%0 Journal Article %T Improving the understanding and performance of clinical MRI using tissue property filters and the central contrast theorem, MASDIR pulse sequences and synergistic contrast MRI %A Ma, Ya-Jun %A Moazamian, Dina %A Cornfeld, Daniel M. %A Condron, Paul %A Holdsworth, Samantha J. %A Bydder, Mark %A Du, Jiang %A Bydder, Graeme M. %J Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery %D 2022 %B 2022 %9 %! Improving the understanding and performance of clinical MRI using tissue property filters and the central contrast theorem, MASDIR pulse sequences and synergistic contrast MRI %K %X %U https://qims.amegroups.org/article/view/97948 %V 12 %N 9 %P 4658-4690 %@ 2223-4306