are the preferred imaging tools for detection and evaluation of the extent and degree of displacement of fracture fragments (38).

Morel-Lavallée lesion (MLL)
MLL consists of a serosanguineous collection separating the skin and subcutaneous fat from the underlying fascia. MLL results from a degloving injury causing sudden shearing forces occurring tangential to the fascial planes, causing the more mobile dermis and subcutaneous fat to abruptly move relative to the firmer underlying fascia. The lesion has a predilection for certain locations such as the greater trochanter/hip followed by the thigh and the pelvis and knee. The lesion may—however—be seen anywhere in the body.
MLL is typically seen after a fall with a motorbike, but may be seen in recreational cyclists, particularly those using an e-bike, causing a higher velocity trauma. Patients present with pain and swelling in the affected area and physical examination reveals a soft fluctuant mass with contour deformity.
US typically shows a fusiform or oval anechoic or hypo-echoic lesion. It is compressible with the US transducer. Intralesional fat globules may be seen as small hyperechoic foci. Some lesions may contain internal septations or a fluid-fluid level (Figure 10).

MRI may be used for a global overview of the lesion’s extent, particularly in large lesions. The signal of the lesion may vary along with the intralesional blood degradation products. In most scenario’s, the signal is hypointense or slightly hyperintense on T1-WI and hyperintense on T2-WI. Intralesional fluid-fluid levels, septations or fat globules may be present (39) (Figure 11).

Morton’s fibroma
Morton’s fibroma consists of a perineural thickening surrounding the digital nerve of the foot typically occurring at the third web space and more rarely at the second web space, usually in response to irritation, trauma, or excessive pressure. Although Morton’s fibroma is often designated as an interdigital neuroma, this is a misnomer as the lesion does not represent a true neuroma but a pseudotumoral reactive fibrous lesion around the interdigital nerve (40).
Morton’s fibroma is much more common in women than men and typically affects middle-aged patients and is often seen in recreational walkers and runners. Patients present with burning or sharp pain in the ball of the foot irradiating to the toes sometimes with associated numbness in the toes. Some patients feel that they walk on a marble.
At physical examination, the Mulder sign may be seen consisting of a painful click which can be reproduced by squeezing the two metatarsal heads together with one hand, while concomitantly putting pressure on the interdigital space with the other hand.
US shows a well-defined and non compressible hypoechoic lesion in the intermetatarsal space proximal to the metatarsal head (41). The Mulder sign may be elicited with the US transducer as well (42). To perform Mulder’s test during sonography, the patient should lie prone with the feet resting on the examining table. The examiner’s nonimaging hand firmly grasps the foot at the level of metatarsal heads. The transducer is positioned in a coronal plane to the plantar aspect of the intermetatarsal region to localize the Morton’s fibroma between the metatarsal heads. By squeezing the metatarsals together while relieving pressure on the transducer, the Morton’s fibroma—if present—may displace toward the plantar surface, and a painful click may be felt (42).
The presence of continuity with the plantar digital nerve can improve diagnostic confidence (40). On MRI, the lesion is most often isointense to muscle on T1-WI and hypointense to mixed on T2-WI. The enhancement is variable (43). There may be associated fluid in the intermetatarsal bursa (Figure 12).

Upper extremity
Rotator cuff tear
Rotator cuff tear is a very common source of shoulder pain and disability in daily practice. Typically, rotator cuff tears occur more frequently in elderly than in younger patients, following a chronic or acute-on-chronic course with preexisting tendon degeneration (44). US is a well-established and cost effective technique for evaluation of rotator cuff tendinopathy, subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis and rotator cuff tear (Figure 13) (45).

MRI can more accurately evaluate the size and shape of tendon tears, degree of tendon tear retraction, and tendon and muscle quality (45). MR arthrography is more sensitive than plain MRI for the diagnosis of articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (Figure 13) (46).
Distal clavicular osteolysis
Distal clavicular osteolysis consists of an isolated osteolysis of the acromial end of the clavicle due to either chronic repetitive stress or less commonly a single acromioclavicular trauma. It is not clear why the changes predominate in the clavicle with relative sparing of the acromion (47).
Weightlifters, bodybuilders and other overhead sporters are at risk (48,49). Clinical findings are often nonspecific. There is focal tenderness over the acromioclavicular joint (AC-joint) and painful cross-body adduction (49). Radiographic changes include cortical thinning, irregularity, microcysts in distal clavicle and mild AC–joint widening (47). Tapering may seen in advanced stages (49) (Figure 14). US shows irregular delineation of the lateral clavicle and joint effusion (Figure 15).

