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Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of diffuse liver disease: a multiparametric predictive modelling algorithm can aid categorization of liver parenchyma

	author = {Ricardo Donners and Carmen Zaugg and Julian E. Gehweiler and Tuyana Boldanova and Markus H. Heim and Luigi M. Terracciano and Daniel T. Boll},
	title = {Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of diffuse liver disease: a multiparametric predictive modelling algorithm can aid categorization of liver parenchyma},
	journal = {Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery},
	volume = {12},
	number = {2},
	year = {2021},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {},
	issn = {2223-4306},	url = {}