Zhonghua Sun, PhD, MB, FSCCT

Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences, School of Molecular and Life Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Prof Zhonghua Sun is a Professor and Head of Discipline of Medical Radiation Sciences at Curtin University, Australia. He gained his M.B and PhD degrees in clinical medicine and medical imaging, respectively, from Harbin Medical University in China and University of Ulster in UK. He worked as a radiologist in the department of radiology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital for 9 years prior to taking up one-year medical fellowship during 1998-1999 in Japan. He is also the research group leader of Medical Radiation Sciences at Curtin University. 

Prof Sun’s research interests include diagnostic imaging, 3D medical image visualization and processing (in particular cardiovascular CT data), haemodynamic analysis of cardiovascular disease and 3D printing in cardiovascular disease, and 3D printing in medicine. He has published 3 books, 13 book chapters, and over 240 refereed journal papers in medical/medical imaging journals. He is a Fellow of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. He serves as an associate editor/academic editor for 6 journals and editorial board member for more than 30 international imaging/medical journals.