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Application of modified reverse panoramic radiograph on lambdoid suture for age estimation

	author = {Sunira Chandra and Shweta Dwivedy and Kunal Sah and Shruti Sinha},
	title = {Application of modified reverse panoramic radiograph on lambdoid suture for age estimation},
	journal = {Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery},
	volume = {5},
	number = {4},
	year = {2015},
	keywords = {},
	abstract = {Background: Cranial suture closure has long been recognized as a character of human development related to aging. For this reason, it has been utilized for various forensic and archaeological studies to determine the age of an unidentified/or skeletonized individuals. Various cadaveric studies have established the role of lambdoid suture in age estimation, but not routinely practiced. 
Objective: To establish if any correlation exists between individual’s age and lambdoid sutures closure status (ectocranially) in mortals through modified reverse panoramic radiograph (RPRg). 
Methods: Total number of 85 subjects, 25 years and beyond were included in the study, and divided into four groups with an age interval of 10 years. Assessment of lambdoid suture closure was done according to Frederic Rating Scale on modified RPRg. Data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using Spearman’s correlation test. 
Results: A significant difference was observed between the age group and suture closure. Correlation coefficient of 0.570 was obtained, and was interpreted as a good correlation between the age and suture closure status with a P value of },
	issn = {2223-4306},	url = {}