MRI is more sensitive than radiography for early detection. MRI shows typically bone marrow edema in the distal clavicle, sometimes also to a minor degree in the articular part of the acromion (47). Other findings include subchondral fracture of the clavicle, widening of the acromioclavicular with joint effusion, intra-articular bone fragments and capsule hypertrophy (Figure 16) (47).

Biceps brachii tendon rupture
Rupture of the distal brachii occur in middle-aged male with a peak at around 50 years of age (50). Bodybuilders particularly those using anabolic steroids are at risk (50).
Patients typically present with a history of marked pain on eccentric loading accompanied by a popping sound. Subsequent symptoms are pain, bruising at the antecubital fossa and weakness in elbow flexion and/or forearm supination (50). Clinical examination may reveal an abnormal contour of the distal biceps (50). Tears may be either partial or complete. US may demonstrate partial (Figure 17) or complete tendon discontinuity (Figure 18) with peritendinous effusion, with or without tendon retraction depending on whether the lacertus fibrosus is intact or discontinuous. As the biceps brachii changes direction distally, US is often hampered by anisotropy artefact. Moreover, it is difficult to assess intactness of the lacertus fibrosus which is a thin structure.

Various approaches for optimal sonographic assessment of the distal biceps tendon have been suggested in the literature: the anterior, lateral, medial and posterior approach (51).
The anterior approach with longitudinal orientation of the US transducer can be challenging because the steep oblique course and 90° of rotation of the tendon may result in anisotropy mimicking tendinosis or tear (52,53).
To avoid anisotropy, the US transducer can be positioned slightly inferolaterally in order to maintain the transducer parallel to the tendon as it courses obliquely away from the probe to its insertion (53). Other tricks that may help to avoid misinterpretation of anisotropy as tendinosis or a tear are application of more pressure on the distal half of the transducer (“heel-toe maneuver”) and the use of various degrees of elbow flexion and extension (53).
The lateral approach uses the supinator and brachioradialis muscle as window with the elbow flexed and the forearm in maximal pronation and the wrist flexed. The medial approach uses the pronator muscle as window with the elbow flexed in 20° to 30° and the forearm in supination. Finally, the posterior approach uses the anconeus as window (51).
On MRI (Figure 17B,17C, Figure 18B-18D), it is pivotal to cover the whole distal biceps tendon from the musculotendinous junction to its distal insertion at the radial tuberosity. In addition to axial and sagittal images, it is recommended to use coronal images with elbow Flexed, shoulder ABducted and forearm Supinated (FABS) position to improve visualization of the distal biceps brachii insertion (54).
MRI aims to evaluate whether the tear is partial or complete, involves the long and/or short head of the biceps and the integrity of the lacertus fibrosus and the degree of tendon retraction. Tears are often associated with fluid around the distal biceps tendon or bicipitoradial bursitis (55).
Tennis/golfers elbow
Lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow, is an overuse syndrome of the common extensor tendon. The extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon is most affected. Patients present with lateral elbow pain, tenderness and swelling. Radiographs may normal but may show calcifications adjacent to the lateral epicondyle and irregular delineation of the lateral epicondyle.
US may confirm calcifications and irregularity of the lateral epicondyle. In case of tendinopathy, the extensor tendon is usually thickened, hypoechogenic and may show hyperemia on color Doppler (Figure 19) (56). MRI shows thickening and increased signal intensity on FS T2-WI within the common extensor origin sometimes with associated peritendinous and bone marrow edema (57).

Partial or more rarely complete tear are seen as fluid-filled gaps in the extensor tendons on US or MRI (Figure 20). The radial collateral ligament may be ruptured as well (57). Medial epicondylitis, also known as golfers’ elbow, is less frequent and the medial counterpart of tennis elbow involving the flexor tendons. The imaging semiology is similar to lateral epicondylitis (57).

Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) lesions of the thumb and stener lesion
Avulsion or rupture of the UCL of the first metacarpophalangeal joint is also known as Gamekeeper’s thumb or skier’s thumb. Gamekeeper’s thumb refers to a chronic overuse of the UCL ultimately leading to tearing, whereas skier’s thumb represents an acute injury of the UCL due to sudden forceful thumb abduction when the thumb is caught in the strap of the ski pole during skiing (20). The lesion is commonly encountered in recreational middle-aged skiers.
UCL lesion is usually located at the distal insertion at the proximal phalanx of the thumb and may include either partial, complete or avulsion fracture. A Stener lesion consists of proximal retraction of the ruptured UCL with interposition of the adductor pollicis aponeurosis preventing healing (58).
Radiographs may detect avulsion fracture at the ulnar base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. Stress radiographs may be useful for evaluation of metacarpophalangeal instability.
US and MRI are used to evaluate whether the tear is partial or complete, to assess the degree of retraction and whether a Stener lesion is present (58). MRI may show bone marrow edema at the site of avulsion at the proximal phalanx. In case of a Stener lesion, the proximal retracted interposed UCL will be seen as a yoyo on a string (Figure 21). Furthermore, US has the advantage to enable assessment of joint instability. The adductor aponeurosis will not slide freely over the UCL on passive thumb interphalangeal joint flexion if a Stener lesion is present (20).

The most important role for imaging is to document Stener lesion, joint instability, and displaced avulsion fractures, which are indications for surgical stabilization (59).
In our radiological practice, there is a steady increase of referrals for sports injuries in middle- aged and older patients. This may be due to several factors such as increased life expectancy and the fact that activity is promoted as having a positive effect on mental and physical well-being. Table 1 summarizes the most common lesions and their key imaging characteristics, that may serve as a quick guideline for radiologists and referring physicians.
Table 1
Lesion | Trauma mechanism | Preferred technique | Main imaging signs |
Hamstrings rupture | Eccentric muscle contraction with flexed hip and extended knee | MRI > US | High T2 signal, discontinuity, retraction |
Meniscal tear | Knee twisting (predominantly while the foot is planted on the ground) | MRI | Increased T2 signal communicating with free edge on 2 slices |
Abnormal shape and displacement of the meniscus | |||
ACL lesion | Sudden pivoting maneuver | MRI | High T2 signal, discontinuity |
Secondary sign of BME lateral condyle and posterolateral tibia | |||
Subchondral insufficiency fracture | Overload | MRI | Subchondral hypointense fracture line with surrounding BME |
Stress fracture | Overload | MRI | Fracture line, BME, soft tissue edema |
Tennis leg | Hyperextension of the knee with flexion of the foot | US | Partial or complete discontinuity of the distal myotendinous junction of the MG |
Fluid deep to the MG and superficial to soleus muscle | |||
Achilles tendon pla, tear | Sudden contraction of gastrocnemius and soleus muscles | US (MRI for staging/preop cartography) | High T2 signal, discontinuity, retraction |
Morton’s fibroma | Entrapment of common digital plantar nerves | US/MRI | Mass between metatarsal heads, sonographic Mulder sign |
Snowboard fracture ankle | Dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle | CT/MRI | Fracture at the lateral process of the talus |
Morel-Lavalléé lesion | Shearing injury | US (MRI for extensive lesions) | Serosanguineous collection between subcutaneous fat and underlying fascia, intralesional fat globules |
Rotator cuff tear | Acute (fall) trauma often with pre-existing tendon degeneration | US as initial examination. MR arthrography for size, extent, muscle status | Partial or full-thickness tendon defect. Atrophy and fatty infiltration of muscles in advanced cases |
Distal clavicular osteolysis | Repetitive overhead microtrauma | MRI > CR > US | Irregular delineation of the articular side of the clavicle, widening AC joint, BME |
Biceps brachii tendon rupture | Eccentric loading | US (MRI for staging/preop cartography) | High T2 signal, discontinuity, retraction |
Tennis/golfers elbow | Valgus/varus overuse | US (MRI) | Tendinosis: thickening, hypoechogenicity, increased power doppler signal, Intermediate high T2-signal |
Tear: partial or full-thickness tendon defect, high T2 signal | |||
Ulnar collateral ligament thumb | Thumb abduction | US (MRI) | Discontinuity, retraction (look for Stener lesion!) |
MSK, musculoskeletal; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; US, ultrasound; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; BME, Boen Marrow Edema; MG, medial gastrocnemius; CR, conventional radiography; AC, acromioclavicular.
It is important to realize that a sport-related lesion in the elderly often occurs on a terrain on pre-existing tendinosis. Furthermore, because of the high prevalence of MSK lesions in older asymptomatic patients, imaging findings must be carefully correlated with the clinical presentation. The management of sports injuries in the elderly is often more conservative than in younger sporters. We acknowledge that the referral pattern of sport-related lesions in the aging population may differ from center to center related to local circumstances such as availability of imaging facilities, differences in referral guidelines for imaging in different countries and different economic conditions in high-income countries versus low-income countries.
The author thanks Dr. Gunther De Praeter for his assistance in imaging reporting.
Funding: None.
Provenance and Peer Review: With the arrangement by the Guest Editor and the editorial office, this article has been reviewed by external peers.
Conflicts of Interest: The author has completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at The special issue “Imaging of Aging and Age-Related Disorders” was commissioned by the editorial office without any funding or sponsorship. The author has no other conflicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The author is accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-commercial replication and distribution of the article with the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the original work is properly cited (including links to both the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license). See:
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